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摘 要: 国际河流概念的演进经历了从国际河流强调“自由航行”—国际水道强调“可通航”和“有商业价值”—国际流域强调跨国

>> 国际合作理论研究 避免国际合作的“囚徒困境” 美国PCAOB的国际合作分析 论新自由主义国际合作理论 非典与国际合作 国际合作 魅力无限 基于国际合作理论视野下的中欧关系浅谈 滨海边疆区的林业国际合作 赤塔州国际合作的发展前景 中国海疆油气:尴尬的国际合作 中国参与新能源国际合作的路径研究 商科国际合作教育的实践与反思 国际合作中的引导势力探究 论反腐败洗钱的国际合作 出口食品的安全需要国际合作 中国参与应对气候变化的国际合作 加强资本外逃管理国际合作的探讨 莱茵河治理中的国际合作研究 教育国际合作新模式的探索实践 高校国际合作中的跨文化管理 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,2013-04-12.

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The Fostering of International Cooperative Spirit in the Evolutions

of International Water Law Theory

Bai Minghua

Abstract: The concept of international river has evolved from the one which emphasizes free navigation to the one stresses the navigability as well as the commercial significance of the international watercourse, then to the one which lays emphasis on the international basin in terms of the overall exploration and comprehensive utilization of transboundary water resources. The theory concerning the utilization of transboundary water resources has developed from the one which focuses on absolute territorial sovereignty and absolute territorial integrity to the one focuses on limited territorial sovereignty, and then to the one focuses on community of interests. The process of this development has apparently indicated the desalination of sovereignty. Developments of theory in international water law have helped foster the spirit of international cooperation which conduces to the construction of substantive legal rule.

Key words: International basin; Limited territorial sovereignty;Community of interests;International cooperation principle