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1. I'm not going to make movies that tell children, "You should despair and run away."

2. When I think about the way the computer has taken over and eliminated a certain experience of life, that makes me sad. When we were animating fire, some staff said they had never seen wood burning. I said, "Go watch!" It has disappeared from their daily lives. Japanese baths used to be made by burning firewood. Now you press a button. I don't think you can become an animator if you don't have any experience.

3. If [hand-drawn animation] is a dying craft, we can't do anything about it. Civilization moves on. Where are all the fresco1) painters now? Where are the landscape artists? What are they doing now? The world is changing. I have been very fortunate to be able to do the same job for 40 years. That's rare in any era.

4. I believe that children's souls are the inheritors of historical memory from previous generations. It's just that as they grow older and experience the everyday world that memory sinks lower and lower. I feel I need to make a film that reaches down to that level. If I could do that I would die happy.

5. Even in the middle of hatred and killings, there are things worth living for. A wonderful meeting or a beautiful thing can exist. We depict hatred, but it is to depict that there are more important things. We depict a curse, to depict the joy of liberation.

6. My process is thinking ... thinking ... and thinking. If you have a better way, please let me know.

1. 我要做的电影绝不会告诉孩子们:“你们应该绝望,应该逃跑。”

2. 每当想到电脑如何取代和毁了我们的某些生活经历时,我就很难过。我们在绘制动画中的火焰时,有些工作人员说他们从没见过木柴燃烧,我说:“那就去看看啊!”烧木柴已经从他们的日常生活中消失了。以前日本人洗澡都是用木柴烧水的,现在按一个按钮就行了。我认为一个没有任何经历的人是做不了动画师的。

3. 如果[手绘动漫]是一门濒临灭亡的工艺,我们也无计可施。人类文明本就是不停在进步的。所有的湿壁画画家现在都在哪儿呢?创作风景画的艺术家又在哪儿呢?他们如今又在做些什么呢?世界在变化。我非常幸运能一直做同一份工作长达40年,这在任何时代都很罕见。

4. 我相信孩子们的灵魂是先辈们历史记忆的继承者。只不过随着他们年岁渐长,历经世事,那份记忆在脑海中沉得越来越深。我觉得我需要制作一部可以触及那个记忆层的电影。如果我能做到,我便可以含笑九泉了。

5. 即使在仇恨和杀戮中,仍有些东西值得我们为之活下去。一次美妙的相遇或者一件美好的事物可以存在。我们描绘仇恨,但那是为了描绘我们还拥有更重要的东西。我们描绘诅咒,是为了描绘获得自由时的喜悦。

6. 我的方法就是思考……思考……再思考。如果你有什么更好的方法,请告诉我。

1. fresco [?fresk??] n. 湿壁画,是一种十分耐久的壁饰绘画,泛指在铺上灰泥的墙壁及天花板上绘制作的画作。通常是先将研磨好的干粉颜料掺入清水,制成水性颜料,再将颜料涂在刚抹在墙壁表面的湿灰泥上,等灰泥干燥凝固之后,画作便永久保存于墙壁表面。