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摘 要:针对非线性噪声处理的问题,考虑到信号的高阶统计量以及在酉空间可以很好地处理非高斯噪声,提出了在时域酉空间基于最大相关准则(MCC)的噪声处理算法。结合MCC和梯度下降算法,设计出了时域中非线性噪声的滤波算法。同时将该算法推广到酉空间中噪声处理,给出了酉空间中基于MCC的滤波算法。通过仿真研究发现,在时域和酉空间中,基于MCC的滤波算法相对于传统的基于最小均方差(LMS)的滤波算法在处理非高斯噪声的问题时有着显著优势,以更快的收敛速度达到能够较完整地保留信号特征的效果。


中图分类号: TN911.7


Max correntropy criteria-based nonlinear noise processing in time domain and unitary space

JIANG Xiao2*, MA Wen-tao1, QU Hua2

1. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University , Xi’an Shaanxi 710049,China;

2. School of Software Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an Shaanxi 710049,China


Considering the problems for nonlinear-noise processing and taking account of that higher-order statistics of the signal and unitary space can be a good deal with non-Gaussian noise,the noise processing algorithm based on Max Correntropy Criteria (MCC) in the time domain and the unitary space was proposed. Combining the MCC and gradient descent algorithm, a nonlinear-noise filtering algorithm in the time domain was designed. At the same time, extending the algorithm to the noise processing in the unitary space, the unitary space filtering algorithm based on the MCC was put forward. The simulation study shows that the algorithm based on the MCC algorithm has significant advantages compared with the traditional Least Mean Square (LMS) based filtering algorithm, which means it can achieve more complete signal characteristics by faster convergence.

英文关键词 Key words:

adaptive filter; unitary space; Max Correntropy Criteria (MCC); Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm; nonlinear noise

0 引言

在现实的应用系统中,要处理的信号噪声往往是具有非线性非高斯特性的。目前对于噪声的滤波问题,已经有了很多的研究[1-3],然而这些算法大部都是基于传统的基于最小均方差算法(Least Mean Square,LMS)算法的,而此算法都是在对于噪声是线性和高斯假设下进行设计的。因此,在实际环境中出现的非高斯非线性的噪声处理往往具有一定的局限性。因为它通常是以均方误差(Mean Squared Error,MSE)准则为代价函数的,其只考虑了信号的二阶统计量,在信号处理中不能准确地体现出信号的统计特征。近年来文献[4]中提出了一种新的相似度方法——广义相关熵(Correntropy),该方法考虑到了信号的高阶统计量特征,可以更加准确地评估输入输出信号的误差,基于该相似度函数制定出了一种新的评价准则——最大相关熵准则(Max Correntropy Criteria,MCC)。由于该准则可以很好地处理非线性非高斯环境中的问题,已经得到了广泛的应用[5-7]。考虑到MCC的特性,将其应用于非线性非高斯噪声的语音信号自适应滤波中,提出了基于MCC的非线性噪声滤波算法。
