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Key Technical Points of the Research and Development of High-quality Software Pr

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Abstract. Computer is high-tech equipment in the age of information, and has been widely applied in all industries by relying on its sharing, universality, intelligence and other characteristics. Seen from the structural composition, software and hardware are two core components of computer, and play a decisive role in the quality of computer and its system in the actual work. Software development is a process for building up software system or software of system according to the needs of users; in high-quality software research and development, multiple aspects such as market research, demand analysis, structure design and model debugging are involved, and the quality of products can be ensured only if each operation link is strictly controlled.

key words: High Quality; Software Products; Research and Development; Key technical points

Software is another critical component of computer. Because the researches of science and technology are constrained by the traditional ideas, the quality of the software products sold at market can’t meet the needs of users. Because the age of information is the main trend in the social transformation, researches on the high-quality software products are indispensable, and thus the overall upgrade of computer application technology can be driven.

1.Major Drawbacks of Traditional Software Research and development

Computer is high-tech equipment in the age of information. Seen from the structural composition, software and hardware are two core components of computer, and play a decisive role in the quality of computer and its system in the actual work. In consideration of the application demands of users in operating computer, the technology research units carried out a further development in the early days. However, because of insufficient technical conditions, the research and development of traditional software had a lot of major drawbacks.

1.1 Insufficient Functions

Software is program that is used for implementing and completing all kinds of instruction operations, and also plays an important role in connecting users and hardware. The research and development of traditional software were only limited to programming and its document creation, and did not take corresponding tests on the specific use functions of software. As a result, the corresponding functions for software could not be available after software was installed in computer. For example, program is unable to work normally after installed in machine; a jammed phenomenon often appears in software implement operation command.

1.2 Backward Technologies

Computer is a typical representative of the information technology equipments, and more operational functions can be available if the high-performance computers are selected. The qualified qualities or backward performance of computer and its affiliated products will affect the normal work of users in the later days. In the research and development of application software, it is necessary to give consideration to the use functions of multiple aspects and also make discussions and designs on the designed use functions. However, the less advancement of application technology in text processing, aided design and information management has obstructed the technical level of the actual operation and control of software.

1.3 Complex Programming

Computer language is a fundamental condition for computer to work and execute tasks. Programming computer language is a key project of software development, and the result of programming language has a close mutual relationship with the operational efficiency of the execution commands of software. The development model of old software was too complex in programming language and some unnecessary programming languages were compulsorily added for software, thus making software products lowly efficient to operate in computer. In addition, too complex programming language goes against the continuous development of high-quality software products. Therefore, computer language programming is a complex and huge project and requires programming personnel to seriously make design and organization.

2.Preliminary Work of the Research and Development of New Software Product

The research and development of new software by enterprise is not equal to simply updating product, but should be based on computer market demand and user's needs on functions, so as to ensure software products sold at market and obtain expected sales. With the purpose of doing a good job in research and development of new software product, it is necessary for enterprises to arrange professional personnel for implementing comprehensive investigation and analysis on products, so as to lock the research and development goals of software products and also formulate scientific software development flow, as shown in figure 1.

2.1 Market Investigation

The wide application scope of computer has decided the variety and diversity of software users. The requirements of different user groups on the functions of new software are different. The market investigation made in the preliminary stage of software research and development can help know well the latest purchase intentions of consumers, and thus suggestions for the use of software products can be proposed. Through market investigation and preparation, demands on software can be known well fundamentally, and thus a reference can be provided for the orientation of software products.

Fig.1: Software Research and Development Flow

2.2 Plan Design

Combined with the product information that has been known well, scientific research and development plan can be designed for guiding the researchers to apply the latest technologies and improving the functions of software. First of all, it is necessary to make a preliminary design on software products, so as to plan out the general model of product and make clear the settings of each module and the flow of programming language. Secondly, it is necessary to determine module distribution, logic algorithm and data structure of new software, and set up multi- functional databases for storing resources.

2.3 Technical Planning

Advanced research and development technology is a fundamental guarantee for the high quality of software products, and technical planning is to organize technical application system according to software plan, and maintain the quality, performance, parameters and other aspects of products under the help of advanced science and technology. In addition to regular software technology plans, multi-functional debugging measures can be added, the technical plans for the application of new software can be reviewed again, and the quality of software products can be comprehensively improved. Thus, customers can be served better in application.

3.Key Technical Points for the Research and Development of High-quality Software Products

Software development is a process for building up software system or software of system according to the needs of users; in high-quality software research and development, multiple aspects such as market research, demand analysis, structure design and model debugging are involved, and then the quality of products can be ensured only if each operation link is strictly controlled. In view of the role of advanced science and technology in the functions of the hardware and software systems of computer, it is necessary to make scientific technology plans for new software products and also make an improvement to the performances of products by relying on advanced science and technology. The author thinks that it is necessary to adhere to English coding technology, testing technology, debugging technology and maintenance technology in the research and development of new software products, so as to realize the "high quality, high performance, and high efficiency" of products.

3.1 Coding Technology

Software coding is to convert software design to programs that can be accepted by computer. That is, "source program list" expressed with a programming language is written, and requires an encoder for completing operations, as shown in figure 2. Because the research and development of new software require the writing of programming language, the application of coding technology can help fully understand software development language, tool characteristics, and programming style, and also is conducive to the selection of development tools and the quality assurance of software products. Currently, object-oriented language is selected for software development. Furthermore, object-oriented development languages are integrated with development environments in general, making the speed of development greatly improved.

Fig.2: Structure of Encoder

3.2 Testing Technology

Any new software, after the end of its research and development, is required to be tested through simulation, for the purpose of judging whether the use performances of products accord with standards. The purpose of testing software is to find mistakes with a small cost as many as possible; a commonly-seen testing method is white-box method. Tested object is source program, and the programming errors, structural errors and data errors are found according to the logic structure in the program. For example, structural errors include logic errors, data flow, initial errors, etc. The key of design with cases is to cover the internal program logic results with fewer cases as many as possible.

3.3 Debugging Technology

For different levels of user groups, the program commands and operation functions executed by software of computer are different. Therefore, in the practical application, failure problems will inevitably occur. Debugging technology is not only applicable to the research and development stage of software, but also can quickly deal with failure problems in the latter stage. For example, in software testing, debugging technology can be selected for processing once failure problems are found, so as to recover the normal functions of software as soon as possible; in software using, self-diagnosis technology can be combined for identifying potential failures, implementing effective processing in advance, and ensuring the lasting play of software performances.

3.4 Maintenance Technology

Maintenance refers to some software engineering activities conducted on software products after analysis, design, coding, and testing of software are complete and delivered in use. That is, based on software operation conditions, software is appropriately modified; the errors in operation can be timely corrected through enhancing daily maintenance. Thus, abnormal failures can be prevented after software normally works. After a period of maintenance, it is necessary to write software problem reports and software modification reports, and record the technical parameters related to products.


In short, the research and development of software products are not only explorations in theory, but also application-oriented studies. They are the most important for the computer application engineering, but also major indexes for deciding the development potentials of enterprises and symbolizing the future development of enterprises. Relevant powers can be organized by enterprises to make efficient upgrade and improvement on the development model of traditional products. Besides, after a software product is chosen, it is necessary for enterprises to make preparatory work in the preliminary stage and also make full use of advanced science and technology as aided methods. As a result, the functional values of software products are comprehensively enhanced. In addition, the technical plans for executing software products should be different according to different user groups, and designs should be made according to the actual conditions and demands. Only in this way, the actual demands of computer users can be really fulfilled.


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