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>> 土木工程专业英语教学探讨 土木工程专业英语教学实践 慕课视野下的高校土木工程道路专业英语教学改革分析 论工科院校土木工程专业英语教学改革 对土木工程专业英语教学的探讨 CDIO理念在土木工程专业英语教学中的应用 土木工程研究生专业英语教学探讨 土木工程专业英语教学改革探索 土木工程专业英语教学创新与实践探索 土木工程专业英语教学方法思考 从土木工程类专业英语看大学英语教学改革方向 基于“卓越工程师计划”的土木工程专业英语教学改革 土木工程专业英语教学实践中存在的问题及改进措施 基于工作过程导向的高职土木工程专业英语教学研究 土木工程专业英语教改实践探讨 《土木工程专业英语》教学方法改革探讨 河南省高校土木工程专业双语教学现状调查研究 土木工程专业学生专业英语学习浅探 独立学院中土木工程专业英语的教学困境及解决办法 职技高师院校理工科专业英语教学现状的调查分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l. 2012.



[4]王守仁,王海啸.我国高校大学英语教学现状调查及大学英语教学改革与发展方向[J].中国外语. 2011,5(8):4-17.


[6]李嘉曾.“以学生为中心”教育理念的理论意义与实践启示[J].中国大学教学,2008(4): 54-56.

Survey on current status of professional English teaching for civil engineering

ZHOU Qi1, ZHU Linfei2

(1. Department of Civil Engineering, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, P. R. China;

2. High School Attached to Shantou University, Shantou 515063, P. R. China)

Abstract: With the economic globalization in civil engineering field, the professional English for civil engineering becomes more and more important. This paper presents the current status of professional English teaching for civil engineering through the questionnaire survey. The data were collected from 120 students and 60 teachers of three universities with different specialty strengths. Besides, according to the question reflected by the previous survey, an append survey focused on the requirement of listening and speaking teaching, reading teaching and writing teaching also had been conducted. The append survey data were collected from 60 students of the universities mentioned above. The results show that, the school with good specialty strength is better than that with poor specialty strength at the understanding on the importance of professional English. The teaching staff construction, teaching contents and teaching methods of professional English course for civil engineering need to be improved in most universities. The requirement of professional English course and its teaching links are different for the universities with different specialty strengths. For different universities, the teaching plan can be designed based on its own actual situation with different characteristics.

Keywords: civil engineering; professional English; questionnaire survey