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We usually imagine White House meetings to be efficient and focused on grave matters; we don’t imagine the president dithering, daydreaming, or making idle scribbles—especially during moments of national crisis. But presidents, like the rest of us, doodle.

In an age of politics as scripted spectacle, these doodles, made without speechwriters, promise a glimpse of the unguarded president. Because their meaning may be opaque even to the doodler himself, they invite us to interpret them as we wish.



Herbert Hoover


Trained as an engineer, Hoover was one of the most prolific presidential doodlers. His pictures are consistently geometric, intricate, and clever in the way they link disparate parts into a larger whole. But while his doodles hinted at elaborate and expansive visions, they never included any people. This failure to take human beings into account was all too evident in his slow reaction to the Great Depression.



Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953~1961)

More than any other president, Eisenhower doodled on agendas, memos, and other official documents. This agenda, from June 28, 1954, didn’t list the crisis in Guatemala as an item for discussion, but Eisenhower did. The day before, CIA-backed forces had deposed the government of Jacobo Arbenz in favor of a regime that was more pro-American. With Guatemala clearly on his mind, the president sketched himself as a trim young man with big gunboats backing him up.



John F. Kennedy (1961~1963)

Kennedy’s doodles are heavily textual—reflecting his verbal, cerebral nature. He often repeats a word or phrase and sets each one in its own box. In some doodles, Kennedy writes one or two or three words over and over, in a tense, almost obsessive repetition, as if he were trying to work through whatever anxiety was confronting him. Although one should attempt presidential mind reading with the utmost caution, it seems safe to say that in this doodle JFK was concerned about Vietnam.



Ronald Reagan


Like his folksy stories, Reagan’s kitschy doodles—most of them cartoon renderings of himself as a bandana-wearing cowboy, a running back, or a rugged leading man—trigger warm associations with an idyllic American past.



Lyndon B. Johnson (1963~1969)

Johnson’s White House may well have been the most dedicated to doodle collecting. After each meeting, an aide would round up whatever notes were left, even if they had been crumpled or ripped up. The president shows his predilection for drawing figures with three faces. The drawing also reveals his habit of building his doodles around the words The White House on his stationery. At various times Johnson turned his residence into a flag, a pagoda, and a prison.



George H. W. Bush (1989~1993)

The one significant drawing—a sad, tearful face—currently available in Bush’s presidential papers appears on a memo he wrote to Rose Zamaria, his secretary. According to Zamaria, the president was responding to her request that he sign a stack of letters addressed to people he knew. Looking over the names, Bush realized that one intended recipient was dead and another might be. Zamaria explained, “You see, he was such a funny guy.”

