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Lhasa Creates a Cultural Trend

By Li Yi (Malaysia)

Lhasa is a sacred city for Tibetans. The city, created by pilgrims, first grew as a center of religious activities. Today, it is more than a sacred city for Tibetan pilgrims. It magnetizes the cultured people from all over the country.

The trend started in the early 1980s. For a moment, cultured people poured into Tibet and the sacred city. The remote place inspired their passion and enthusiasm. These cultured people included authors, poets, scholars, scientists, painters, photographers, musicians, and film and TV makers. Most of the zealots were photographers and painters. They came not to pay homage to Buddha, or to seek an afterlife, but their sentiment resembled that of Tibetan pious pilgrims. They wanted to learn and interpret and even decipher the sacred city. They desired to be harmoniously woven into the local aura. Their creations were fraught with marvel and admiration against a grand and sometimes solemn background. Riding on the trend were some authors and artists. For example, photographer Lu Linglong, painter Chen Danqing, composer He Xuntian, author Zhaxi Dawa are representatives of the famed. Zhaxi Dawa is Tibetan, but the others are from the outside. Some profiteers took advantage of Tibet and tried to commercialize the humanistic concerns and spiritual pursuit. Some critics point out that this kind of art distorted Tibet. Twenty years have passed and the craze has waned, but Lhasa remains a hot subject for many cultured people.

For a while, magic realism fascinated China’s literary circle so much that some best writers vied to appear avant-garde. The best of the avant-garde writers, however, is arguably Zhaxi Dawa. Magic realism calls for, among other things, a magic geographic location, a complex and eventful history, a profound religious sentiment, and rich myths. Zhaxi Dawa seems to have these factors all in Tibet. His writings commingle the real and the unreal, and touch life, death and religion. His books probe into Tibetans destiny, the region’s cultural psychology and history.

Zhaxi Dawa is not an unknown name among Chinese writers. His representative work, Tibet, a Soul Tied on a Leather Rope, won the national best short story award for 1985-1996. His short stories were translated into many languages and published in France, Japan, and Taiwan.

One afternoon I met Zhaxi Dawa. Over a jasmine tea, he smiled and said in a low voice that he hadn written a story for a long time. I was stunned. He continued to say that it was not the time for stories. I remained silent. Probably he was trying to seek a breakthrough. One can forever use magic realism to describe Tibet, even though the ancient region has abundant mystical charms and tales. There must be something beyond formats. Looking into one’s heart and soul is more important.

Through Zhaxi Dawa, I met a girl from Xiamen of southern China’s coastal Fujian Province. Zhaxi Dawa said that she came to seek inspirations for a novel she wanted to write and she had been in Lhasa for three years without thinking of leaving. She majored in agriculture in an American university. After graduation, she came to Tibet. Tibet has something to make people infatuated with it. Her stay in Lhasa is a kind of pilgrimage.

In following days I met more cultured pilgrims from outside Tibet. One was an artist from Beijing. Another was a photographer who had ridden a bicycle all the way from Kunming to Lhasa. The journey took him more than a month. I could not figure out what some other cultured pilgrims did back home. But they were all artists. Some had taken roots in the city. Some went home, but came back again to Lhasa. The artist from Beijing was one of them. He said that for the last ten years he had been journeying back and forth on the road to Tibet. He had seen lakes and mountains in Tibet. He had followed Tibetan pilgrims step by step to Lhasa.

With a long beard and long hair reaching the shoulders, the artist looked like a Tibetan pilgrim. In our conversation, he talked as profoundly and knowledgeably as an expert when it came to Buddhism. Then I asked if he had been converted to Buddhism. To my surprise, he said no. He said, am not smart. I don have the root of wisdom. How could I become a converteeAs an artist, he had gone far. The canvas was his road and he was a pilgrim on that road.

Lhasa is an irresistible call to artists. They come to the city, for she inspires them and injects new elements into their artistic pursuit and creations. All this points to her historical significances and peerless cultural meanings.

(Translated by David)