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Reading the Essence of Classic Ancient Chinese Literature, cultivating the Pilla

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Guangdong Province Language Audiovisual Electronic Publishing House has published ancient cultural classic series which contains The Analects of Confucius, Lao-tzu, University & the Doctrine of the Mean, Classic of Filial Piety, Standards for Being a Good Student and Child & Popular Collection of Traditional chinese Wise Sayings, and Three Characters Primer, the Book of Family Names & One Thousand Character Primer for children. In the aspect of text edit, this series has such characters: font size is moderate, the books has the phonetic transcription and is convenient for reading; the annotation is succinct, the translation is clear and is useful for releasing the difficult questions; the books have illustrations, both pictures and texts are excellent, and can both add some spices and stimulate the pleasures of the imagination; the books have MP3 discs, which reading master copies in standard mandarin. All of the characters are quite suitable for children to read on their own easily.

Since the end of 1990s, a kind of cultural trend appeared in Chinese cultural field, we call it “Chinese traditional culture fever”. Even people are not so clear about what is “Chinese traditional culture”, they still present a strong enthusiasm for Chinese ancient cultural books. In this trend, publishing circles and elementary educational circles actively published ancient enlightenment books for current children’s extracurricular learning, some schools even selected these books as their teaching materials.

How to treat this phenomenon?

Chinese culture has a long history and is broad and profound, it is just like mother's milk which is feeding us, nourishing us and formed excellent qualities of our nationality, such as being kindhearted, brave, clever, hardworking and plain. As a member of Chinese nation, we should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of national culture and pass on it from generation to generation.

Chinese traditional culture is a kind of culture which takes moral spirit as the core, theories of life and theories of personality are well-developed. No matter the so called “Four Books and Five Classics”, namely The Confucian Analects, The Works of Mencius, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes, and The Spring and Autumn Annals, or latter the so called “Thirteen Classic Works”, namely The Book of Changes, The Book of History, The Book of Songs, Rites of Zhou, Etiquette, The Book of Rites, Zuo's Spring and Autumn, Spring and Autumn Gongyang Biography, Spring and Autumn GuLiang Biography, The Classic of Filial Piety, The Confucian Analects, Elegance, The Works of Mencius, in those Confucian classics, some are ethical and philosophical works which professionally tell morality and personality; some are not professional ethical and philosophical works, but they still involve the moralization everywhere, and are full of ethical contents. Besides Confucian classics, Taoist cultural classics like Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu and various Buddhism cultural classics also strongly focus on telling the conduct way; and various family instructions and all kinds of enlightenment books from every dynasty such as Three Character Primer, Standards for Being a Good Student and Child & Popular Collection of Traditional Chinese Wise Sayings are moreover the concentration of traditional moral values and the common sermon. There is no denying that there are many essences with general rules existing in Chinese traditional moral culture. Nowadays, it still has a positive reference meaning for constructing the noble personality and enhancing the life state of modern people.

Nowadays, some of us are gradually alienating our national traditional culture. In the aspect of dealing with others, they are gradually alienating the good moral spirit which is formed for thousands of years and losing many essences of that, someone even knows nothing about the traditional cultural works which can cultivate good moral characters and have a positive significance; what’s worse, in real life, obviously there is something wrong with people’s moral ideas and behaviors, phenomena such as not performing filial piety, breaking faith, not understanding etiquette and being shameless can be seen frequently, this really make us anxious. Under this situation, proposing knowing the current world and learning from history, reviewing the ancients’ moral lessons, carrying forward the traditional moral spirit, using moral cultural works which are handed down from the ancient time to enlighten the world and realize the recurrence of the nationality excellent traditional moral spirit, and those ideas are understandable.

For the above reasons, I agree with appropriately publishing some ancient cultural works as early reading materials for children.

Nowadays, among everything, education is the most fundamental affair. To the affair of education, children are the first. “The children are the father of adults”, education received in people’s childhood and the basic personality formed by it will be a keynote of a people’s personality in their whole life. So, using what to teach them and how to teach them, which kind of book should we led them to read and teaching them how to read could be the factors which can directly influence the formation of their personality and the direction of their future life road, and even can influence the revitalization of noble national cause, we must pay great attention to it and have an intensive study on it. In my opinion, at least we couldn’t blindly bring them into ancient books, but should let them to touch, comprehend and study some books which reflect modern advanced humanistic value ideas and scientific spirit as many and early as possible. So, just on the basis of above concepts, I agree with the view that children should read some ancient cultural and educational books.