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Here’s a quick question: did you ever notice what happens at a funeral? You know, someone dies and everyone sends flowers or cards. They show up at the funeral and they say nice things about the departed. And, you know, if the departed’s there, which I’m sure they are, you know, sometimes you wonder what they might be saying. Maybe they’d say something like, “Wow, it sure would have been nice if you would have said that to me when I was alive.” Or maybe something like, “Wow, look at all these cards and flowers. I didn’t know that these people actually cared about me.”

Look at all the people you live with or interact with now, today. How often do you say “Thank you”? How often do you stop what you’re doing, which is essentially little things that make you appear to be busy, and call someone and tell them, “Thanks” or even “I love you”? Maybe you see it in the corporate world all the time: Someone retires and they throw him a party, and people come up and say, “Boy, it was great working with you. You always did such a great job.” I wonder if those same people ever said that to the person while they were actually working at their job. Probably not.

I know, better late than never, but…really? What difference do you think it makes to the person who is walking out of the office door, never to return again, to hear from someone, “Boy, it was great working with you.” if they never said that to them when they were actually working there? What difference does it make when I’m dead, that you thought I was a great friend if you never told me that when I was alive?




What about people you don’t know? You know, I’ve seen people order waiters around like they were slaves, or ignoring them when they brought something to the table the guest requested. No “thank you, ” just do my bidding. Isn’t it amazing? They don’t say anything. The waiter drops it right down in front of them, something that they asked for, they say nothing, no “thank you,” anything. How ignorant!

I was just at the airport, and an airline employee went out of her way to help a passenger find the right gate. I mean, this airline employee stopped what she was doing, walked this woman out to the monitor, showed her where her flight was located on the monitor, and then walked her in the right direction. And you know what, that passenger didn’t even say “thank you.” They just kept walking. The airline employee just stood there, shrugged her shoulders, and went back to what she was doing before, which was helping other passengers. Would it have killed that passenger, who was lost, to say “thank you” ? No. Ignorance.

Don’t be ignorant. That’s harsh, isn’t it? Sometimes I gotta wake you up. Take some time today to be kind. After all, that’s what we’re talking about is kindness: kindness to people you don’t know who do things for ya; kindness to those people you do know who do things for ya; and kindness to those who do little or nothing for you except they are who they are. They’re your family, your friends, your neighbours, people that you say “I love you” when they’re dead.

I always say, just give me kindness while I’m alive. Give me flowers while I’m alive. If you want to say something bad, wait ’til I’m dead.



