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追击梦想 第7期

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You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves ... they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.


这部电影的英文名字叫做The Pursuit of Happiness,跟电影的主题很是贴切,主人公在而立之年还是个推销员,在生活的压力下进入一家声名显赫的股票投资公司实习,最终成为其中的一名正式员工,开始了自己的事业。国内译名《当幸福来敲门》比起英文名来说,没有突出电影的主题,个人认为另一个译名《追击幸福》更加合适。

Chris: This part of my life is called “Internship”. [现在很多外企都有internship的招聘,这也是通往外企的一个必经途径。]

Director:The 1200 building is Medley Industrial and Sanko Oil. The building across the street is Lee-Ray Shipping. In a couple of weeks, you’ll get call sheets with the phone numbers of employees from every Fortune 500 company in the financial district. You will be pooling from 60 Fortune companies. You will mainly be cold-calling potential clients. But if you have to have lunch with them, have breakfast with them, even babysit for them, do whatever it takes to familiarize them with our packages. We need you to match their needs and goals to one of our many financial plans. In essence, you reel them in, we’ll cook the fish.(原则上就是你们把他们弄进来,我们来伺候他们。这里“他们”指的是潜在的客户) Some of you guys are here, because you guys know somebody(大人物). Some of you are here because you think you’re somebody. There’s one guy in here who’s gonna be somebody. That person’s gonna be the guy who can turn this into this. Eight hundred thousand in commission dollars. You, you, help me hand these out. This is going to be your bible. You’ll eat with it. You’ll drink with it.[想要成为Somebody,不付出努力是不行的,也许众多人中只有一个可以成为Somebody,多数还是成为Nobody;但既使如此,你也必须成为1%的Somebody而奋斗。]

Chris: It was simple. X number of calls equals X number of prospects. X number of prospects equals X number of customers. X number of customers equals X number of dollars in the company’s pocket. [电话是寻找客户的主要方法,打多少电话就意味着能找到多少潜在的客户,这是商业定律。]

Director: Your board exam. Last year, we had an intern score a 96.4 percent on the written exam. He wasn’t chosen.It’s not a simple pass/fail. It’s an evaluation tool we use to separate applicants. Be safe, score a hundred. Okay, let’s take a break. Be back in 10(十分钟后回来).


Chris: Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired.(Hello, Chris Gardner calling for Mr. Walter Hobb.)We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients.From the bottom to the top.(Yes, sir.)From the doorman to the CEO.(Okay.)They’d stay till 7, but I had Christopher. I had to do in six hours what they do in nine.(Good afternoon, my name is Chris Gardner. I’m calling from Dean Witter.)In order not to waste any time, I wasn’t hanging up the phone in between calls.(Okay, thank you very much.)I realized that by not hanging up the phone, I gained another eight minutes a day.(Why, good morning to you, my name is Chris Gardner.I’m calling from Dean Witter.)I also wasn’t drinking water, so I didn’t waste any time in the bathroom.(Yes, I’d love to have the opportunity. Okay, no problem at all, sir. Thank you very much.)But even doing all this after two months, I still didn’t have time to work my way up a sheet.
