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环球播报 第9期

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Reuters Drops Lebanese Photographer over Doctored Photo


Reuters, the global news and information agency, told a freelance Lebanese photographer on August 6th that it would not use any more of his pictures after he doctored an image of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on Beirut. The photograph by Adnan Hajj, which was published on news websites, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid in the war with the Shi'ite Islamic group Hizbollah, then in its fourth week. Reuters withdrew the doctored image and replaced it with the unaltered photograph after several news blogs said it had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more smoke. Reuters has strict standards of accuracy that bar the manipulation of images in ways that mislead the viewer. (Reuters)


Afghans Pin Hopes on Rebuilding Buddhas 阿富汗人祈望重建佛像

Five years after the Taliban blew them up, Afghan laborers in Bamiyan are picking up the pieces of two once-towering Buddha statues, hoping they will rise again and breathe new life into this dirt-poor province. While they wait for the Afghan government and international community to decide whether to rebuild them, a $1.3 million UNESCO-funded project is sorting out the chunks of clay and plaster - ranging from boulders weighing several tons to fragments the size of tennis balls - and sheltering them from the elements. Rebuilding the statues, one 174 feet tall and the other 115 feet, will be like assembling giant jigsaw puzzles. "We can change the local people's lives from being dominated by poverty if we rebuild one of the Buddha statues," said Habiba Surabi, governor of Bamiyan province. She isAfghanistan's first female governor. The Taliban dynamited the Buddha statues in March 2001, deeming them idolatrous and anti-Muslim. (AP)


"I'm clean", Maintains Landis


His credibility undermined and his support dwindling after he failed a second doping test, Floyd Landis remained convinced that "as far as he's concerned, he won the Tour de France clean." If he fails in his legal challenge to doping charges, Landis will lose his championship and be banned from the sport for two years. Although the first four finishers were disqualified for unexplained cheating in 1904, Landis could become the first man to win the leader's yellow jersey and lose it for doping. Christian Prudhomme, the Tour director, said that "It goes without saying that for us, Floyd Landis is no longer the winner of the 2006 Tour de France." That judgment, to news agencies, was voiced hours after the rider's Phonak team fired him. Landis's lawyer, Howard Jacobs, said the case might take several months to be decided. (International Herald Tribune)


Hackers Crack New Biometric Passports


Hi-tech biometric passports used by Britain and other countries have been hacked by a computer expert, throwing into doubt fundamental parts of the UK's £415m scheme to load passports with information such as fingerprints, facial scans and iris patterns. Speaking at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas, Lukas Grunwald, a consultant with a German security company, said he had discovered a method for cloning the information stored in the new passports. Data can be transferred onto blank chips, which could then be implanted in fake passports, a flaw which he said undermined the project. The revelation also casts another shadow over the government's plan for a national ID card, which would contain much of the same information. (Guardian)
