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Ireland is a country with a dynamic and modern economy, but where history is so well preserved it is almost tangible. Its landscape is diverse and hauntingly beautiful. From heather covered mountains to dense wooded glens, dramatic coastline scenery to windswept bog lands, there is a breathtaking sight around every corner. If Ireland's beauty is its scenery, then its people are its charm. People famed for their hospitality and their love of conversation, the Irish know how to appreciate the joy of living in the moment. This joy will infect the visitor too and Ireland, once visited, will never be forgotten.



Although situated in the northwest of Europe, Ireland is warmed by the waters of the Atlantic Gulf Stream and enjoys a relatively mild climate. Ireland is famous, however, for its large amount of rainfall, and no matter what time of year you go, you are sure to experience rain. In Ireland, rain can come in the form of a light drizzle that barely wets your clothes, or a heavy downpour that batters your windows. Rain can last from five minutes to several days. It is due to this wet climate that Ireland is home to beautiful lakes and rivers, and has a lush green landscape. Furthermore, from bus stops to shops to pubs, the capricious nature of the weather is a constant topic of conversation.


Ireland's cities are its cultural centres and provide excellent bases for excursions into the beautiful countryside.






The capital city boasts elegant Georgian houses, streets, squares and parks, atmospheric pubs and superb restaurants, one of Europe's most exciting music scenes, a living literary heritage and a cosmopolitan shopping experience and so many attractions you would need several holidays to enjoy them all.

Though most visitors are too busy on a pub crawl to see anything else, there are other things to see and do outside of the centuries-old tradition of drinking Guinness. A visit to the 16th Century Trinity College to see the ancient illustrated manuscript, the Book of Kells, is a must. Dublin's long history can be appreciated in its architecture, with Christchurch Cathedral and Dublin Castle serving as good examples. Grafton Street, a long pedestrian street in the city centre, is ideal for a shopping spree. And if Ireland's drinking culture is what really interests you, a Guinnes Brewery tour will be a truly enjoyable experience.





Galway is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. Despite its relatively small size, Galway is a cosmopolitan city with great shopping, food and nightlife. Its medieval streets reflect its long history and it sits on the doorstep to some of Ireland's most wild and rugged scenery. "The City of Tribes" is most famous for its festivals which attract visitors from all over the world. These festivals include the Galway Races, the International Oyster Festival, and the Galway International Arts Festival.




The Irish Republic's second city is a great base for the gorgeous scenery of the rural areas to its west. The city is built on an island in between two channels of the River Lee. It offers the visitor a few cathedrals, lots of churches, a museum that reflects the role of "the Rebel City" in Ireland's independence struggle and a very lively nightlife. This year, Cork is celebrating its award of European Capital of Culture, which means there will be lots of activities. For more info visit: www.cork2005.ie.



The Landscape

To give a worthy account of Ireland's landscape attractions would require a book in itself. The following are a few examples:



The Ring of Kerry

The Ring of Kerry is a circular route around some of the most unspoilt and magical mountain and lake scenery in Ireland. It has been a tourist attraction for hundreds of years and takes in several fascinating towns and villages, as well as providing a base for outdoor pursuits, such as fishing, golf and mountain climbing.



The Cliffs of Moher

Dramatic and wild, the beauty of the Shannon region of Ireland is best exemplified in the sheer Cliffs of Moher. From high up in O'Brien's Tower, you can watch these spectacular cliffs dive dizzyingly downwards to the crashing waves of the Atlantic. The nearby golden beaches and the prehistoric scenery of the Burren, a limestone desert with dazzlingly colourful wild flowers, are also sure to captivate.

The Aran Islands

The Aran Islands comprise of three elongated limestone islands exposed to the fury of the North Atlantic. Mysterious prehistoric ruins, Early-Christian monuments and thousand year-old stone walls characterise the rare and terrible beauty of these islands. The Aran Islands are also a stronghold of indigenous Irish culture, and it is here that visitors may still hear the ancient Irish language being spoken.


Newgrange is a 5000 year old monument in the midlands of Ireland. This mysterious structure seems to have been erected in honour of the sun. On the shortest day of the year, every year, at noon, the sun shines through its entrance, along its passageway, illuminating its central chamber for fifteen minutes. Not much else is really known or understood about Newgrange. This area also has several elegant garden parks converted into public areas from what were once the private mansions of Ireland's ruling class.








Fishing is a popular activity for tourists in Ireland. Thousands of visitors arrive each year hoping to do battle with the majestic wild salmon. The salmon is a prominent symbol in Irish mythology and, before the introduction of the Euro, was featured on Irish coins. To witness the wild salmon leaping up waterfalls on their return to their spawning grounds is an unforgettable experience. Likewise, eating smoked salmon, served on freshly baked brown bread and washed down with a creamy pint of Guinness is a pleasurable experience too!

The Gift of the Gab

The Irish are credited with being masters at the art of conversation. A visit to Blarney Castle in Cork can offer the visitor the same skill of banter as the locals. There is a stone in this castle and legend has it that whoever kisses the stone will receive the gift of the gab. The word 'blarney' has since developed to mean skilful flattery or nonsense.





Useful Info 实用信息


The currency in use in Ireland is the Euro. Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards are widely accepted. Banks are open Mon-Fri, 10AM-4:30PM.




One of the best ways to see Ireland is by car. A full national driving license is required. Driving is on the left side of the road and seatbelts must be worn by all passengers, front and back. For more info on recommended driving routes ask for the Touring Ireland by Car brochures at a Tourism Ireland centre.






dynamic /dai`n2mik/ adj.有活力的

tangible /`t2n_ib(9)l/ adj.可触摸的;有形的

hauntingly /`h5ntiMli/ adv.常浮现于脑海中地;不易忘怀地

glen /Glen/ n.峡谷;幽谷

bog /b4G/ n.沼泽

drizzle /`drizl/ n.细雨

downpour /`daunp5(r)/ n.大雨

batter /bAt9/ v.接连重击;敲碎

lush /l7H/ adj.青葱的

capricious /k9`priH9s/ adj.反复无常的

excursion /iks`k8H9n/ n.远足;短程旅行

heritage /`heriti_/ n.传统;遗产

cosmopolitan /,k4zm9`p4lit9n/ adj.世界性的;全球(各地)的

illustrated /`il9streitid/ adj.有插图的

manuscript /`m2njuskript/ n.手稿;原稿

pedestrian /pe`destri9n/ n.步行者

spree /spr1/ n.无节制的狂热行为

brewery /`br69ri/ n.酿酒厂

gorgeous /`G5_9s/ adj.华丽的;灿烂的

cathedral /k9`F1dr9l/ n.大教堂

rugged /`r7Gid/ adj.粗糙的

oyster /`4ist9/ n.牡蛎

exemplify /iG`zemplifai/ vt.举例说明

dive /daiv/ vi.俯冲;猛地伸入

limestone /`laimst9un/ n.石灰石

elongate /`1l4MGeit/ v.拉长;伸长

stronghold /`str4Mh.ld/ n.要塞;堡垒

indigenous /in`di_in9s/ adj.本土的

midland /`midl9nd/ n.中部地方

illuminate /i`l(mineit/ vt.照明;照亮

chamber /`tHeimb9/ n.室;房间

convert /k9n`v8t/ vt.使转变

mansion /`m2nH9n/ n.大厦;官邸

banter /`b2nt9/ n.逗弄;戏谑

flattery /`fl2t9ri/ n.谄媚;阿谀