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1. We had a really bad time about five months ago but now things are .

A. looking up B. coming up

C. cutting up D. turning up

2. If he had her promise, he would have been admitted into Peking University.

A. looked up to

B. lived up to

C. kept up with

D. came up with

3. Mary had a quarrel with her brother about the terms of their father’s will, but much to our relief, they their misunderstanding at last.

A. broken up B. gave up

C. cleared up D. made up

4. At last, we decided that we would drive all the way home instead of _____ a hotel for the night in Qingdao.

A. staying up B. putting up

C. calling up D. putting off

5. Listen to some sweet songs before we go to sleep, and we may just ____ sweet dreams.

A. make up with

B. put up with

C. catch up with

D. end up with

6. To my satisfaction, I managed to _______ a valuable first edition of Harry Potter at a village book sale.

A. buy for B. look up

C. pick up D. get up

7. The amount of orbital debris has reached a tipping point, _____ the risk of spacecraft failures.

A. adding to B. adding up to

C. bringing up D. coming up to

8. It’s reported that Mechanized

construction in China has ________ the rapid development of high-speed rail.

A. cheered up B. held up

C. gone up D. speeded up



1.本题易误选D。 而该题答案为A。look up在此意为“好转;改善”,look up还有“向上看;拜访,看望;查阅”之意;而turn up意为“出现,出席,露面;被找到,被发现;开大(收音机等)的音量”;come up意为“发生,出现;长出,发芽;被提出,被讨论;走过来”;cut up意为“切碎;剪开;使伤心”。

2.本题易误选C。 而该题答案为B。lived up to意为“遵守,实践(诺言、原则等);符合,不辜负(期望)”;而keep up with意为“跟上,赶上;和……保持联系”;look up to意为“尊敬,敬仰”;come up with意为“想出, 提出”。该句意为:如果他实践了她的诺言,她就会考入北京大学。

3.本题易误选B。 而该题答案为C。clear up在此意为“澄清,消除(误会等)”,clear up还有“整理,清理;(天)放晴”之意;break up意为“破碎,破坏;解散;(会议)结束;学校放假;分手;衰弱”;give up意为“放弃,停止”;make up意为“编造;组成,构成;整理,铺(床);化妆;拼凑成;弥补;和好,和解;配制”等之意。该句意为:玛丽和她的哥哥对父亲的遗嘱发生了争吵,但令我们很欣慰的是,他们最终消除了误会。

4.本题易误选A。 而该题答案为B。put up意为“为……提供食宿,投宿;举起;搭起;张贴;提供(资金),借给(款项)”;而stay up为“熬夜”之意; put off意为“推迟,延期”;call up意为“召集,征召(入伍);使人想起,唤起回忆;给……打电话”。该句意为:我们决定开车回家而不是在青岛的宾馆过夜。

5.本题易误选C。 而该题答案为D。end up with意为“以……结束”;catch up with意为“追上,赶上”;make up with意为“与……和好”;put up with意为“忍受,容忍”;该句意为:睡觉前听一些甜美的音乐,也许最终会进入甜蜜的梦乡。

6.本题易误选A。 而该题答案为C。pick up在此意为“买到某物(尤指廉价或好运)”,pick up还有“捡起;重新开始;继续;接(某人)上车;染上(疾病);(偶然)学得;收听;(情况)好转;增加(速度);偶然结识(某人)”等之意;“花钱买某物” 应为buy sth. for money;look up意为“查阅(单词);向上看”;get up意为“起床;起身”。该句意为:令我满意的是,我在一家乡村的售书中,我较便宜地买到了珍贵的首版《哈利・波特》。

7.本题易误选B。 而该题答案为A。add to意为“增加;添加了”;add up to意为“总计;共达”;bring up意为“抚养,养育;呕吐”;come up to 意为“向……走过来;达到,符合(……的水平/标准)”。故只有选A符合语意。该句意为:地球轨道上太空垃圾的数量已经达到“临界点”,从而增加了损毁航天器的风险。

8.本题易误选C。 而该题答案为D。speed up意为“加快;使加速;增速”;cheer up意为“使高兴,使振奋;振作起来,加油”;hold up意为“举起,支撑,使停顿,抢劫,举某人作为范例/榜样”;go up 为不及物动词短语,意为“(价格、水平等)上升,上涨,增长;(舞台幕布)升起,拉起”。该句意为:据报道机械化施工加速了中国高铁的迅猛发展。



1. China successfully the Tiangong-1, paving the way for its first space station around 2020.

A. set up B. lifted up

C. sent up D. used up

2. Some professors had a debate about whether Fukushima nuclear plant should be _______ due to high radiation and all kinds of pollution.

A. finished up B. closed up

C. piled up D. dug up

3. We should _______ the challenge to forbid the food producers to produce unqualified food.

A. keep up B. build up

C. do up D. take up

4. Because of too many cars in cities, we are often _______ in a traffic jam during the rush hour.

A. held on B. saved up

C. held up D. fix up


1. C。send up在此意为“发射”。句意为:中国成功发射了“天宫一号”,为大约2020年中国的第一个太空站铺平了道路。

2. B。close up,“(尤指暂时)关闭”;finish up,“结束,完成,用完”; pile up,“堆积,堆放”。故只有B符合句意。该句意为:因为高辐射和各种污染,一些专家就福岛核电站是否被关闭进行了辩论。

3. D。take up在此意为“接受,接纳”。句意为:我们应该接受挑战,禁止食品生产商生产不合格食品。

4. C。hold up在此意为“阻碍或延误某人;使耽搁”;hold on,“继续;坚持;别挂断,等一会”。句意为:因为城市的车辆太多,所以在交通高峰期,我们常常遇上堵车的情况。