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A Love Letter

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单词数: 312字 建议时间:5分钟 难度:

My father was poor in expressing his feelings. I knew that my dad loved me, but showed me love in other ways. There was one particular time in my life when this became real to me.

I always believed that my parents had a good marriage, but gradually the strain(拉紧)on my mom and dad’s relationship was quite evident. However, I was not prepared for the day when Dad had decided to leave. All that I could think of was that I was going to become a product of a divorced family. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t going to happen. The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for a long time. I prayed and I cried and I wrote a long letter to my dad. I told him how much I loved him and that I would always and forever be his child. As I folded my note, I stuck in a picture of me with a saying I had always heard: “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a real daddy.” Early the next morning, as my dad left our house, I slipped my letter into one of his bags.

Two weeks later, my mother told me that they decided that there were things that the both of them could and would change and that their marriage was worth saving. “Well, Dad said that when he read your letter, it made him cry. It meant a lot to him and I have hardly ever seen your dad cry. After he read your letter, he called to ask if he could come over to talk. Whatever you said really made a difference to your dad.”

A few days later my dad was back. We never talked about the letter. I guessed that it became a secret between us.


1. Why did the author’s father decide to leave?

A. Because he was poor in showing his feelings.

B. Because his wife was always giving orders.

C. Because serious problems occurred in their marriage.

D. Because the strain on father-daughter relationship was evident.

2. How did the author feel when her father decided to leave?

A. Excited. B. Annoyed. C. Doubtful. D. Upset.

3. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means _______.

A. a man may have to give up a lot to be a real father

B. a man may have to give in to his wife to be a daddy

C. a man who raises special children can become a real father

D. a man who develops some special talents can be a real father

4. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How the author’s parents enjoyed a happy marriage.

B. How a letter saved the author’s parents’ marriage.

C. The divorce had a great influence on the author.

D. The divorce made the author unhappy.


1. C。根据文中第二段but gradually the strain(拉紧) on my mom and dad’s relationship was quite evident.但是父母之间的紧张关系逐渐明显了。由此可知,父母间的关系紧张是他们离婚的真正原因。此题为细节题,做题的方法是:回归到原文中去寻找信息。

2. D。根据文中第二段The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for a long time. I prayed and I cried and I wrote a long letter to my dad在父亲离开前的那夜,我整夜没睡,祈祷着,哭泣着,给父亲写了一封长信。可知对父亲的离开我很悲伤。

3. A。根据文中倒数第二段可知:当父亲读了我的信之后深深地被打动,决定不再离家出走,重新回到家中,所以“我“认为要成为真正的父亲就需要特殊的东西,那就是放弃离开的念头。

4. B。该文叙述了父母关系紧张,走到了离婚的地步,父亲要离家出走。作者在十分悲痛的情况下给父亲写了一封长信,表达了自己对父亲的挚爱,见到信之后,父亲深受感动,决定为了这份爱不再离开,并重返家园。文章以“信”为主线,正是这封信挽回了父母的婚姻。因此B项反映了文章的中心,概括全面、新颖、简洁。


1. prepare

vt. 准备,使……有思想准备,把……准备好

例如:We will return in time for you to prepare dinner. 我们会及时回来为你准备饭。

He prepared himself to accept the news. 他使自己作好准备接受这条新闻。

Please prepare the table for dinner. 请把桌子摆放好要开放了。

vi. 为……做准备,常与介词for 连用

例如:Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。

Turning, he prepared to go upstairs. 转过身来,他准备上楼。


adj. prepared 有准备的

be prepared for/to准备……

n. preparation

make preparations for 为……做准备

in preparation for为……做准备

2. take vt. 需要

例如:How much petrol will the car take? 车需要多少汽油?

It takes knowledge to do that. 要做这件事需要知识.

【扩展】句型:It takes sth. to do sth. 要做某事需要……。如果就something提问需要用疑问词what。

例如:It takes knowledge to do that. What does it take to do that?

3. be worth 值……的钱,价值为……

例如:Each of these stamps is worth a penny. 每张邮票值1美分。

The film is well worth seeing. 这部电影很值得看。


be worthy of doing=be worthy to be done=be worth doing

4. particular

(1) adj. 个别的,个人的

例如:Is there any particular colour you could prefer? 你有特别喜欢的颜色吗?

(2) adj. 特殊的,挑剔的

例如:She is very particular about what she wears. 她对衣着很讲究。

短语:in particular 尤其,特别

注意:special 指“专门的、特别的”,强调食物特有的性质、专门的目的用途。

a special train 专列

especial 突出的,独有的,特别的

especial benefit 特有的利益

5. come over

(1) 从一边来到另一边

例如:Why don’t you come over to England for a holiday? 你怎么不到英国来度假?

(2) 某种情绪影响某人

例如:A fit of dizziness came over her. 她感到一阵头晕目眩。

(3) 改变立场或意见

例如:She will never come over to our side. 她绝不会改变立场到我们这边来。

6. make a difference

(1) 对某人或某事物有作用或影响

例如:The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没有多大的影响。

(2) 对某人重要

例如:It makes no difference to what you say. I am not going. 不管你说什么都无所谓,反正我不去。


1. I told him how much I loved him and that I would always and forever be his child. 我告诉他,我有多爱他,并且告诉他我将永远是他的孩子。

该句的主句“I told him”后接两个宾语从句“how much I loved him”及“that I would always and forever be his child”,其中第二个宾语从句中不缺成分,因此用连接词that,且that 不可省略。

2. All that I could think of was that I was going to become a product of a divorced family. 我所能想到的是我将是一个离婚家庭的产物。

该句主句“All that I could think of was...,我所能想到的是……”,而“that I was going to become a product of a divorced family.”是表语从句,从句中不缺成分,用连接词that,且that不可省略。主句中“all”后面的“that I could think of”是定语从句,先行词all在从句中作of的宾语that可以省略。

3. Two weeks later, my mother told me that they decided that there were things that the both of them could and would change and that their marriage was worth saving. 两周后,母亲告诉我他们俩之间的情况将有改变,并且告诉我他们的婚姻值得挽回。

该句主句“my mother told me”后面接两个宾语从句“that they decided”及“and that their marriage was worth saving”。而第一个宾语从句中主句“they decided...”后又接宾语从句“that there were things”,其后接定语从句“that the both of them could and would change”,先行词things在定语从句中做change的宾语。


1. There was one particular time in my life when this became real to me. 在我生命中一段特别的时间里,父亲用另一种方式显示对我的爱。

主句“There was one particular time in my life... when...” 引导定语从句,先行词time在定语从句中做状语。

例如:There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. 曾经有一段时间深蓝的天空、鸟的歌声、月光和鲜花从未使我感到着迷。

2. Well, Dad said that when he read your letter, it made him cry. 父亲说,当他读完信之后,信里的内容使他哭泣。

“it made him cry”中的make是使役动词,表示“使某人做某事的”结构是:make sb. do sth.。用省略to的不定式做宾补。例如:The boss made the workers work 12 hours a day. 老板让工人们一天工作12 小时。变成被动语态为The workers was made to work 12 hours a day. 其中不定式符号to不能省略。类似的动词:have sb. do sth./get sb. to do sth.及感官动词see/watch/hear/observe +sb. do sth.。