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The Band

By Darren Snow

We were starting a band. Everyone was in it. In an old hole in the wall on South Street, suddenly everyone seemed to be able to play something and was looking to start a band. We talked until 7am about music and everything we would do. The next week most of the same people ①showed up at the bar and most of them were still in the band.

As the weeks passed, slowly, fewer and fewer people were in the band. Ahad been distilled, still intent on planning our sixth comeback album where we all ditched the religion that (to the shock of our fans) we had discovered for our 5th album Counter-revolutionary pagan scream queen. We planned everything from album covers to the inevitable booze-addled side projects.

Soon we had our whole career worked out. After the initial success of pirated CDs of our first single - an English language cover of the traditional Chinese song Kangding Love Song - we would ②shoot to fame. Audi would then hire us for a string of high profile ads for the A6. We would then be rich. We would blow all the money on our first album, spending six alcohol-fuelled months in Jamaica writing a concept album so good it would end world poverty. Then came our first split, where we all claimed to be the real talent behind the band...the story went on into the night and on into our 60s as the last great Las Vegas show band.

Then Jush, our inspirational front man, had an idea that changed everything. "Do you guys maybe want to ③come round to my place and we could like try to play some songs?" It seemed a big step.

Yet that Thursday three of us actually showed up at Jush's apartment to practice. We had a few drinks and played some music, jamming over each other's tunes.It was exciting to be playing guitar with people again. At one point we turned the amps up to 3 and the police came and very politely asked us to turn it down a little because it was after 8pm. They were very nice about it. More importantly, when it comes to embellishing the history of the band even more than I'm doing here it won't hurt that our first practice was so incendiary someone had to call the cops.

After the police left we went back to sorting out the details of our inevitable rise to global mega stardom. We still needed to settle on a name. With Jush's trusty thesaurus and our combined knowledge of 1980's cartoons this was no problem. The Voltrons were born. We arranged to meet for another practice next week and went home. That night I was wakened at 3am by my phone. A text from Jush...INSPRATN- HV WRTTN 3 SNGS. Things were moving fast.

Despite our months of careful planning and inaction, problems still remained. Every rehearsal room we could find the number of seemed to have closed down. Jush had met a drunken Frenchman who claimed to know a good place but would not give him the phone number. Good rooms are hard to find in Beijing and it seems no one likes to share. Eventually we found a run down prefab with tube amps and a disused pool table. The staff seemed to sleep in the control room. We turned the amps up and made some surprisingly tuneful noise.

We ④settled into twice weekly practice and some of the noise began to sound like real songs.The weeks passed and the studio's staff slowly began to warm to us, taking some time to set up the equipment and always asking if we needed extra gear. More songs began to ⑤take shape. We began to talk about playing live, perhaps trying our material out in one of the small music clubs around town, before moving on to a residency at the Workers' Gymnasium. We played a set through in rehearsal and were satisfied it would not be entirely embarrassing to play it in front of other people. After that rehearsal we had a few beers on the way home. As we left the bar a voice emerged from the murk of the hutong."Hey guys! We're off to get loaded on Chang Yu. Is this the band?" "Yeah!" It was a friend from one of the city's hot punk acts. "We just got a residency. You want to play support?" We were set. See you in Vegas.









