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摘 要:文章以北京市为研究个案,对养老保险城乡统筹制度进行分析,发现以地方政府为主进行的养老保障统筹直接弱化了社会保障

>> 农村养老资源整合与养老保障体系构建 社会保障体系“分化”与“整合”的逻辑 人口老龄化与社会养老保障体系 建立农村养老保障体系的政府责任 建立农村社会养老保障体系的路径选择 重庆农村养老保障体系的现状分析 中外养老保障体系的差异分析 我国医疗保障体系的构建时序与制度整合 家庭养老在我国养老保障体系中的定位分析 我国人口老龄化趋势下社会养老保障体系的建设与完善 重庆农村养老保障对象界定及养老保障体系构建的必要性分析 美国养老保障体系的结构变化及其对中国的启示 构建统一的多层次的失地农民养老保障体系 浅析家庭在中国养老保障体系中的重要作用 构建中国农村社会养老保障体系的制度探析 我国农村养老保障体系建设的探讨 对构建中国特色农村养老保障体系的思考 现阶段多元化农村养老保障体系的框架构思 完善我国农民养老保障体系的路径探析 逐步完善城乡养老保障体系 积极应对老龄化的到来 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


The Separation and Integration of the Retirement Pension System

——A Case of Beijing

Hou Huili

(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100836)

Abstract: This paper takes Beijing as example to analyze urban and rural pension insurance system, which find out that local government weakens directly the separation of social seaurity between urban and raral, but enhanced inter-regional division of pension security. Even snch measure narrowing the gap between urban and rural welfare, but actually increased pension income inequality among regions. This welfare place means that the social security is in a fragmentation state, which affect on the population, rational flow of labor and the healthy development of the labor market significantly.

Keywords: the retirement pension system, pension insurance, Beijing