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If You Are an International Student

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InEngland, peoplesometimescomplainthatbusesare expensive. Each trip, whetheritisshort or distant, costs one pound. But for international students, buses are cheap. If you are an international student, you can buy a saver ticket for three months for only 80 pounds. You can buy the ticket to go to any place in the city.

Mostbusesaredoubledeckers. You may go upstairs and enjoy the sights along the street. Each bus has only one door, through which passengers can get on and off the bus. The driver is the conductor at the same time.

When you get on the bus, you will never be told where you are, so you must make it out yourself. Otherwise, you’ll have to go back after you have missed your stop. If you want to get off at your stop, you may press a STOP button on the bus to let the driver know you are going to get off at the next stop.

Buses in England are well designed and made. They try hard to suit people’s needs. If you are too young or too old to get on the bus easily, the driver will lower the body of the bus so that you can get on easily. You will often see the advertisement on the body of a bus, “Please ask me to lower my body”. When it is hard for you to push a wheelchair off the bus, a steel plate will stretch out of the bus, so that you can push the wheelchair off.

Next time when you go to England, pay more attention to the buses around you.

在英国, 人们有时抱怨乘公共汽车很贵。每次旅行,不管是短途还是长途,价格都是1英镑。但对于国际学生来说,坐公共汽车是便宜的。如果你是一个国际学生,你就可以只花80英镑买一张3个月的储蓄票。用这个票你可以去城里的任何地方。

大多数公共汽车都是双层的。你可以坐在上层欣赏沿街的风景。每一辆公共汽车仅有一扇门, 通过这扇门乘客可以上、下车。驾驶员同时也是售票员。

当你上车的时候,没人会告诉你现在身在何处。因此,你必须自己辨认。否则,你就不得不在错过停靠站之后再返回来。如果你想在某个车站下车,你可以按公共汽车上的“停车”按钮, 让司机知道你将在下一站下车。


