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Olivia: Oh no! I don’t understand how this can happen!

Tony: Told you so.

Sarah: Hi Olivia! What’s the problem?

Carlos: (in background) Excuse me...

Olivia: It’s not just here, not just the café...

Sarah: What do you mean?

Tony: Told you so.

Carlos: (in background) Excuse me...

Olivia: It’s true!

Sarah: What is?

Olivia: They want to knock

down my shop, as well as the


Sarah: 1)Demolish it? Get rid of

it completely?

Olivia: Yes.

Tony: Told you so.

Sarah: Oh no!

Olivia: That’s what I keep


Carlos: (louder) Excuse me!

Tony: Yes?

Carlos: Could I have something

to eat please, and a cup of tea?

Tony: Sure, here’s a menu, go

and take a seat somewhere.

Sarah: Oh dear...let’s go and sit

down—there’s Harry over there, let’s sit with him.

Harry: Hello there. Magda’s on her way. I think we need to have a plan...

Olivia: Yeah, but what can we do?

(Magda opens the door.)

All: Hey Magda! Hi! We’re over here! Come and sit down!

Magda: Hello everyone! What’s the matter? Why does everyone look so sad?

Harry: The café is going to close...

Sarah: ...and Olivia’s shop too!

M a g d a : W h y ? O h , t h e p r o p e r t y company...they’re building new flats...I remember now...

Harry: That’s right, and they want to demolish this place, and Olivia’s shop next door.

Olivia: They’re offering us 2)compensation...

Magda: “Compensation”? Sarah: Money.

Olivia: But it’s not enough. I want to keep my shop.

S a r a h : Ye s , a n d I want to keep this caféopen...there’s nowhere else where we can all meet.

Carlos: Excuse me...

All: Yes?

Carlos: I couldn’t help 3 )o v e r h e a r i n g y o u r


Magda: Were you listening to us?

Carlos: No, sorry, I wasn’t listening. I just heard what you were talking about.

Olivia: Is this the first time you’ve been here?

Carlos: Well, yes it is, actually...

Harry: It’ll probably be the last.

Carlos: Well, yes, I know...that’s what I wanted to say.

Sarah: What?

Carlos: I’m afraid I work for the company, the building company.

Olivia: The company who wants to knock down my shop?

Harry: And our favourite café?

Carlos: I’m afraid so, yes.

Olivia: Can you stop them?

Carlos: Well, no, I’m not sure about that.

Sarah: What do you do for the company?

Carlos: Well, that’s the problem. I’m not one of their top managers, or anything like that...

Harry: That’s a shame.

Carlos: I’m just the 4)caterer.

Magda: Caterer?

Carlos: Yes, I make food for them.

Harry: Hang on a minute, I don’t understand...you’re the caterer...you make food. Carlos: Yes, that’s right. I’m a 5)chef, actually.

Or at least that’s what I’d like to be...

Harry: But you’ve just come in here to get food. Carlos: Oh yeah...well, you see, the problem is, I don’t really like the food I have to cook for other people. I prefer to try new things—so I came in here!

Harry: (unconvinced) Right.

Olivia: Can you help us?

Carlos: I’m not sure what I can do...I don’t really want to lose my job.

Sarah: No, I guess not—but if you work for the building company, you could do some research for us...

Carlos: Research? How do you mean?

Sarah: You could find out some information for us.

Carlos: Erm, well, OK, I mean, if I can...I’d like to help you!

Olivia: Great! Let’s see what we can do...we can save this place!

All: Ah, yes.


《泰晤士报》(The Times)是英国全国发行的综合性日报,是对全世界政治、经济、文化发挥着巨大影响的报纸。


《泰晤士报》的英文名称The Times,中文直译过来应该是《时报》。然而它的译名却变成与读音相近、但毫无关联的“泰晤士河”(River Thames)一样。由于约定俗成的关系,错译保留至今。现今世界各地有许多名为Times的报章,如《纽约时报》(The New York Times)。为了区分出来,《泰晤士报》有时被英语使用者称为《伦敦时报》(The London Times)。《泰晤士报》是世界上第一份以“Times”命名的报纸。