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100 Questions Become 1000 Questions










Having been in China for several years now, I am often approached by newcomers for advice on how to understand the thinking of our Chinese friends, colleagues and neighbors. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that every answer I hit on only leads to more questions. When I first came to China, I had a hundred or so serious questions about the way things were done here. Over time, most of those 100 questions have been answered. But with each answer spawning new questions, I now find myself with a thousand questions in need of answers. It seems that the more I learn about China and the Chinese, the more I realize how much there still is to learn.

Some of the lessons I have learned about how Chinese people think and act have been of real value in dealing with friends and colleagues, as well as in handling casual contacts on the street or in shops. Over and over I observe that in certain common situations Chinese and Westerners behave quite differently.

For instance, if Westerners find themselves in an embarrassing situation, they usually offer an explanation as a way to extricate themselves from their embarrassment. But the average Chinese persons will begin to laugh. For a Westerner, this takes some getting used to. When you confront someone with an issue and that person starts to giggle in your face, it can readily lead to unpleasant misinterpretations of his attitude. But understanding that the laughter is itself a sign of embarrassment, not an indication that the other person fails to understand the seriousness of the problem, helps me to take the Chinese reaction in stride and move on to a solution.

Here’s another example of a contrast in behavior:When there is a quarrel between two Americans, shouts and threats can quickly turn into physical violence. Perhaps because Americans are aware of this, they seldom start shouting and threatening people unless they’re ready for a real fight. Most Americans just don’t try to settle arguments by shouting, which usually signals an escalation of the conflict, not an impending solution. Here in China, I’ve had people raise their voices to me and assume very menacing postures over the tiniest of issues. At these times I have to bear in mind that this is probably not an invitation to a boxing match:it’s just a way of letting off steam.In fact, arguments rarely turn violent in China, although I’ve heard plenty of yelling and abusive language. It’s hard for Americans to understand what all the shouting is about when the people involved are not actually angry enough to fight over the issue. For Americans, if the matter is a small one, it’s too much of an effort to get all worked up over it.

Another cultural difference that stands out has to do with trying not to offend people - but failing miserably in the process. When I was still living in the States, I was amazed by the inability of my Chinese friends to say “no”. This could often be awkward. For example, I might ask a friend of mine to eat dinner at my place on a Saturday evening. Not wishing to give offense, the friend would accept the invitation. But then, when Saturady night came and went without a sign of the friend for dinner, I would indeed be offended. Apparently the friend just couldn’t

bring himself to say no even if he had other plans he couldn’t break. In time I became accustomed to this reluctance to say no and expected to encounter it again in China.I was amazed to discover that “No” is a very common word in the Chinese vocabulary, and much used in government offices. Saying no is a sure way not to make a mistake:“No, you can’t do that.” “No,that’s not possible.” “No,we don’t have that.” “No...because we’ve never done it that way before.” Somehow no doesn’t seem to be a dirty word anymore-it’s the easiest answer to give when facing a difficult decision.

Although I constantly note differences between myself and my Chinese friends, I’m never discouraged. On the contrary, it is these differences that are the spice of life for me in China. They make each day and each new acquaintance an adventure.省略)
