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摘 要:《高级口译教程》的参考译文可根据不同的教学目的灵活使用。作者通过长期的教学实践,摸索出合理使用参考译文的方法:以参考译文为基准,把课文按主题分为具有不同灵活度的三个模块,对每一个模块采用不同的训练方法,循序渐进,使学生逐步掌握每类模块的翻译法,从而最终获得口译所必须的基本技能。本文中引用的具体例子为这种口译教学法作了最好的诠释。

关键词:灵活度 参考译文 模块 《高级口译教程》

Abstract: The reference, in the teaching of An Advanced Course of Interpretation, can be employed in a flexible way. The writer capitalizes on an adapted or unique way to teach from the textbook An Advanced Course of Interpretation: use the reference version as the standard; divide the units into three different modules based on their contents; adopt suitable flexibility to different modules. The examples demonstrated in this paper are indicative of the possible positive effects to this way of teaching from the textbook for this course.

Key words: flexibility; reference version; modules; An Advanced Course of Interpretation

近几年来,口译教学在高校英语专业中的地位越来越重要, 然而, 各高校采用的口译教材却各不相同。根据笔者的初步调查, 由上海外国语大学梅德明先生主编的《高级口译教程》是目前上海地区高校最广为使用的口译教材。首先,它作为“英语高级口译资格证书考试系列教程”之一,具有无可置疑的权威性和实用性;其次,该教程对于提高英语学习者的口译技巧、综合能力、整体素质和专业水平等确实大有帮助。笔者在高校执教英语口译九年,始终使用这本教材,对如何使用这本教材颇有心得,本文主要探讨如何指导学生灵活使用参考译文。

翻译作为一种跨语言的信息传播活动,必然会涉及与信息传播活动有关的各种客观因素和主观因素。在翻译活动中,不管是客观因素还是主观因素,都会影响翻译的效果。译者作为主体,其受教育的程度、文化的背景和知识面等因素均会影响译文的效果,况且人类的跨语言表现能力也是无穷尽的;所以, 在教学过程中,如何引导学生真正理解原文,发挥自己的所长,举一反三,主动寻找合适的表达方式,是教学的主要目的。如果学生只会死记硬背,受制于参考译文,缺乏应变能力,仅靠机械式训练来获取技能,他们是难以成长为成功的译员的。



由此看来,高级口译教学的成功,取决于两个因素。一是要针对原文,引导学生对已有知识加以充分发挥,因为口译是一瞬间思维过程的结果,也是汉英知识的即刻集中表现。二是要求学生积累丰富的词汇,扩展表达法,厚积薄发,用词精准,以达到理想的口译境界: 正确、自然、流畅。









参考译文:We are ready to do our utmost with maximum sincerity to secure the prospect of a peaceful reunification. But we will never put up with “Taiwan independence”, nor will we allow any one to make Taiwan secede from China by any means.

笔者评注:在这一段文字中,“以最大诚意,尽最大努力”译成 “do our utmost with maximum sincerity”。显然句子的着重点在“尽”,即“do”之上。“Utmost” 和“maximum”的选字与原文的两个“最大”完全合拍。用secede表示“分割”,也是最为合适的用词,其他词汇较难体现这一定义。随后的“nor will we …”倒装句式是英语中表示强调的常用句式,传神地显示了中国人民强烈反对的决心。



参考译文:The religions all advocate serving society and promoting people’s well-being, such as the Buddhists’“honoring the country and benefiting the people”, the Catholics and Protestants’“glorifying God and benefiting the people”, the Taoists’ “being benevolent, peaceful and harmonious, saving the world and benefiting the people”, and the Islam’s “praying to Allah to give great reward in this world and hereafter”.

笔者评注:其中“利乐有情”,“益人”和“度人”均译为“benefiting the people”。这表明了译者对其中文内涵的正确理解。“两世吉庆”从字面着手,很难达意译出其内涵,甚至可能会漏译,这儿的“两世”指的是“今世”与“来世”,参考译文则译得形神兼备:“Praying to Allah to give great reward in the world and hereafter”。



This is why we talk about following a scientific approach of development, put people first in administration, and promote simultaneously our economic development, political development, cultural development and development of a harmonious society.

笔者评注:原文中的“积极落实”在译文中用了一个口语化的动词短语“talk about following”。Talk about等同于talk of, 其义为:propose, consider, a possible course of action (Cowie, Mackin, 1975: 331-332)。Talk about在这里显然带有双层的含义,在字面上传递宣扬或宣传的目的,但深层却呈现出“科学发展观”的一条途径。

“以人为本,执政为民”的译文:“put people first in administration”。中文为8个字,有两层含义,而英文却译成了5个字,也表现出两层的意思。英译相当达意,上口也雅。虽然少了中文句中第二个动词“为”,但译文动的感应覆盖层也在不言之中。介词短语“in administration”恰到好处体现出“执政”。



在讲授这一方面的材料时,我觉得关键在于引导学生寻找最地道的表达法,这时的参考译文应被视作是可供选择的译文。显然,不需对参考译文作较大的变动,但如有更佳的表达方式,则值得鼓励和发挥。例如:在教授第十单元科学报告, 我的感觉是“戴着镣铐跳舞”:既要鼓励学生用自己的瞬间思路来翻译,又不能违反原文严格的科学定义。口译这一模块的课文,在“概念上契合;双语在表现上相异”,显然是由于“语境决定选词”。下面试用第十单元第一篇和第三篇汉英口译中国传统医学,即中医TCM文章中的一些表达法为例:


参考译文:Nothing compares to a human life.

自译译文:① Nothing is more valuable than human life.

② Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.

③ People are the most important.



参考译文:TCM places emphasis on the early prevention of diseases, advocating the food treatment approach, that is, efforts should be focused on maintaining good health through the intake of nourishing food to defer senility and reduce the risk of contracting diseases.



参考译文:TCM places emphasis on the early prevention of diseases.

自译译文:TCM pays great attention to/attaches great importance on prevention better than cure.


参考译文:……advocating food treatment approach, that is, efforts should be focused on maintaining good health through the intake of nourishing food

自译译文:①……emphasizing good health through a healthy, balanced diet

②……suggesting/proposing keeping a nutritious/healthy diet/having a nutritiously balanced diet for the promotion of good health/for maintaining good health


参考译文:defer senility

自译译文:①defer aging

②slow the aging process

③delay aging and increase longevity

④reduce the signs of aging


参考译文:reduce the risk of contracting diseases

自译译文:①reduce/minimize the chance/risk of contracting/catching diseases

②minimize the frequency of catching/contracting diseases

自译译文:TCM pays great attention to/attaches great importance on prevention better than cure, and suggests/proposes keeping a nutritious / healthy diet for the promotion of good health / for maintaining good health, deferring aging and reducing the risk / chance / frequency of contracting / catching diseases.

自译译文:TCM pays great attention to / attaches great importance on prevention better than cure,and stresses / emphasizes a nutritious / healthy diet / a nutritiously balanced diet for the promotion of good health / for maintaining good health, deferring aging and minimizing the risk / chance / frequency of contracting / catching diseases.

笔者评注:“无病防病”的参考译文为 “the early prevention of diseases”, 这里体现出一个时间的轮廓。 “Prevention better than cure” 相比较之下,偏重了现象。就“无病防病”的说法,可直接译成“Prevention is better than cure”或“Prevention is the best medicine”。 这一句的另一个焦点是在“强调”这两个字。学生一般都直接译出“suggests / proposes keeping a nutritious / healthy / proper diet…”此译法根据上下文,可确立。参考译文中的“effects should be focused on …”,紧扣了中文,有着一层着重“强调”的色彩。“衰老”译成为“aging/ageing”的为多。“Aging / ageing”为变老的过程,以及随之而来的健康、衰老等方面的问题。Senility指年迈的昏庸、糊涂等。在选用 “risk”和“chance” 两词间,用“chance”的居多。所不同的是,“risk”包含有患病的“danger”之意,而“chance”指患病的“possibility”。根据上下文,笔者还建议用“frequency”这个字。其意指不常患病,或减少病的出现率。


参考译文:Last but not least, TCM believes that a series of movements, called the superseding of the old by the new, or metabolism in western medicine, exist within the human body throughout its life.


参考译文:a series of movements, called the superseding of the old by the new, or metabolism in western medicine

自译译文:①a series of movements / digestive movements, which means physical and chemical changes / activities known as metabolism in western medicine

②a continuous set of processes of change and assimilation / absorption, known as metabolism in western medicine

③ “All living matter undergoes a process of meta-bolism: it grows, reproduces and perishes.”

④ All living things undergo a process of metabolism or change.

自译译文:Last but not least, TCM believes that a series of movements / digestive movements, which means physical and chemical changes / activities known as metabolism in western medicine, exist within the human body throughout its life.

自译译文:Last but not least, TCM believes that a continuous set of processes of change and assimilation / absorption, known as metabolism in western medicine, exists within the human body throughout its life.

笔者评注:这句中文句子容易产生歧义,问题在于如何解读此句中的“运动”。学生常会发问,“movements” 具体指的是什么。参考译文中规中矩地忠实于原文,按意译出“movements”, 但movements 与metabolism 之间,在意思上最好作个释义,以方便学生理会接受这句的原意。笔者建议:在a series of movements 后,紧跟解释which means physical and chemical changes /activities, 其意思会更明了一些。


自译译文:…a continuous process / a continuous set of processes including the absorption of nutrients and other vital / essential elements as well as the discarding of waste products known as metabolism in western medicine.

笔者评注:笔者也尝试暂弃这句中文的前半句,针对后半句,要求学生正确理解英文中metabolism 这个字。其实,metabolism由anabolism 和catabolism组成的。前者称为“同化作用”(或“组成代谢”)。后者称为“异化作用”(或“分解代谢”)。


参考译文:For hundreds of years China has spread across the globe its knowledge of traditional medicine and health care, acquired over 5,000 years of history.


自译译文:convey / disseminate / introduce / distribute


自译译文:①in the 5,000 year-long river of history

②in a long history of 5,000 years

③5,000 year-long stream of history


自译译文:accumulate / obtain / gather / collect


自译译文:medical treatment / health care

④For several hundred years, all across the globe, China has spread / conveyed / disseminated /introduced / distributed its knowledge of traditional medicine / medical treatment and health care acquired / accumulated / obtained / gathered / collected in its 5,000 year-long river of history.


⑤China has spread / conveyed / disseminated / introduced / distributed the / its knowledge of traditional medicine / medical treatment and health care, acquired / accumulated / obtained / gathered / collected over China’s / its / her 5,000 year-long stream of history, across the globe for hundreds of years / for several hundred years.

⑥For hundreds of years/for several hundred years, all across the globe, China has spread / conveyed / disseminated / introduced / distributed its knowledge of traditional medicine / medical treatment and health care acquired / accumulated / obtained / gathered / collected over its 5,000 year-long stream of history.



这一方面的英语译文具有较大的灵活性,这时可以充分调动学生的主观能动性,挖掘出接近信达雅的译文,而不必拘泥于参考译文。学生的潜力在这儿得到了最大的发挥,教师应使每一个学生都学会主动思考,积极地利用自己的资源,找出最佳的译文。双语在“交际功能上有契合”便能达意,起到交流与沟通的作用和功能。本书的大量例句均属这一范畴。教师应根据课文或相关内容,尽可能地延伸和拓宽学生的思路。在实际的教学中,这种例子举不胜举, 下面的具体例子应能充分说明这一点:


参考译文:Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers.


自译译文:moved / encouraged / stimulated


自译译文:roll out / lay out / set out scrolls and dip their brush in the ink

自译译文:Its spectacular natural landscape and numerous historical sites have moved many ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers to roll out/lay out/set out scrolls and dip their brush in the ink and create many great classics.

笔者评注:这一句难译之处在于原文的“舞文弄墨”。参考译文作一笔带过的处理。笔者在解释此句时,尝试用roll out / lay out / set out scrolls and dip their brush in the ink的译文。Scrolls作卷轴解释,为“舞文”作伏笔;而dip their brush in the ink作“弄墨”的译文。


参考译文:Five thousand years of splendid Chinese civilization have contributed to the extraordinary enchanting beauty of this poetic and picturesque land.


参考译文:this poetic and picturesque land

自译译文:this poetic and picturesque land and culture


参考译文:contributed to the extraordinary enchanting beauty

自译译文:added extraordinary charm to

自译译文: Five thousand years of splendid Chinese civilization have added extraordinary charm to this poetic and picturesque land and culture.



参考译文:Ancient emperors prayed for the country’s prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai.


参考译文:ancient emperors

自译译文:past emperors / emperors past


参考译文:on Mount Tai

自译译文:made the pilgrimage to Mount Tai


参考译文:by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth

自译译文:pay homage to Heaven and Earth

自译译文:Ancient emperors / past emperors / emperors past made the pilgrimage to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices and pay homage to Heaven and Earth, praying for the country’s prosperity and peace.

笔者评注:自译译文对整句的翻译烘托出一气呵成感。对这一句可依照时间与空间顺序,根据原文作排列式译出。“择”made the pilgrimage,“供”offer sacrifices,“祭”pay homage to, 连贯动作的最终是为“祈祷”praying for the country’s prosperity and peace。


显然,教授英语《高级口译教程》与教授其他课程有很大的不同,一来是教师根本不可能照本宣科,完全按照参考译文讲课;二来是口译的教学由讲授和训练两部分组成,这两种方法各不相同。在上课的过程中,教师同时扮演着双重的角色,有时是全神贯注的听众,极力捕捉学生翻译时的差错,指出其不足之处, 提出改进的方法;或针对学生的正确翻译,加以鼓励和发挥;有时是滔滔不绝的讲师,旁征博引,从容论证,引导学生掌握口译的技巧,逐步完善,以进入新的境界。而在上课的过程中,如何灵活使用书中原有的参考译文至关重要, 是口语教学能否取得成功的关键环节之一。





[4]Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Ed-ition[Z]. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2003.

[5]The American Heritage Dictionary, Second Coll-ege Edition[Z].Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982.

[6]Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition[Z]. Simen & Schuster, Inc, 1988.

[7]ADVANCED LEARNER’S English-Chinese Di-ctionary, 6th Edition[Z]. The commercial Press / Oxford University Press, 2004.

[8]Cowie, A P & Mackin, R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English[Z]. London: Oxford University Press, 1975.
