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A wall of red lanterns in Huzhou









Inside a shop: full of commodities for Spring Festival






The Unique Custom of

Spring Festival in Huzhou

By Shen Zhenzhen

Huzhou, a city in northern Zhejiang, is famous for its slow-paced lifestyle and simple social climate. Wuxing, previously a county for about 1,800 years and now an urban district of the central city, stands out in particular as a place that emphasizes a peaceful and quiet lifestyle. To enjoy such a lifestyle, local people sometimes go so far as to simplify some Spring Festival celebrations. Unlike most of its neighbors that somewhat go all out in celebration of the Spring Festival, Wuxing celebrates the traditional Chinese New Year in a relatively quiet way. However, they spare no efforts to conduct a ceremony at home in honor of Lord New Year.

“Praying to Lord New Year” in Wuxing is much like a ritual. The

date people hold it is not fixed and any day between the 27th day of

the twelfth lunar month and New Year’s Eve will do. On the big day every family sets up a table. After food is placed on the table, fam-ily members one by one kneel to pray for happiness, peace, health, good harvest and wealth of the whole family in the coming New Year.

An interesting local folktale explains how the rite started in Wux-ing. Once upon a time, people in Wuxing learned a god was to pass by. Every family except a poor young man prepared a big banquet to lure the god to come to their home. As he could not afford the expensive dishes, the poor young man offered a bowl of pickled vegetable, the only food available at home. Sated with luxurious banquets, the god found the young man’s pickles very tasty and refreshing. So the god granted the young man a great fortune in the coming year. In the following year, the young man wanted to thank


the god’s kindness and prepared a feast while the rest of the fellow villagers only offered pickles to please the god. Again, the god en-joyed the young man’s offer the most and granted him a great for-tune for another year. From then on, every family in Wuxing would

first see what the lucky man prepared for the god and followed suit.

Since the man was now rich, he always prepared a feast. Gradually, what was offered during Spring Festival became a formula in the area.

Things to be offered to Lord New Year must be prepared with great care and concern.

The first is to prepare the small shrine. A closet on the southern wall of the front hall serves as the shrine. Inside are two paper tab-lets, one in honor of the god that takes care of the family, the other in honor of the god that takes care of the land where the house sits and the family works. The tablets are made of matchboxes and red paper.

The second thing is the homemade rice cake. It is a must-have for the Spring Festival. Eight rice cakes are tied up into a bundle with a piece of red string and two bundles are needed for the ritual, one for one corner of the table and each bundle covered with a piece of red paper. Usually, a family makes a large quantity of rice cakes to last until Qingming Festival in early April.

热闹新春 Crowds gather to celebrate Spring Festival.


Inside a Lantern Shop

The third thing to do is to present chicken, fish and pig for the rit-ual, usually known as Big Three. As a whole pig is too large for the table, a pig’s head with its tail stuffed in the mouth is presented as a symbol. A chicken must be killed and cleaned before the presenta-tion, but the fish must be fresh. The Big Three are covered with a piece of red paper and two scallions are placed beside the big three.

The forth things are two plates of dumplings made of pumpkin, topped with flour-made Big Three and the other flour-made gold ingots.

The last are a bowl of rice, a bowl of chicken blood, a bowl of salt and a bowl of sugar. When everything is in place, the family lights incense sticks and kneel to pray one by one in the order of from the oldest to the youngest.

Besides the “Praying to Lord New Year”, children in Wuxing District play with lanterns after the reunion banquet on the eve of the Spring Festival. After the banquet, children from different homes get together, each holding a lantern. Off they go from house to house, singing and asking for treats such as candies and snacks. People welcome children’s visit and are happy to give treats. At midnight, red lanterns hanging from eaves indicate that the New Year has arrived.