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Research on the Countermeasures to Accelerate the Transformation of Economic Dev

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Abstract. In this paper, it conscientiously sums up the experience to deal with the impact of the global financial crisis, in-depth study of the theoretical and practical issues faced by China's economic and social development. The basis of China's economic development pattern is still very fragile and short-term issues and long-term issues are intertwined, adverse domestic and international factors influence each other, and promote the transformation of the mode of economic development more difficult. General Secretary Hu Jintao stressed the need economic development the main transition as thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development goals and strategic initiatives, unwaveringly to accelerate economic development pattern. Based on this, this paper made some suggestions to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development in China in the new situation.

Key words: Mode of economic development, International financial crisis, Scientific development concept


General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in a report to the party's congress: to promote sound and fast economic development, to achieve the objectives for economic development, it is essential to speed up the transformation of economic development, improve the socialist market economic system made significant progress. The report makes it clear that to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, we should vigorously promote the strategic adjustment of economic structure, pay more attention to improve the capability of independent innovation, improve energy conservation and environmental protection, improve the economy's overall quality and international competitiveness. To deepen the understanding of the law of the socialist market economy, and institutions give better play to the basic role of the market in allocating resources to form a system of macroeconomic regulation conducive to scientific development. Accelerate the transformation of the economic development mode, explore and grasp the laws of economic development in China on the basis of the principles, and also is a major strategy from the reality of the current economic development in China.

2.The Meaning and Importance to Accelerate the Transformation of the Economic Development Model

Adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Party Congress on the recommendations of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the first time very clearly, to promote sustained, rapid and healthy development, we must achieve the economic growth mode from extensive to intensive fundamental change. As China's economy has entered a new stage in the development of heavy and chemical industries to accelerate, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, urban and rural areas, and the economic and social development, to adjust the investment exports of consumer relations, promotion of sustainable development in practice, for economic growth and With a new understanding of the problem of economic development, enrich the connotation of the transformation of economic growth mode, expanding its outreach, the new issue of “transformation of economic development”. The transformation of the economic development model is to shift from the structure of demand, supply structure to the factors of production configurations proposed higher requirements, which proposed three changes. The first change is the demand structural changes, economic growth by excessive reliance on investment and exports to relying on consumption, investment and export driven coordination shift focus on expanding the role of consumption to economic growth; The second change is the industrial structure or changes in the supply structure, change the economic growth of over-reliance on stimulating domestic demand situation in the secondary industry, and focus on the development of the tertiary industry; The third change is to optimize the allocation of production factors structure to change the situation of economic growth, over-reliance on consumption of material resources, mainly rely on technological progress, improve their management and the quality of workers and to spur economic growth. To accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, China's economic development and social harmony inherent requirement are a major and urgent strategic task of the national economy as a whole, which has great significance.

Since the founding of New China, especially the reform and opening up 30 years, the economic and social development in China has made tremendous achievements of world attention. However, as the development has entered a new stage, the original mode of economic development is clearly not suited to the requirements of economic and social development. Economic growth is highly dependent on investment in the international market, the trade surplus is too large, low consumption rate; rely mainly on the traditional mode of development and resource material input environment become increasingly prominent, the extension expansion mode has been difficult to sustain; economic development technical content. High, independent innovation capability is not strong, the convergence of disorders of the industrial structure, economic structure, part serious excess capacity, the deterioration of the ecological environment and other issues become increasingly prominent; relatively low proportion of residents' income in the national income distribution, different social groups, the income gap between obvious plus, resulting in the investment and consumption imbalances affect social stability and harmony.

Speed up the transformation of the economic development mode is the basic way to cope with the international financial crisis and maintain stable and rapid economic development. The international financial crisis in an extreme way exposes the shortcomings of China's economic development model. China does not speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development, the future development of space is getting smaller and smaller, and will be further and further narrow roads, getting lower and lower the quality of economic and social development, economic and social development will pay the price will keep rising.

Accelerate the economic development pattern is an urgent requirement to accelerate the shift of economic power to an economic powerhouse. The total amount from the economic point of view, China has become the world's largest economy, but not enough on the economic powers. China and Western countries, enterprises and industries upstream design, research and development capabilities, and some of the key technologies for the economic and social development of long-term dependence on foreign midstream technical equipment and developed countries in the same industry there is a certain gap, foreign control of the downstream sales and service network Chinese enterprises only for a small processing fee, but whom pay a huge resource cost and environmental costs. To change this passive unfavorable situation as soon as possible, there is an urgent requirement to increase investment in science and technology, cultivating the dominant position of enterprise technology innovation, and integration of scientific and technological resources to accelerate research technological innovation system, and guide and promote the development of enterprises to upgrade to the R & D and international marketing aspects, and continuously improve The overall quality of enterprise and industry, and gradually improve China's comprehensive strength and international competitiveness, as soon as possible by the economic power to a changing economic powers.

Speed up the transformation of the economic development mode is the basic requirement of the scientific development. The first meaning of the concept of scientific development is to develop, but the connotation of development is not simply the total economic growth, it includes the optimization of the economic structure and the improvement of the ecological environment, the reduction of the consumption of resources, the improvement of economic development achievements reasonable allocation and other aspects of the content.

3.Analysis of the Constraints that Speed Up the transformation of Economic Development

Lack of understanding of the importance and urgency is the constraint of economic development pattern. The importance and urgency of the economic development pattern did not really enjoy popular support, which has not yet been translated into conscious action of local governments and enterprises, especially when economic development and resource conservation, environmental protection in contradiction or conflict, the majority of our region manifested or emphasis on economic growth, light resources rational development, light ecological and environmental protection, heavy current, light long-term, heavy local global light.

Relatively extensive growth characteristics of China's economic development are related to China's economic stage of development. On the one hand, our society as a whole the total demand for commodities continues to expand, such as Chinese residents there is a greater demand for housing, cars, etc., will definitely lead to the rapid growth of heavy chemical consumption of iron and steel, cement, building materials and other substances. On the other hand, after 30 years of reform and development, China's economic upgraded to a new level, but compared with developed countries, China's technical level or management level there is a big gap. China's growth is difficult to avoid the relatively extensive features.

Several major problems that exist in the current management system have seriously hampered the economic development pattern. From the government point of view, first of all, the government functions dislocation, the Government, through the control of state-owned enterprises, leasehold, project approval, such as price controls, administrative monopoly, regional protection still lies in excessive resource allocation rights, rejection of market allocation in some important areas resources functions; followed by the performance evaluation of the selection criteria for local officials, unscientific length of tenure and performance evaluation system, local government and officials with the pace of economic development, the scale of useful relations linked to the GDP growth indicators, leading to local governments excessive pursuit of short-term benefits, the use of the government's ability to mobilize some places, at huge resources, environmental costs and distorting policies to achieve high GDP growth. Secondly, from the fiscal and taxation system point of view, to the construction of the financial and economic fiscal expenditure structure as the main feature is caused by three industrial structure distortions, lack of innovative capacity and deterioration of the ecological environment, and a series of important reason. The tax system design unreasonable cause is difficult to really change the mode of economic development. Thirdly, from the point of view that the price system and the reform of the price mechanism is not in place, but also affect the transformation of the mode of economic development. Fourthly, from the business point of view, the internal structural reform of state-owned enterprises, lack of motivation to increase the difficulty of the economic development pattern.

The international financial crisis Have a greater impact on China to speed up economic development. 2010 is a crucial year for China's response to the international financial crisis. International and domestic economy showed signs of recovery and the impact of the international financial crisis continues, the difficulties and problems in economic operation are still outstanding. The uncertainty of the economic development still exists, the foundation for economic recovery is not strong to achieve steady economic compared the arduous task of fast development, the international market demand for short-term, difficult recovery, and China’s foreign economic development still faces many uncertainties.

4.countermeasures to accelerate the transformation

of the Mode of economic development

Expanding domestic demand is the primary task of the economic development pattern. China will adhere to less need-based, requires a combination of inside and outside, the vast leeway into a broad space for development. To adjust income distribution and to improve the social security mechanism to start the long term, expand consumer demand, on the one hand to improve the income level of the majority of the residents, especially vulnerable groups, on the other hand to reduce residents' preventive propensity to save. It should adjust income distribution. First, and gradually form a mechanism of residents, businesses, governments coordinated growth of disposable income, increase the disposable income of residents in the proportion of gross national disposable income. Second, the gradual formation of labour remuneration returns on capital allocation mechanism for corporate earnings, and to improve the proportion of workers compensation in the initial distribution. Third, it should promote the increase of the mechanism of formation of residents' property income. The lower proportion of property income to total income of Chinese residents allocation is uneven, and should focus on improving the property income of low-income groups, especially national policy should be conducive to the protection of property income of the residents. Fourth, and gradually form the economic mechanism, tilt to low-income groups and improve the income of low-income people, to expand the proportion of middle-income earners in the secondary distribution. Improve the social security system to reduce the tendency of residents’ precautionary savings. First, it is necessary to accelerate the social security legislation, improve the social security system. Second, increase the intensity of the financial investment and transfer payments, to expand other fundraising channels. China is still in the initial stages of the development of social security, a huge funding gap, relying on the financial support Social Security is not enough, the government issued through the allocation of part of the state-owned assets, the state-owned shares, the welfare lottery, the introduction of a social security tax, and other measures to expand funding sources and channels. Third, urban and rural development needs to change the situation of the social security system, pro-urban. Fourth, improve the social assistance system and the social welfare system, attention to vulnerable groups.

Industrial restructuring is an important part of the transformation of the mode of economic development. China will meet for the domestic and international market demand, closely rely on scientific and technological innovation and human resource development and utilization, and accelerate high technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, and increase the proportion of the service sector in the national economy, and actively cultivate modern industrial systems. Product structure adjustment as a breakthrough, a new round of high starting point, large-scale technological transformation of traditional pillar industries, resolutely eliminate backward production capacity, promotes the integration of information industries and traditional industries, the development of downstream products, extend the industrial chain, increase the technological content of products, improve product quality and value-added products. Accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, which not only is a major move for China to accelerate the transformation of economic development, but also conform to the new scientific and technological revolution and low-carbon, green economy trends, enhance overall national strength and competitiveness, and the development strategy of China's economic and social science decisions. Strategic emerging industries have great potential for the development of industries and pillar industries of the future economic development of the pilot. Therefore, our country still has to rely on and the importance of the traditional industries with advanced technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries, it rejuvenated to make more contributions to the economic and social development. The development of traditional industries is the basis for the development of new industries, but it is also emerging industry associations and leading object, plug in some traditional industries wings of high-tech same Nirvana reborn into new industries, such as the new display, new energy vehicles, new materials. China's services sector accounted for the proportion of GDP is low, especially compared to the large scale industrial development of producer services is seriously lagging behind. Developed countries, economic growth are mainly led by the service sector, and to create a national income is much higher than that of the second industry driven, the main reason is the service industry, especially information, research and development, producer services such as finance, logistics, business development specialization market-oriented, have a significant role in the international industrial division of labour system, can greatly improve production efficiency, economic efficiency and economic modernization level. Therefore, to speed up the service industry, especially the development of producer services is the key to the key to the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in China, but also the transformation of the mode of economic development in China.

In current, in order to better deal with after the international financial crisis, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, institutional mechanisms, policies and legal measures need to be taken. First, it needs to deepen the price reform of resource products. The price is a market economy is the most important, most sensitive signal; irrational allocation of resources important reason is that the resource price distortions. Deepen the reform of resource product's price; form truly reflects the relationship between supply and demand in the market. The second is to promote the reform of the administrative system. The main content of the administrative reform is to promote the separation of government administration from enterprise management, to reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval to build a service-oriented government. The government should change the role of extensive expansion which naturally tend to maximize the pursuit of short-term GDP, to create a favorable environment for economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, is committed to building-saving, environment-friendly society, to provide more and better public of public goods and services. Finally, to further improve the financial and monetary system, as well as the corresponding supporting reform.

Innovation is fundamental to economic development pattern. Economic development pattern and all aspects of social, economic, cultural, political must seek breakthrough innovation. Technological innovation is the fundamental driving force of economic and social development, but also to promote the determinant of the transformation of the mode of economic development, apart from the support of scientific and technological innovation, and the transformation of the economic development out of the question. To improve the innovation ability, we must increase the fiscal and financial support of scientific and technological innovation, and improve the incentive mechanism to promote scientific and technological innovation and constantly improve the original innovation capabilities of basic research and strategic high-tech research and grasp of the commanding heights of scientific and technological innovation, and constantly explore new scientific knowledge, and access to new technology to market demand-oriented technological innovation. Quickly into practical productive forces is to improve the quality and efficiency of economic development to provide strong support.


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