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Unit 2―2―2―2

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇Unit 2―2―2―2范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!


1.The former Premier Wen Jiabao emphasized that our government should let everyone live a happy life with and a sense of security.

A.dignity B.privilege

C.assessment D.evidence

2.He created a lot of vivid characters in these best-selling novels, thus winning the of book-lovers all over the world.

prehension B.affection

C.satisfaction D.congratulation

panies like to engage stars to be the spokesman of their brands because most consumers have a to imitate their idols.

A.requirement B.potential

C.concept D.desire

4.A Spring Festival is paid in early January each year to the people who are getting certain long-term social welfare payments in China.

A.income B.profit

C.bonus D.budget

5.The road to success is never smooth.We are to meet all kinds of difficulties in the process of seeking success.

A.anxious B.bound

C.due D.scheduled

6.The teacher taught her not only the physical moves of Tai Chi, but also the principles behind them.

A.imaginary B.theoretical

C.confident D.contradictory

7.I am sure you will get your meaning across to the audience better if you your words with gestures.

A.advocate B.accompany

C.refresh D.transform

8.Although Susan is very busy, she half an hour every morning to take exercise.

A.takes in B.sets aside

C.gives up D.relies on

9.Although he is a socialist, Mr.Wells is scarcely in with the working class.

mon B.support

C.sympathy D.cruelty

10.The survey found that men got greater , from caring for their families than they did from work.

A.transfusion B.satisfaction

C.contradiction D.congratulation

11.The government has become increasingly , by the museum’s security system because of the recent thefts in the city.

A.alarmed B.charmed

C.warmed D.warned

12.Much as he he has a good command of English, he sometimes feels it hard to find an appropriate version for some Chinese idioms.

A.announces B.declares

C.claims D.confirms

13.I still remember our teacher told us that a truly taste is generally accompanied with excellence of heart.

A.elegant B.violent

C.significant D.confidant

14.This is a new plane made in Shenyang, which is going to be next week.

A.tested out B.given out

C.watched out D.burst out

15.―How beautiful you look in your new skirt! How I you!

―Thank you!

A.persuade B.envy

C.expose D.doubt

16.―Would you please do me the to pile the papers?

―With pleasure.

A.patience B.favour

C.rescue D.bond

17.However, when he became a student of Senior Three, for some reason, he began to study very hard, , all day and all night.

A.other than B.or rather

C.rather than D.more than

18.Scientist Qian Xuesen once asked: Why have Chinese institutions of higher learning failed to create top-class ?

A.atmosphere B.impression

C.talent D.influence


1.After claiming your luggage, proceed to the newspaper stand where .(wait)


2.Jack his research paper recently.But he has agreed to spare some time to come to your party.(deal)


3.He in London for many years, but he has never regretted his final decision to move back to China.(work)


4.Such that we all laughed. (funny)


5.Hawking didn’t give up, , prevent him from the life he had dreamt of.(nor)


6.Hardly when I saw him because he was just skin and bone.(recognize)


7.When I entered the room, I found that on the table .(lie)


8.All of a sudden, the door opened and , our English teacher, with a book in her hand.(come)


9. was a card on which was written “Happy Birthday!”.(attach)

盒子上附有一张卡片, 上面写着“生日快乐!”。

10.He tried enthusiastically to join the army but to his disappointment ended up , because of poor eyesight.(turn)


11.It was desired by the professor , all the participants when there was even a slightest change in the state of the virus.(ring)


12.It is your ambition, rather than encouragements from others, assist you to succeed in time.(bound)


13.The company Tony’s report on his three weeks with Claire.(please)


14.The judge does not consider what

, or where that person lives or works.(look)
