摘 要 国家级职教师资培训是职教师资队伍建设的重要组成部分,是我国职业教育事业质量提升和可持续发展的重要保障。目前,这
>> 幼儿教师国家级培训课程设置的问题探析 农民工培训的现状及问题分析 国家级职教教师教育基地:问题诊断与建设策略 对外汉字教与学的现状及问题分析 美术类学生的就业现状及问题分析 建设和谐河北的现状及问题分析 建筑供热采暖的现状及问题分析 会计电算化的现状及问题分析 现代企业政工工作的现状及问题分析 番茄供应链的现状及问题分析 民生新闻的现状及问题分析 高等教育的现状及问题分析 建筑节能设计的现状及问题分析 庆阳农村贫困问题的现状及对策分析 土地监管现状及存在的问题分析 沃尔玛绩效管理的现状及问题分析 废弃混凝土的回收现状及问题分析 农村职教师资校本培训存在的问题探讨 新疆阿尔金山国家级自然保护区管理的现状及存在问题 农村中小学教师培训现状及问题分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.
Analysis on Background, Present Situation and Problems of Implementation of National-level Training for Vocational Education Teachers
CHEN Sheng-quan, WANG Ji-guo
(School of Continuing Education, Jiangsu College of Science and Technology, Changzhou Jiangsu 213001, China)
Abstract National-level training for vocational education teachers is an important part of vocational education teachers construction and is an important guarantee for quality improvement and sustainable development of vocational education in China. At present, some problems emerge in the implementation of the training project, such as the more schools and less enterprises in training bases that can not satisfy specialty teachers’ needs for improving practical abilities; the ineffective supervision for trainee selection that affects the overall efficiency of training; the insufficient investigation in early days of training and the less targeted training contents; the shortage of customized textbooks for training activities and the great randomness in teaching activities; the blurry evaluation standards for training quality and the less instructive; the longer the training cycle, the lower the training efficiency.
Key words national-level training for vocational education teachers; background; present situation; problem