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6月16 ― 20日,“2014中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA亚洲展览会”(ITMA ASIA +CITME 2014)将于上海新国际博览中心再度起航,继续助力亚洲及世界纺织工业的发展。本届展会将启用13个展馆,总面积达到15.22万m2,展出规模将再创新高。

中国是全球最大的纺织品服装生产和出口国,因此多年来一直是各国纺机生产商的“必争之地”。如:2013年,德国出口到中国的纺机和配件达到10亿欧元,同时德国企业在中国生产的机械每年也达到了10亿欧元;另外,中国也是意大利纺机出口的主要市场,2013年意大利对中国的出口额达3.27亿欧元,占全部出口额的20%;瑞士纺机行业2014年第一季度的出口数字显示,该国对中国的出口额达3 260万欧元,同比增加18.5%。与此同时,近年来中国纺机行业在技术水平、产品质量等方面实现了大幅提高,出口保持增长态势。据统计,2013年,中国纺机行业实现利润总额82.47亿元,同比增加11.49亿元。2013年,我国纺织机械进出口累计总额67.39亿美元,同比增长4.32%。其中,纺织机械出口25.19亿美元,同比增长12.36%;进口42.20亿美元,同比增长0.04%。

作为ITMA ASIA + CITME的合作媒体,导报在本期特别关注栏目邀包括中国、德国、意大利、瑞士等国纺机协会负责人作展会致辞,并将于展会期间派出特别报道组,及时地向读者传递国内外纺织技术与装备发展的最新动态。

To be held from 16 to 20 June 2014 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, ITMA ASIA + CITME 2014 will gross 152 200 square meters in 13 halls, 15 percent larger than the last edition in 2012. To-date, the event has attracted the participation of 1 351 textile machinery manufacturers from 27 countries and regions. Manufacturers desire to show their innovative technology and products on the leading-edge business platform.

According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, China’s exports of textiles and garments amounted to US$26 billion in 2013. This is an increase of 7% over the same period last year. 2013 German textile machinery and accessories worth roundabout 1 billion Euro have been shipped to China, even excluding the machinery produced by German companies in China itself that reach nearly 1 billion Euros per year. Nowadays China is the most important export market for the Italian textile machinery industry, with a share of 20% on the total Italian export. In 2013 the Italian exports to the Chinese market reached a value of 327 million Euro. In the first quarter of 2014, Swiss textile machines with a value of 32.6 million Euro were exported to China. This is a plus of 18.5% compared to the first quarter of 2013.

As a supporting media of ITMA ASIA + CITME, China Textile Leader will keep our readers informed of latest developments of textile technology through preview and review in our special feature.