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Since the age of five, I have been a musician. At that time, my parents, like so many in the West, forced me to learn the piano, and I didn't appreciate it at all. I found that the music used in piano teaching was uninspiring and bland. Aged eight, I began to learn the guitar, and got my first electric guitar when I was eleven. At thirteen, I made a big mistake by finally quitting taking piano lessons, although I continued to learn on my own.

During secondary school and whilst studying Chinese at university, my interest in and love of music grew and grew. I can safely say that listening to and playing music is a passion for me, not just a hobby. Despite this I never really considered a career in the music industry.

In Britain, the music business is very difficult to get into. You often have to take a series of unpaid internships over many months in order to gain the experience needed to get a paid job. This is because the music industry is very popular. Salaries are nearly always lower than for equivalent jobs in other sectors (unless you are one of the star musicians), yet still many people are prepared to take this pay-cut in order to get in.

Thus, when I came to China, I did not intend to pursue a career that involved music. However, after arriving in Beijing, I was offered a job in a Chinese record company and of course I had to say yes. As the company is quite small, I find myself doing many different jobs, although my main title is Production Director. I am responsible for arranging recording sessions, including booking studios, organising musicians and also sitting in the studio to supervise the recordings. I am always impressed at how professional the singers and musicians are, and how they don't get annoyed when I tell them to play something again or to change their recording.

Working in a music company is wonderful if you are very interested in music. The general office atmosphere can be more relaxed, and this ①makes up for the long hours that are needed in the recording studios. As a producer there is always the opportunity to be creative and give input into the music, but there is also work to do involving the organisational and financial side of things.

China's music industry is very different from that of the US, Europe and Japan. In these major markets, music really is big business. For example, Britain exports over 400 million pounds' worth of music every year. In these markets, when a record company want to record an artist, they will often lend him or her the money to make the album, and then take the money back from the artist's earnings when the music is finished. The larger part of these earnings comes from CD sales, with other money being earned from performances and sometimes sponsorship.

The main difficulty in China is rampant piracy. There are no big earnings from a recording itself. The more popular a song or album is, the more it will be pirated. Even talented artists can find it difficult to find funds with which to record their music. In China, most earnings have to come from performances and, if an artist is popular enough, sponsorship. Much of the work we have to do involves trying to get sponsorship deals for our artists. Particularly popular in China are deals with soft drinks companies, but artists often find themselves sponsored by many different types of company.

This different structure leads to the curious situation where Chinese artists are often quite happy to have their music pirated over the internet (something that most Western artists particularly detest). This raises their profile, allowing them to earn more through performances and sponsorship deals.

The piracy problem also means that a lot of foreign music is never released in China. I find this annoying, as the music I like is never available here, but I also believe this ②has a negative effect on the Chinese music industry ③as a whole. Modern music production relies heavily on computer based software, but much of this software is never released in China as its distributors fear piracy so much. Equally, musicians and producers are influenced by other musicians and producers, and as so much music is not available in China, what these people can hear and learn from is limited.

Western music gains greatly from the diversity of western societies. In the US, producers regularly use musical styles borrowed from Latin America, the Caribbean, and of course the hugely influential African-American population. In Britain, music is partially influenced by the large Indian population as well as the other ethnic groups that make up the population. China is yet to receive a large amount of immigration, but this is sure to change as the economy continues to develop.

Having said this, Chinese music does benefit from the many ethnic minorities in the country. For example, some of my favourite musicians to watch in China are guitar players from Xinjiang, I believe that they are amongst the most skilled players in the world. I often hire them to accompany our company's singers in the recoding studios, and believe that there is great potential for Chinese popular music to develop its own flavour, fusing traditional Chinese instruments and China's ethnic minority music with foreign musical styles and techniques.












bland /bl2nd/adj.平淡无奇的;刺激性少的

internship /`int/nHip/ n.实习期

equivalent /i`kwiv9l9nt/adj.相等的;相当的

session /`seH9n/ n.(从事某一活动的)一段时间

supervise /`s(p9vaiz/ v.监督;管理

sponsorship /`sp4ns9Hip/ n.赞助;资助

piracy /`pai9r9si/ n.侵犯版权;盗版

soft drink 软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)

curious /`kju9ri9s/ adj.古怪的;好奇的

detest /di`test/ vt.厌恶;憎恨

profile /`pr9ufail/ n.形象;外形;轮廓

ethnic group同种同文化之民族

instrument /`instrum9nt/ n.乐器

① makes up for 弥补;补偿

② have a negative effect on 对……有负面影响

③ as a whole 总体上