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Academician of Tea in Hangzhou

By Feng Yingping

Of the 1.3 Chinese billion people, merely over 1,300 are academicians of either China Academy of Sciences or China Academy of Engineering. Of the altogether little more than 1,300 academicians, only one specializes in tea. This is Chen Zongmao (born in 1933).

It is no surprise at all that Hangzhou, officially designated as the tea capital of China recently, is where Chen Zongmao lives and works. After working at a national tea research institute in Hangzhou for nearly half a century and elected as an academician of China Academy of Engineering in 2003, Chen is now retired. Yet, as honorary director of China Tea Association and vice president of International Tea Association, Chen spends much of his time promoting Chinese tea. For this purpose, he frequently travels overseas.

In July 2005, Chen attended the 16th Session of Intergovernmental Group on Tea in Indonesia, when many people were still panicking at the devastating tsunami that had hit the country. At the meeting, Tea producers and consumer countries debated heatedly on the standard maximum pesticide residues in tea. On behalf of China, the largest tea producer in the world, Chen proposed that CCPR, an institute under WHO, should formulate a uniform standard. This proposal united the producers. In December 2005, Chen Zongmao attended another UN meeting on tea in Rome to address the issue of pesticide residues. America and European countries insisted that the standard should be as rigorous as possible so as to protect consumer rights and interests. China and other producing countries held that consumer countries must come up with scientific data in their support of a rigorous standard. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN mediated and a three-point agreement was reached. China's proposal was absorbed in the agreement that a universal standard would be formulated and approved by CCPR within the next three years on the basis of individual recommendations from producer countries.

Chen Zongmao is China's leading scientist in the microanalysis of pesticide residues in tea. In the 1960s Chen pioneered the microanalysis technology on Chinese tea. As EU has set up stricter standards for tea imports, China needs to talk with EU on the grounds of tea sciences. In order to protect the interests of Chinese tea farmers, Chen provided hundreds of pages of research data and negotiated with EU over years. In 1998, the European parliament adopted a set of new standards and Chen's laboratory was recognized by EU as China's only laboratory for testing pesticide residues for exported tea.

China produced 852,000 tons of tea in 2005. Chen said that the output could easily reach 900,000 tons a year if exports would not be held back by the problem of pesticide residues.

However, it is not that China's tea has a serious problem with pesticide residues. It is that China now uses a stricter standard than that adopted by EU. In 2003, CCTV reported that the Ministry of Health published a list of tea products that were not up to the national standard. Dragon Well Tea, presumably the country's best known green tea produced in Hangzhou, was blacklisted for its excessive lead residue. Chen explained that the current Chinese standard for maximum lead residue is 2 milligrams per kilogram of tea while it is 25 milligrams in Japan and 10 milligram in Australia and Canada. The EU standard for maximum lead residue is 5 milligrams per kilogram of tea for EU producers, 2 milligrams for tea from China. One lot of tea imported from China was rejected by EU because the lead residue was 2.5 milligrams. Chen argued with EU experts that this was unfair. In order to solve this problem, Chen has suggested to the government that China should adopt a new standard that synchronizes with EU's standard.

In 2005, Dragon Well Tea came out first in a nationwide quality inspection by the government.

An authority on tea, Chen was editor-in-chief of two national academic dictionaries on tea. However, he chose agriculture for his career by mistake. In 1950, the 17-year-old Chen wanted to study medicine. At a college application spot, he saw two queues and joined the shorter one. It turned out that the shorter queue was for an agricultural college. So he applied for studying agriculture. After graduation, he worked six years in Heilongjiang Province in northeast China before being transferred to Hangzhou in 1960, thus starting his career as a tea researcher.

Chen Zongmao has a dream: he wants Hangzhou to host a session of Intergovernmental Group on Tea. It would be of great significance to have such a meeting in Hangzhou, home of Dragon Well Tea.

Chen has a large collection of coins. The hobby is a side product of his extensive overseas travels. He once dreamed that after his retirement he would have a lot of time to spend on the coins and the pleasure of retrospection of their stories during his overseas travels. What pity it is that he is too busy for that. However, he is beginning to pick up his wife's hobby: listening to Yue Opera, a local drama tradition in Zhejiang Province.

(Translated by David)