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Virtual Construction Model and Simulation Analysis for

Equipment Management of Earthmoving Operations

CHENG Feifeia,b,LI Yansonga,WANG Yaowua,LING Xianzhangb

(a. School of Management;b. School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, P. R. China)

Abstract:Based on Petri net theory and workflow model, a 9tuple colored Petri net simulation model of earthmoving operations was presented focusing on the equipment management in the earthmoving construction. The dynamic changes of workflow and information flow in the construction process were illustrated in the model, and the constraint relationship between equipment and construction conditions was taken into account. Based on the information of the number of equipment and cost, the simulation for the construction situation, estimated completion time, cost, and equipment productivity were conducted. The model was operated based on the CPN Tools platform. And sensitivity analysis and model validation on the model were carried out by simulating the data collected in a real case, which demonstrates that the model can improve the accuracy of the simulation results in the earthmoving operation construction process.

Key words:earthmoving operation;virtual construction;simulation;equipment scheduling;Petri net



为实现上述目标,在土方施工作业方面已开发了一些仿真模型和方法,预测与作业参数相关的结果和绩效。Kim等[2]开发了基于多Agent仿真系统,通过确定现场环境的动态变化,描述施工设备的特点,模拟土方作业施工现场的设备流量。Hola等[3]用人工神经网络预测土方作业的设备使用率,根据土方作业的执行时间和成本选择最优的设备组合。Hare等[4]用混合整数线性规划模型预测土方作业的施工成本。Liao等[5]通过有效使用约束或非约束资源,利用启发式算法对施工作业的规划、成本预算、施工进度、项目检测与控制等方面进行优化。Marzouk等 [6],Wu等[7],Navon等 [8]将遗传算法、控制算法或其他仿真技术相结合。Van等[9] 提出了一个土方作业的资源分配模型,该模型用智能agents和信念网络来优化模型的性能。Zhang[10]用粒子群算法进行仿真,搜索潜在的设备配置。Prata等人使用Petri网方法,通过仿真来确定装载机和卡车小组的规模,研究还使用随机有色Petri网模型表达推土工作的运行动态性[1]。〖=D(〗成飞飞,等:土方作业设备管理虚拟施工模型及仿真分析〖=〗