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真题举例:It's important for the figures________

regularly. (2011年北京卷)

A. to be updated

B. to have been updated

C. to update

D. to have updated

解析】观察四个选项,A、B两项为被动,而C、D两项为主动。 The figures (数据)和后面的动词update (更新)之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故排除C和D。A项to be updated是不定式被动的一般式,而B项to have been updated 是不定式被动的完成式。根据句尾副词regularly (定期地,有规律地)可知,这里的不定式应表the figures平时的状态,故选A。题中it为形式主语,真正的主语是to be updated。我们可以把该题题干进一步变形,选项不变:

① It's important for us________the figures regularly.

② It's satisfactory for the figures________already.

③ It's satisfactory for us________the figures already.

题①答案为C。由于update 和前面的us是逻辑上的主谓关系,且regularly表明应用现在时态,故选to update。

题②答案为B。The figures和update是被动关系,句尾副词already和句中形容词satisfactory均表结果,故用完成时的被动形式。


【要点小结】动词不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将不定式置于句末,构成如下句式:① It + be + adj. + to do sth. ② It + be + adj. + for sb./sth. + to do sth. ③ It + be + adj. + of sb./sth. + to do sth. 解题时不仅要注意不定式中的动词与其逻辑主语间的关系,还应注意动词的时态。


真题举例:The ability________an idea is as important as the idea itself. (2011年湖南卷)

A. expressing B. expressed

C. to express D. to be expressed

【解析】题干的意思是:“表达某一想法的能力就如同这个想法本身一样重要。”该题主要考查ability后接不定式的情况。如果要表达某人有做某事的能力,应用ability to do,而不是ability of doing,故答案为C (to express)。该题的难度不是很大,若再增加一个选项 (of expressing),可能就会有考生上当出错。

【要点小结】动词不定式作定语(n./pron. + to do或n./pron. + to be done)一般有四种情况。

① 名词或代词与动词之间为主动关系,如:The next train to arrive was from New York. (下一趟抵达的列车是从纽约发车的。)

② 名词或代词与动词之间为被动关系,如:There will be three hundred scientists attending the meeting to be held the day after tomorrow. (将有300名科学家参加后天举行的会议。)

③ 名词或代词与动词之间为解释说明关系,如:The boy made a solemn promise never to reveal the secret. (男孩郑重地承诺决不泄露秘密。)

④ 名词或代词与动词之间为被动关系,但用主动形式来表达,此时,do的发出者为句子的主语,如:I have a composition to write. (我有篇作文要写。) 但请注意下面两句对话:―Do you have anything to be printed, sir? ―No, thanks. (――先生,您有什么需要打印的么?――没有,谢谢。) 在对话中,print这个动作并不是主语you要去做的,而是问话的人要去做的,故使用其被动形式。这种情形可能是秘书在询问老板是否有东西需要打印。


真题举例:More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced________people's concern over food safety. (2011年重庆卷)

A. to raise B. raising

C. to have raised D. having raised

【解析】句中的according to government officials是插入语,该句主干为:More TV programs will be produced________people's concern over food safety. (为了提高人们对食品安全的关注,将会制作更多电视节目。) 很明显,要填的部分为目的状语。故正确答案为A。原句可改为:More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced in order to (so as to) raise people's concern over food safety.

真题举例:If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city________by their enthusiastic supporters. (2011年浙江卷)

A. being cheered B. be cheered

C. to be cheered D. were cheered

【解析】这个题考倒了不少考生。有的考生选A (being cheered),认为是伴随状语;有的考生选B (be cheered),认为是主句are going to后的并列动词之一。事实上,正确答案为 C (to be cheered),题干意为:“如果他们今晚在决赛中获胜,他们队将环城巡游,以接受粉丝们的欢呼。”To be cheered作目的状语。针对考生选错的情况,我们可以把原题修改一下,选项不变:

① If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city and________by their enthusiastic supporters.

② The team are touring around the city________by their enthusiastic supporters.

题①答案为B。And是并列连词,连接tour和cheer两个动作,都作are going to的目的状语,故选be cheered。

题②答案为A。Are touring around是正在进行的动作,A项being cheered在此作伴随状语,表示伴随tour around发生的状况。


① I am pleased to be invited to speak here. 能受邀来这里讲话,我很高兴。 (be + adj. + to do结构,不定式表原因)

② Tom was so foolish as to tell lies to the police. 汤姆真傻,居然对警察说谎。(so ... as to do结构,主语为人,不定式表结果)

③ The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a tower. 这房子又高又窄,就像一座塔。(结构同上,主语是物,不定式表结果)

④ I was such a fool as to think that she is a warm-hearted woman. 我真是太傻了,居然相信她是个热心的女人。 (such + a/an + n. + as to do结构,不定式表结果)

⑤ He hurried to the station, only to be told that the train had left. 他匆匆赶到车站,结果被告知火车已经离开了。 (only to do结构,表出乎意料的结果)

⑥ He was too excited to say a word. 他激动得说不出话来。(too ... to结构,不定式表结果)

注意:too ... to结构一般情况下表示否定,意为“太……以至于不能……”,但在以下两种情况中,too ... to结构不是表示否定,而是肯定:①当too后的形容词为ready、apt、anxious、eager、glad、willing、easy、pleased等词时;②当too表达为all too、but too、only too、quite too时,此时too后的形容词表原因,而to后的动词表结果。例如:① She is too willing to marry him. (她非常乐意嫁给他。) ② They are all too satisfied with themselves to take the advice of others without the pain of thought. (他们特别满足于不用经过痛苦的思考而直接接受他人的意见。)


真题举例:Passengers are permitted________

only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. (2011年天津卷)

A. to carry B. carrying

C. to be carried D. being carried

【解析】Carry这个动作和主语passengers形成逻辑上的主动关系,补充说明passengers的动作,C和D表被动,故排除。而be permitted 后要求用to do形式,故正确答案为A。


不定式作宾语补足语的常见形式为:do1 sb. to do2 sth.,如advise sb. to do sth.。Do1的常见动词有advise、allow、ask、beg、encourage、get、force、invite、expect、order、permit、persuade、require、want、warn、teach、wish、decide、leave、help等。

不定式作主语补足语的常见形式为:sb. be done (do1的过去分词形式) to do2 sth.,如sb. be advised to do sth.。其中的do1与宾语补足语常见形式中的do1相同。

另外,大家所熟悉的五“看”(see、notice、watch、observe、look at)、三“使”(let、make、have)、二“听”(listen to、hear)、一“感觉”(feel)中的不定式如果以宾语补足语的形式出现,do2前的to必须省略;若以主语补足语的形式出现,to不可省略。如:① I heard him sing an English song this morning. (宾语补足语) ② He was heard to sing an English song this morning. (主语补足语)
