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中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-925X(2011)09-0-01


在Malinowski之前,context一词用来指一定语言环境中句子前后有关的词、短语、语段或篇章的前后关系,也就是常说的“上下文”。Malinowski把语境分为话语语境( context of utterance )、情景语境(context of situation)和文化语境( context of culture)。在阅读教学中,语篇中任何词语和句子都不是孤立的,都是在语境中运行的,如果无视或忽视了语境,不但会影响对全文的理解,即使在对句子的理解方面也会产生误解。


Not surprisingly, the rest of my life shriveled into a dried raisin. I lost contact with old friends. I saw little of my wife and even less of our sons, Adam, then 15, and Sam, 12. One evening, for the sixth time in a row, I phoned home to tell the boys that once again I’d miss their bed time. That’s OK, said Sam. But could I wake him up when I did get home? That would be really late, I said; he would have gone to sleep long before. It was probably better if I saw him the next morning. ( 选自综合教程Book 3,何兆熊)

在段落中,“the sixth time in a row”按字面意思是横排的第六次,单单把“in a row”提出来理解有难度,但根据上文,我们知道作者谈他的工作安排太紧,这使他失去了与朋友的联系,甚至很少见到妻儿。据此,我们不难理解这个短语的意思。在这里,“row”―――“横排”的意思指的是日历中的横排,从周一到周日。“the sixth time in a row”的意思是指周末。


Ingid had a ferocious dedication to her work. "If you took acting a way from me, " she once claimed, "I’d stop breathing." When Ernest Hemingway told her she would have to cut off her hair for the role of Maria in For Whom the Bell Tolls, she shot back, "To get that part, I’d cut my head off! "

This sentence carries two meanings:

A. To get that part, I’d do whatever I can even at the cost of my life! 演那个角色,别说剪发,就是砍脑袋都行。

B. I’d rather die than play that role. 我死也不愿演那个角色。



美国著名翻译理论家尤金•纳达指出:“语言在文化中对词义、习语含义的影响如此地带有普遍性,以至在不仔细考虑语言文化背景的情况下,任何文本都无法恰当地加以理解。”在综合英语的语篇教学中,背景知识教学对课文的理解很有帮助。例如,在综合教程第二册Gregory Peck- An American Master一文中,背景知识的学习使读者了解到Peck这一影星走红的另一因素是历史背景促成的。当时正值二次世界大战结束,美国人经历大战后十分向往过安宁平静的生活,而Peck主演的大部分角色正迎合了美国人的这种心态,这一因素使他很快走红。

在对该教程的另一篇课文Me and My Big Mouth的理解上,背景知识也起了重要作用。只有读者了解了大多数大公司愿聘名人作产品代言人的背景,才能理解这位以前的足球明星为何有多次机会做不同产品的代言人,以至于最后发现他的天赋是口才,而不是足球天才,因此他成功地成为一名播音解说员。




You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on, say, ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing-something which had only vaguely interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so 20 well illustrated and the part of the text you read p roved so interesting, that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time 7 wandering from section to section.

