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摘要: 为了解决电子商务在线营销中的信息阻塞等问题,提出了一种新型的、高效的推荐系统模型。给出了该系统模型中采用的疯狂蚂蚁算法,并描述了它的消息结构和处理流程,最后给出了一个系统应用实例和性能对比结果。仿真实验表明该模型在实时性和客户满意度上超过了传统系统。

关键词: 电子商务;推荐模型;蚁群算法;匹配;算法

中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2013)32-0014-03

0 引言





上述研究成果,成功证明了蚁群算法与其他算法来解决各类大规模复杂问题的可能性;基于他们的启发,本文提出了一种新型的电子商务推荐系统模型(cacer: crazy ant colony E-commerce recommendation)。本文其他部分安排如下:第二部分总结传统推荐系统的不足,并提出系统模型;第三部分,给出疯狂蚁群算法及其应用,包括算法数据结构、运行流程等。最后两部分分别给出仿真实验结果,并总结全文。

1 系统模型



②基于协同过滤的推荐系统:此类系统基于一组兴趣相同的客户或项目进行推荐,它根据邻居客户(与目标客户兴趣接近或相似的客户)的偏好信息产生对目标客户的推荐列表,因此适合于客户数量较大的电子商务系统,目前已被应用在Amazon、Linden、Smith、and York、Sarwar: Sarwar、Karypis、Konstan、Riedl、Hofmann等系统中。





③B/C OLTP(联机事务处理)和数据挖掘模块集成了电子商务的基本信息和实时交易信息推荐的所有内容,包括客户及相关商品的信息。




2 疯狂蚁群推荐算法


2.1 主要思想与模型




随着客户历史信息的不断丰富,侦察蚂蚁可以从B/C OLTP和数据发掘模块开始着手,进入电子商务基本数据库,通过交易统计模块等提供预处理服务。在他们的搜索过程中,收集和分类新客户的信息。进入电子商务基本数据库后,就可以使用客户购物兴趣等信息素,在各类商品的信息项上记录关键词和描述词(信息素)。最终,这些蚂蚁将回到B/C OLTP和数据挖掘模块,汇总“爬行”过的商品的客户吸引程度;数据发掘模块将由此发现商品和客户之间的关系,及其变化趋势;并生成初级的商品推荐目录。


当未注册的用户进入系统和浏览上平项目时,推销员(Sale)蚂蚁从推荐处理模块(蚁巢)出发,而未注册客户的的个性化信息均由其收集后进行分类。此外,此类蚂蚁可以收集和发现未注册客户的兴趣点、客户的浏览序列。收集到的偏好等信息,将用于相关信息素的更新;当这些推销员蚂蚁结束处理,进入了电子商务基本数据库,汇总并更新相关商品信息后;这些信息将通过B/C OLTP和数据挖掘模块,优化推荐列表的生成过程和结果。

2.2 匹配算法



3 实验结果与分析


4 结论






In the last decade, e-commerce has become an integral aspect of doing commerce. An enormous number of products are sold via the web and because of the convenience of the net; a tremendous amount of product-related information is available to customers at a very low cost. Customers who were used to having a limited range of product choices due to physical or time constraints are now facing the problem of information overload [1,2]. To address this, the Internet has some magic methods to reduce their search costs by providing easy information retrieval. Recently, e-commerce stores are applying mass customization principles to their market strategies. One way to achieve mass customization in e-commerce is through the use of recommendation systems. Through these systems, Enterprises have been developing new commerce portals and providing large amount of product information to create more commerce opportunities and expand their markets. However, it results in information overload problem which has become the burden of customers when making a purchase decision among a huge variety of products. Researchers have developed various techniques to solve this problem. An RS, which can learn about user preferences and automatically suggest products fitting customers’ needs, is one of the possible solutions[1,2].

To sum up, a recommender system is one that recommends useful information or suggests strategies that users might apply to achieve their goals[2,3]. The system gives suggestions based on a given event, such as an error, or on observations of the user’s overall behavior. A simple example is a research engine that, when no results found for a query, suggests alternate keywords or queries that may achieve better results. Recommender systems are widely used in the fields of E-commence, movies, music, books, and Web pages successfully.

Recently, more and more recommendation systems are proposed based on all kinds of algorithms and methods. And generally, recommender systems can be divided into three categories[4-7]: Content-based, Collaborative filtering (CF), and Hybrid approaches. Among them, CF is probably the most popular one. The basic idea of a CF system is to generate recommendations based on the experiences of past similar users. Let U be the set of all users and let X be the set of all possible items that can be recommended, such as books, movies, or restaurants.

Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a relatively new meta-heuristic and a very effective local search algorithm for a large number of combinatorial optimization problems such as recommendation[8]. It simulates the behavior of ant colonies in nature as they forage for food and find the most efficient routes from their nests to food sources. The first ACO algorithm was developed by Clolrni et al. and successfully applied to the traveling salesman problem (TSP) based on the path-finding abilities of real ants. Bulleneimer et al. have designed the first ant system for the vehicle routing problem and then proposed an improved ant system algorithm. Because the recommendation problem is very complicated, the basic ACO algorithms cannot directly apply to the problem with satisfaction performance need. Many researchers have proposed new methods to improve the original ACO and applied them successfully to a whole range of different problems. It is a trend to combine ACO with other algorithms to solve very large-scale of the recommendation problem. The development of modern algorithms has led to considerable progress, but each ACO algorithm has its own strength and weakness. Therefore, much research has tried to develop the quest for the performance of hybrid algorithms expecting to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency.

In this paper, we present a novel E-commerce recommendation model called CACER (crazy ant colony E-commerce recommendation). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Partition 2 makes a summary of traditional models and gives a distributed E-commerce recommendation model. In partition 3, a crazy ant colony algorithm is given and its application is proposed. And in the section, the message and data structures of CACER are given. Then its work flow is described in detail. In partition 4, correctness and efficiency of the algorithm are proved. And compared with a traditional, simulation results will be given in partition 5. At last, partition 6 concludes the paper.


Based on how recommendations are made, recommender systems are usually classified into the following three categories[8-11]:

Content-based recommendations: Recommendations are provided by automatically matching a customer's interests with items' contents. Items that are similar to ones the user preferred in the past are now recommended. Notice that recommendations are made without relying on information provided by other customers, but solely on items’ contents and users’ profiles. NewsWeeder applied this method to build a net-news filtering system. Other applications include Tapestry, InfoFinder, Mooney, and so on.

Collaborative filtering: Recommendations are made for items that people with similar tastes and preferences liked in the past. This technique is widely used and is the preferred method for personal recommendation. Many systems, such as : Linden, Smith, and York, Sarwar: Sarwar, Karypis, Konstan, and Riedl, Hofmann, and they have adopted this technique.

Hybrid approaches: These approaches combine collaborative and content-based methods. Fab is a hybrid contentbased, collaborative webpage recommendation system that eliminates many handicaps of the pure versions of either approach. According to the classification scheme proposed by Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, hybrid recommendation systems can be divided into four categories: (1) implementing collaborative and content-based methods separately and combining their predictions, (2) incorporating some content-based characteristics into a collaborative approach, (3) incorporating some collaborative characteristics into a content-based approach, and (4) constructing a general, unifying model that incorporates both collaborative and content-based characteristics.

Then our system model is based on Content-based recommendation with crazy ant algorithms. And it can be figured with Fig.1.

In the model, some traditional modules are utilized to implement recommendation systems, such as Product OLTP and Data mine, Commerce Statistic and On-line DB. And the recommendation processing module is the core of the system model with crazy ant colony algorithms.

In the addition, the system work flow can be described as following.

(1) The first phase is a customer interest profiling step, where product bought by a customer in the past is segmented into different clusters by recommendation processing modules. And related information is committed into these sub-DBs of E-commerce basic information DB, including transaction data and so on.

(2) Some real-time information, including customer retrieval and search items, can be classified and saved into the on-line DB, which provides transaction information and so on to the transaction statistics module.

(3) B/C OLTP and Data mine module integrates E-commerce basic information and real-time transaction information into recommendation items, including customer and related product information.

(4) Recommendation processing module, as our system core, integrates all kinds of data. And crazy ant colony algorithms can be executed by it. Furthermore, the algorithm will search customer-product matching metrics. Then the module can provide recommendation lists, including customer items and interested product items. Also according to customer information, it can automatically choose specific methods to recommend. Through E-commerce push communication, related information can be transferred to the customers.

(5) Push communication module, composed of Email, Note, and so on, can be bidirectional sub-module. Mainly, it can recommend product items to customers. Subsequently, the new product features are presented to it and the preference value that the customer possibly has for the new product can be predicted by the generalization inference ability of intelligent algorithms. And through other modules, the preference prediction values for all new products are ranked and the top-n items with the highest values will be recommended to the customer.

Note that our model can be extended for other recommendation systems with little modification. And also, crazy ant colony algorithm can be utilized to replace other content-based recommendation algorithms in the system models. And the details of them can be described as following sections.


In the section, the main idea, model, data structures, and implementation models are given for crazy ant colony algorithm.

A. Main Idea and Model

The crazy ant colony algorithm is a particular algorithm of ant colony optimization (ACO) which is based on agents that simulate the natural behavior of ants, develop mechanisms for cooperation, and assist them in using experience to find the shortest path between a food source and the nest. ACS is a population-based heuristics that enables the exploration of the positive feedback whereas the ants are able to communicate (ants lay pheromone for indirect communication) information concerning food source via an aromatic essence. The ants lay pheromone and heuristic information to mark trails. As the paths are visited by other ants, some of the trails may be reinforced and others paths may be allowed to evaporate. Pheromone trails can be observed via the number of ants passing through the trail. When there are more pheromones on a path, there is larger probability that other ants will use that path, and therefore the pheromone trail on such a path will grow faster and attract more ants to follow (so called positive feedback). An iterative local search algorithm tries to search the current paths to neighboring paths until a better solution is found. And the main idea of CAC algorithm can be imagined as following:

Our algorithm can utilize three kinds of ant agents to deal with the recommendation problem. The first is a scout ant, which can be dispatched to collect the attracting trends of new recommendation products. The others are a band of carrier ants, which are sent to find recommendation products for customers. And the lasts are some salesman ants, which randomly recommend AD products to customer. And all kinds of ant models are described as following and showed in .figure 2.

With historic information about customer interests, scout ants can begin from B/C OLTP and Data mine module, and go to E-commerce Basic DB through transaction statistics module. In their journeys, they collect and classify new customer interests. After enter into the E-commerce basic DB, they can use customer interest items as pheromone, which will be labeled on all kinds of products to recommend. Then, they come back the B/C OLTP and Data mine module with product attracting trends. At last, the ants find and label the relationship between products and customer trend. And primary pheromone has put on the products items for recommendation.

Carrier ants begin from the recommendation processing module (formicary), when some registered customers enter into the system. And each ant will serve for a registered customer. Also, they can collect and find the personalized customer’s interests. As enjoyment information, all interests will be utilized to match the pheromone of product, when these ants enter into the E-commerce Basic DB. After collecting enough recommendation product information, the ant leaves back to their formicary and label pheromones on product items. When through the on-line DB, they will update the related information of equivalent customers. At last, they return to the formicary, and push recommendation product items to customers.

Salesman ants begin from the recommendation processing module (formicary), after some un-registered customers enter into the system and browse some product items. And each ant will serve for an un-registered customer, with their personalized information collected by salesman ants. Also, they can collect and find the un-registered customer’s interests from customers’ browsing sequences. As enjoyment information, all interests will be utilized to match the pheromone of product, when these ants enter into the E-commerce Basic DB. After collecting enough recommendation product information, the ant leaves back to their formicary and label pheromones on product items. When through the B/C OLTP and Data mine module, they will update the information of equivalent products. At last, they return to the formicary, and push recommendation product items to customers.

B. Key technologies

Because of different attribute spaces, customer interests and product attributes can hardly match each other. In order to deal with the problem, the CACER takes some novel key technologies. Besides the historic data mine of customer transaction, CACER can utilize ‘interest vs attribute’ two-dimensional match technology to implement real-time recommendation retrieval. As following, the technology will be introduced.

The proposed technology flow divides the recommendation process into two phases. The first phase is a customer interest profiling step, where product bought by a customer in the past is standardized and segmented into different clusters in a two-dimensional space. Each resulting cluster corresponds to an interest area of the customer. In the second phase, the tasks of product preference prediction and recommendation generation are carried out. For a new product that is not purchased by the customer yet, CACER categorizes it into the right cluster first. Then the products included in this cluster, together with their ratings given by the customer explicitly or implicitly, are used the same two-dimensional space. Subsequently, the product attributes are formalized and presented to the two-dimensional space. Then the preference value that the customer possibly has for the product can be predicted by the generalization inference ability of top match algorithm. At last, the preference prediction values for all new products are ranked and the top-n items with the highest values will be recommended to the customer. Figure 3 depicts the processing flows of the technology.

In the example, one ant entered into the two-dimensional space with some customer interests, and it labeled some pheromones in the space. Then other ants arrived in the space with some product attributes as their pheromones. When two kinds of pheromones were labeled in the superposed space, a salesman ant or a carrier ant could collect a similarity top-N product list. Further, it pushed the list to recommendation processing module and recommend the list to customers.


In order to validate the proposed CACE algorithm, a simulation experiment was carried out. The simulation configuration for the experiment was as follows: First, a product dataset was designed by randomly choosing 500 products. The products in this category represent the most popular items that are often bought by customers from Internet. The behavior of a typical customer was simulated by randomly assigning 100 products out of the 500 products with ratings between 1 and 10, and the rest with click, save and purchase number. Then doublel experiements have been respectivly executed with CACER and without it.

Figure 4A shows that CACER can make the systme attract more consumers’ attention than before. And in each simulation group, consumers spend more time in AD webs with CACER than without it. The performance of each model is evaluated in terms of recommendation precision, which measures the percentage that products recommended to a customer are actually liked by the customer. And the simulation results show the delays, in which comsumer browse the recommended products.Futhermore, CACER can increase E-commerce turnovers. And the simulation results (in Fig.4 B) show the turnovers have been more about 12% than before. This can be explained by the unique properties exhibited by the CACER model such as user profile with multiple interests, adaptability to customer interest changes and the good robust learning and generalization inference ability exhibited by three kinds of ants.


In this paper, we propose a CACER recommendation system model to help e-commerce websites provide better personalization service for their customers. The experimental results show that the our recommendation model is superior to the before. In addition, the model should be applied to a real e-commerce environment where customers give their actual ratings to products for validating its practical effect.


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