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Exhibit A: A freshman at Rhode Island College copied and pasted material from a Web site into his research paper about homelessness. He didn't think he needed to credit2) the source because the site didn't list an author.

Exhibit B: Middle school students from Pennsylvania told the authors of a study on cheating that the Internet was "magic" because it provided almost any information they wanted. "Once I forgot to do my homework," said one student. "And I went [online] and just copied the paper in my handwriting, and [the teacher] never knew."



The problem with both examples is that copying someone else's words―whether from a book, a TV show, or the Internet―without attribution3) is plagiarism. But many students, accustomed4) to the free flow of information online, don't realize that copying from the Web is a serious misdeed. In fact, it can lead to suspension5), expulsion6), or a permanent mark on your academic record.

Donald L. McCabe is a professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey. In his surveys of college students, 40 percent admitted to plagiarizing a few sentences in written assignments. Some 61 percent admitted to cheating on assignments or exams. In another survey, more than half of students in grades 7 to 12 admitted to some form of cheating involving the Web. About one third said that they didn't consider downloading a paper from the Internet to be a serious offense.

Alarmed at the rise of digital cheating, many educators have responded by using services like . This site and others allow teachers to check students' work for plagiarism against a database of millions of term papers.




Author! Author! 作者!作者!

It may also be redefining how students, who are used to music-file-sharing and Wikipedia, understand the concept of authorship.

"We have a whole generation of students who've grown up with information that just seems to be hanging out there in cyberspace and doesn't seem to have an author," says Teresa Fishman, the director of the Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University in South Carolina. "It's possible to believe this information is just out there for anyone to take."

Sarah Brookover, a senior at Rutgers, has observed many of her classmates copying and pasting from the Web. When you do research on the Internet, she says, "you're not walking into a library, you're not physically holding the article." You can forget that the ideas aren't yours. Online, she says, "everything can 'belong' to you really easily."




Is Originality Dead? 原创已死?

Last year, Helene Hegemann tested the notion that it's OK to blend all of this free-floating information into a creative work. The teen's best-selling novel about young people in Germany's capital, Berlin, was found to include passages lifted from other authors. Hegemann didn't apologize. Instead, she declared: "There's no such thing as originality anyway."

Hogwash7), says Sarah Wilensky. While a student at Indiana University, Wilensky took aim at Hegemann in a column in her school newspaper headlined "Generation Plagiarism". Relaxing plagiarism standards, she wrote, "does not foster8) creativity; it fosters laziness" .

Donald J. Dudley, who oversees the discipline office at the University of California, Davis, agrees. Of the 196 plagiarism cases referred to his office in 2009, most involved students who intentionally copied.

To address the problem, some colleges are requiring students to complete online tutorials about plagiarism. At one school, such tutorials cut plagiarism cases by two thirds. Meanwhile, public schools around the country are making students sign technology agreements9) acknowledging the seriousness of copying and pasting.

But no method works like understanding the value of research. "People who plagiarize are cheating themselves," one student wrote on a New York Times blog. "One day, they'll be asked to create something new, something that doesn't already have a Wikipedia page, and they won't be able to."




