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Fab. Not lab. This is the stuff you face, what Emma faces, fortunately with tons more grace than her on-screen counterpart1). Emma's totally outgoing with an impressive self-assured2) maturity3) and, yes, fabulousness about her. So we asked her to share her secrets to staying cool, fashionable and real, no matter what's up in the world around her. Check her out4). The girl's got it....


Follow No Fashion Rules

"The cool thing about fashion is that even though every magazine has fashion rules, there are really no rules to fashion as long as you do what you want and you're comfortable and into it. Like on the show, it's funny because I don't like wearing coats or sweaters [in real life], and they're always putting me in that stuff because Unfabulous5) is supposed to take place on the East Coast. So my outfits6) are a blend7) of what I wear. Fabulous people have their own kind of style. You can make stuff just for you. I have a Mac laptop [computer], and I went to a bead8) store [on the internet] and got some really cute rhinestones9). I outlined the apple on the top and filled it in so the apple is all rhinestones. It looks really cute."

A Smile Is Your Best Beauty Secret

"I've been procrastinating10) on my braces for a long time because it never seemed like a good time to get them. I was always working and stuff like that. So, finally, my mom and I were like, we have to do this. I got these braces that go behind the teeth. You can't see them at all. For the first few days, I couldn't talk at all and, even now when I talk, my tongue gets cut. But they're removable. I took them out the other day, but then I forgot I put the braces back in, and I was like 'Oh my gosh! My braces!' And everyone was like, 'All right, Emma!' I have to wear them for two and a half years, but that's OK. It's your smile."

Get Yourself Some Guy Friends

"It's great to have both boy and girl friends. You don't want to have just all girl friends or just all guy friends. I'm friends with a bunch of guys near my house, and I'm also friends with a lot of the guys on Unfabulous. We all hang around and get along great. It's good to have variety. And you can learn different things from a guy friend than you'd learn from a girl friend."

Treat School like a Job You Love

"School is something you have to do, and it's not going to go away. So you have to make it fun. I used to complain when I was younger, but now I don't. The hardest part for me is getting up early, because I like to sleep late. English is one of my good subjects but this year and last year I had a hard time with science and math because they don't really interest me too much―I don't understand those subjects. What I did was ask for extra help, and I tried to study extra hard. My teacher made it fun by doing experiments with me or putting math into perspective11) by making it real life, like when you're buying something at a store. School's not so bad. And, if nothing else, you get to see your friends."

Take Lots of Vacations

"I like school and I like to work, but it's fun to have a break. It makes you do better at school and other stuff if you take time off12). I like going to camp because I get to meet people from all over and learn a lot of new stuff. This summer, I learned how to waterski and stuff like that. And when I'm at camp, I have an excuse not to do stuff every day, like, 'Emma, you have a photo shoot!' I'm like, 'Nope, I'm at camp.' You also learn stuff about yourself when you're away. I went on a bike trip this year, and I didn't think it was going to be that far and it was really far, so I learned that I could do more than I thought I could."

Appreciate Your Family

"A lot of people ask me about my aunt [Julia Roberts]. If I had a penny for every time someone asked me about her, I'd have a lot of pennies. No one's ever asked what I would tell my sister Grace, who's 4, if I got famous and, 13 years later, she had her own show. I would probably tell her ... Hmmm, that's a tough one. I would tell her to do what she loves to do. I think she's going to be a singer because all she does is sing. She would need to know that I would be there for her."

Dream Big

"I've never been trained in singing but, ever since I was little, I would sing in front of the camera. I knew I'd be a fashion designer or an actress. I hope to have my own line of clothing. I'd do a line of cute tops, pants and bags, and a line of evening gowns that people would wear to the Oscars."















1. counterpart [ˈkaʊntəpːt] n. 对应的人或物,对手方;(剧中的)对立角色

2. self-assured [ˌselfəˈʃʊəd] adj. 自信的,自持的

3. maturity [məˈtʃʊərəti] n. 成熟

4. check sb. out: (因某人有趣或吸引人而)盯着看

5. Unfabulous: 电视剧《一本正经》,剧情围绕Emma Roberts饰演的主人公Addie的校园生活展开。Addie烦恼无助的时候喜欢唱歌,歌声陪伴她度过了青春期的尴尬岁月。该剧从2004年起开始播映,2007年停播,在此期间,Emma也发行了首张个人专辑,完成了由演员到歌手的转型。这三年的经历不仅磨炼了Emma的演技,也使Emma成长了许多。

6. outfit [ˈaʊtfɪt] n. (尤指在特殊场合穿的)全套服装

7. blend [blend] n. 混合,混杂

8. bead [biːd] n. (有孔的)小珠

9. rhinestone [ˈraɪnstəʊn] n. 莱茵石(一种透明无色的钻石仿制品)

10. procrastinate [prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt] vi. 拖延,耽搁

11. put sth. into perspective: 正确看待某事(物)

12. take time off: 抽出一部分时间