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Skillfully carries on the emotion education with English proverb to the student


【Abstract】 the 21st century wins the key is: The goal, the will, modest, the luck, self-confident, the custom, the good faith, are interpersonal and the point of view. How does this article emphatically revolve the essential aspect which the 21st century wins to explain with examples uses English proverb to carry on the emotion education.

【key word】 English; Proverb; Sentiment or education







(1)目标――首先要帮助学生立志.Where there is a will , there is way.(有志者,事竟成)Nothing is impossible to a willing heart .(世上无难事,只怕有心人)如果我们要教育学生少说空话,多干实事,Actions speak louder than words .(行动胜于空谈)Chatting won't make the pot boil .(空谈烧不开饭锅),就是力证。

(2)毅力―― Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水可以穿石)Rome was not built in a day .(罗马非一日建成)。

(3)谦虚――一种美德Pride leads to loss while modesty brings benefit (满招损,谦受益).Honor shows the man (荣誉使人现原形). Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud .(知识使人谦逊,无知使人傲慢) Vainglory blossoms but never bears .(虚荣开花不结果)

(4)运气――An ounce of luck is worth a pound of wisdom.(一分幸运抵得上十分智慧);Care and diligent bring luck .(好运来自谨慎和勤奋)足以说明运气在成功路上的重要性.Fortune is the companion of virtue . (好运与美德相伴)。

(5)自信――Self-trust is the essence of heroism.(自信乃英雄之本).自信为成功者添上理想的双翼。

(6)习惯――The early bird catches the worm .(早起的鸟儿才能捉到虫.)Strike while the iron is hot .(趁热打铁)An apple a day keeps the doctor away .(一天一苹果,不用看医生)说明好的饮食习惯对身体的重要性A light heart lives long .(心胸开朗人长寿)Look for the old so as to learn the new.(温故而知新) 及时复习也是一种好习惯.有些学生喜欢人云亦云 ,以讹传讹,这就不是好习惯,这些坏习惯无意中会伤害其他同学.Seeing is believing .To see is to believe .(眼见为实), 多少会触动那些喜欢以讹传讹的人的神经。

(7)诚信――二十一世纪呼唤诚信.诚信是做人之本.Honesty is the passport to the 21st Century.( 诚信是通向二十一世纪的通行证.)Cheats never prosper. (骗子永远发不了财.)A good name lost is hard to regain.(名誉一失难再得)So we should keep the promise . We'd better not break the promise . (我们最好遵守诺言,不要失信于人。)

(8)人际交往――每一个人类个体离开了他人,离开了社会,群体,是不可能独立存在于世的.从产生行为动机的心理需要来看,人际交往分为三个方面:本能、合群需要和自我肯定需要.人际交往的结果肯定需要朋友.A friend in need is a friend indeed . (患难之中见真情).Two heads are better than one .(两人智慧胜一人) .。

(9)好心态决定好命运.如果要教育学生积极,乐观,豁达地做人,下面的谚语无疑是最好的诠释. All things come to him who waits .(一切都属于能耐心等待的人.)Adversity is a great school- master .(逆境使人生气).Care brings gray hair .(忧愁生白发)A cent of mirth is worth a dollar of grief .(一分欢乐抵千愁)Content is better than riches . (富足不如知足)Still water runs deep .( 静水流深)Nothing succeeds like success .(一事成功万事成.) Every heart has its own ache .(人人都有伤心事)。

(10)Time and tide wait for no man .( 岁月不等人) Learning is the eye of the mind .(学问是大脑的眼睛)It is never too late to mend .(改过永远不嫌晚) It is no use crying over spilt milk .(覆水难收) It is easier said than done .(说起来容易做起来难)Good counsel has no price .(忠言无价宝) Business before pleasure .(先工作,后娱乐) The best fish swims near bottom .(好鱼潜水底) Art is long but life is short .(人生有限,学问无穷)Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧).Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量),一语道破知识的重要性。Doubt is the key of knowledge .(疑惑是求知的钥匙)说明了质疑在学习中所起的作用。

