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Panasonic Corp. cfo Hideaki Kawai

Panasonic Corp., Japan’s second-largest maker of television, said it’s limiti ng exposure to fl uctuati ons in the yen by boosti ng overseas producti on. Chief Financial Offi cer Hideaki Kawai said in an interview yesterday.“Panasonic, the maker of Viera TVs, set up treasury offi ces in nine countries -- including the U.S., China, the U.K., the Netherlands and Thailand -- to manage risks from more than 30 combinati ons of currency contracts, Kawai said. “What’s important is to structure our production bases so that we can absorb demerits from currency movements,” he said. “We’re focusing on making products in each region so that we can respond bett er to customer needs.”

日本第二大电视机制造商——松下电器通过发展海外生产抵制了日元波动带来的影响。松下电器CFO河井英明(Hideaki Kawai)说,“为在货币波动下保持增长劲头,松下电器在九个国家成立了财政办公室,包括美国、中国、英国、荷兰和泰国,借助30多种货币契约组合来管理风险。关键还要构建生产基地来吸收汇率波动带来的风险。此外我们专注于在每个国家和地区进行生产,这样可以更好的应对客户需求。”

Royal Dutch Shell CFO Simon Henry

Royal Dutch Shell CFO Simon Henry said, "The role of fi nance in all of this is multi faceted. A fi nance functi on needs to be able to understand the business well enough to know what is a worthwhile activity but also, in this part of the business, to have a bit more of an open mind. It is less mechanisti c and has the ability to live with ambiguity, to identi fy risk and to manage it."

荷兰皇家壳牌CFO西蒙-亨利(Simon Henry)说,“财务的作用是多方面的,财务人员需要更好的了解业务,以便知道哪些工作是真正有价值的。同时还要有更加开放的心态、灵活的思想及能够接受不同观点、识别和管理风险的能力。”

Yahoo Inc CFO Ken Goldman

Yahoo shares have surged roughly 70 percent since Marissa Mayer took over as Yahoo’s chief executi ve in July, though analysts say much of the rise is due to stock buybacks and the growing value of Yahoo’s Asian assets. Goldman hinted that Yahoo could buy back more shares once its current stock repurchase authorizati on is completed. He added, however, that any future buybacks would depend on the stock price."I do like the idea of buying back stock," he said. "So I don’t necessarily suggest at all that the fact that we’ve got a litt le bit more to go on the existi ng purchase does not mean that we would not go beyond that and buy more."

自去年7月Marissa Mayer 出任首席执行官以来,雅虎股价已上涨了近70%,分析人士称大部分是由于股票回购和雅虎亚洲资产估值的不断增加。CFO肯·戈德曼(Ken Goldman)暗示到,当前的股票回购授权完成后,雅虎仍将回购股票。但是他补充说,任何未来的回购将取决于股票价格。他说,“我很赞同股票回购,因此我支持目前进行更多回购,而且将来有可能回购的更多。”