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Children and women first 妇幼优先

Danger 危险

Don not block 请勿堵塞

Do not litter 请勿乱丢垃圾

Do not proceed beyond rail 请勿跨越栏杆

Don’t touch 请勿触摸 Keep off the grass 勿蹋草坪

Keep out 不得入内 No bills/posts 禁止张贴

Keep this doorway free of bikes门廊勿放自行车

No dumping 勿在此处倾倒垃圾 No fishing 禁止钓鱼

No running allowed 禁止跑动 Silence,please 肃静

No scribbling on the walls 不准在墙上涂写

No smoking 禁止吸烟 No spitting 请勿随地吐痰

No to drugs yes to life 珍爱生命,杜绝

Please do not leave your belongings here 此处勿置个人物品

Please do not throw rubbish into this river 请勿向河中投掷垃圾


Admission by ticket only 凭票入场

Admittance free 免票入场

Authorized cars only 专用停车位 Cameras forbidden 禁止拍照

Danger ahead 前方危险 Distinguished guests only 贵宾专用

Glass,attention 小心玻璃 Hands off the exhibits 勿触展品

House full 客满 Keep silent/silence 肃静

Knock 请先敲门 Line up for tickets 排队买票

Members only 会员俱乐部 No admittance 禁止入内;谢绝入内

No admittance except on business 非公莫入

No admittance without pass 无证禁止入内

No entrance 游人止步

No entry by this door 请勿走此门

No food or drink to be brought in shop


No occupying while stabling (火车厕所门上)进站时请勿使用

Pay here 此处付款

Please do not feed animals 请勿投喂动物

Please do not touch 请勿触摸

Please shut the door after you 随手关门

Please stop 游人止步 Pull 请向后拉

Push 请向前推 Queue up for bus 排队上车

Seat by number 对号入座 Staff only 闲人免进

The way to the toilet 由此入厕

Turn off the light before you leave 出门关灯

Visitors not admitted 谢绝参观 Wet/fresh paint 油漆未干


Attention:sharp turn ahead 注意:前面急转弯

Buses only 公交专用道 Danger ahead 前面危险

Drive slowly 车辆慢行 Keep away 请勿靠近

Keep right 请靠右走 Keep to the right/left 靠右/左行

No honking 禁止鸣笛 No left/right turn 禁止左/右转

No overtaking on bridge 桥上禁止超车

No parking 禁止停车 No passing 不准超车

No parking day and night 昼夜禁止停车

No thoroughfare 禁止通行

No through road 此路不通

No trucks 卡车禁止通行 No u-turn 禁止掉头

No way out 禁止出入 One-way street(traffic) 单行道

Overtaking only 超车道 School ahead 前方学校

Speed limit:40km/h 限速:每小时40千米

Turn left(right) 向左(右)转


Cut here 沿此处剪开 Insert here 由此插入

Keep top side up/keep this way up 请勿倒置

This side up 此面朝上