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【摘 要】 语言是文化的载体,语言学习也是一种文化学习。纵观近十年的高考,跨文化交际话题在阅读测试选材的比例也越来越高。本文系统总结了近十年的高考题和高中学段教材的相关材料,旨在引导学生学会归纳跨文化交际话题的内容图式,帮助其提高阅读能力。本文分析的阅读素材均为近十年高考真题,有利于学生在真实语料中体验、检验、内化所学的阅读策略。

【关键词】 跨文化交际 内容图式 高考




1. 高考跨文化交际命题分析

纵观近十几年的高考,跨文化交际话题在阅读理解题型中的比例越来越高。2001年, 仅全国卷部分内容涉及语言方面的差异;2003、2004年, 只有上海卷、北京卷涉及(文化休克、价值观);从此各省每年都有;2012年可以说是“井喷”,达到了6篇,其中全国卷在同一份考卷上就出现了两篇跨文化交际话题的文章(一篇完形填空、一篇阅读理解)。另外,2012年的高考题还涉及到了中华文化的对外传播,尤其是中文价值观的对比,比如辽宁卷就把孔子和柏拉图的思想理论相对比。



2. 跨文化交际在日常教学中的具体体现

跨文化交际在高考中主要以阅读理解题型出现,而缺乏必要的背景知识是造成阅读困难的主要原因Carrell (1983)。根据图式理论四分法,教师只有帮助学生建立相应图式,才能克服阅读中的各种障碍,提高阅读效率,进而提高阅读理解的准确率。所以,教师必须在日常教学中引导学生逐渐构建其内容图式。事实上,跨文化交际虽然在高考中不是显性考点,但是我们的教材却一直从深层次贯彻着跨文化教育的思想,不但介绍西方文化,还使学生在理解和尊重外国文化的同时更加热爱祖国文化。以山东省青岛市目前使用的外研社版英语教材为例,教材中无处不体现着跨文化交际的深层指导思想,教师可以根据学生的具体情况在日常教学中灵活渗透、扩展相关内容。


3. 巧用高考测试阅读素材构建跨文化交际内容图式


Learning Objectives:

1) Learn cultural differences in eastern and western countries.

2) Raise the cross-cultural awareness and improve reading ability.

Part 1 Think about the following statements. Why do you agree or not agree?

1) It’s a waste of money for Americans to spend so much on the election.____

2) The Chinese language is the most beautiful and powerful language in the world.____

3) Compared to westerners, Chinese people are more enthusiastic and considerate to their guests. Why do people have different opinions?

Part 2 What aspects of cultural differences do you know?

1) Brainstorming:What aspects of cultural differences do you know?

2) 一个德国人眼中的东西方文化差异

Composition:Look at the picture and express the cultural differences between eastern and western countries in the eyes of a German.

Part 3 Analyses of the college entrance examination

Part 4 Reading (通过阅读以下高考题,回答跨文化交际话题的概念性问题)

1) Read the four articles and find the answers in groups.

2) Make sure every member of your group knows the answer after discussion.

3) Choose one of your groups to read your findings.

Question 1: What is culture?

Question 2: What is culture made up of? (2009 陕西 E)

Question 3: Which do you think is the most important in cross-cultural communication? (2012 陕西 A, 2007 安徽 E)

Question 4: What should we do with cultural differences? (2011 全国II D, 2012 安徽 No. 85)

Part 5. Reading (通过阅读以下高考题,回答跨文化交际话题的细节性问题)

Practice 1. 美国人的体力劳动观念 (2003 上海)

Practice 2. 各国的时间观念 (2011 全国II D)

Practice 3. 谈话与沉默 (2007 安徽 E)

Practice 4. 各国的方位观念 (2008 辽宁卷A)

Part 6. Learning strategies and summary 学习策略与总结

1)中外对比法 Pay more attention to cross-cultural communication, especially the differences in thinking patterns and behavior styles. Raise the cross-cultural awareness.

2007 陕西 50. The word “gears” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. action plans B. naming customs C. travel maps D. thinking patterns

2)构建跨文化交际话题内容图式: Use your background knowledge actively while reading.

What does cross- cultural communication include?

What is the most important in cross-cultural communication?

What should we do with cultural differences?

Language communication 语言交际(vocabulary词汇 proverb谚语 禁忌语taboo ...)

表层文化on the surface

Nonverbal communication 非语言交际(body language体态语 sense of time时间观念

sense of space空间观念 dressing服装 silence沉默... )

Customs and manners 风俗与礼仪(feast 宴请 title 称谓 greetings见面语

doing business 贸易 farewells告别... )

深层文化 deep

Values 价值观(attitudes towards friendship, manual labor... )――《跨文化交际学概论》 (胡文仲,1999)


“In the past decades, the Chinese study programs have gained huge popularity in western universities.” ――2012 辽宁 C

“Some of the cultural differences may be only on the surface―dress, food and hours of work―while others may be deeper and take longer to deal with.” ――2011 全国Ⅱ卷 D

注意: 1) 跨文化交际中,最重要的是:价值观

2) 如何对待文化差异:


3) 中华文化的传播及孔子学院介绍

Part 7. Think about the video―Treatment the Guasha(观看电影片段《刮痧》,体会中西文化深层价值观)( Different attitudes towards Sun Wukong, the monkey king )

Part 8. Cross-cultural awareness game

1) An owl is _______ in western countries.

A. a wise guy B. the sign of bad luck C. the sign of good luck

2) What’s the Chinese meaning of “red flags”?

3) What do western people think of “peacocks”?

4) What’s the English expression of “壮得像头牛”?

5) What’s the English expression of “亚洲四小龙”?

6) What’s the Chinese meaning of “An Englishman’s home is his castle”?

7) What’s the Chinese meaning of “Every dog has its day”?


1) 实战演练 Task1. 2011 全国II D (基础必做题 easy)

Task2. 2012 全国I C (提高选做题A difficult)

Task3. 2007 陕西 C (提高选做题B more difficult)

2) 课后自学(表三:外研社版英语教材跨文化交际话题汇总)


[1] Chomsky, N. New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002.

[2] 程晓堂, 郑敏. 英语学习策略[M]. 外语教学研究出版社, 2002.

[3] 胡文仲. 跨文化交际学概论[M]. 外语教学研究出版社, 2009.

[4] 黄文源. 英语新课程教学模式与教学策略[M]. 上海教育出版社, 2004.

[5] 刘润清,外语教学中的科研方法[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.