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【关键词】词 短语 句子

More than one way for expressing the word “afraid”

Tan Yingman

【Abstract】In this paper, the wrier has concluded more than one way for expressing the word “afraid”.

【Keywords】Word Phrase Sentence



1.1 同义词:afraid, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, frightened(受惊的,受恐吓的), scared(害怕的), scary, horrendous, horrific, terrible, awful(令人畏惧的,可怕的), dire(可怕的), terrified(恐惧的,受惊吓的), terror-stricken, panic-stricken; panicky: nightmarish, etc.

1.2 近义词:shy, timid, timorous, shrinking bashful, coy, diffident(羞怯的), cowardly(胆小的), nervous ,tense, intense, strained(紧张的); anxious, worried, apprehensive(担心的,忧惧的), concerned, upset(担忧的)etc.

1.3 反义词:unafraid ,fearless, brave, courageous, bold, daring, etc.


2.表“怕”的动词。scare , fear, frighten, terrify, dread(使…害怕,吓唬); threaten(威胁); panic; shrink(畏缩), get into a panic/be thrown into a panic/be seized with fear(惊慌失措), cry out(因恐怖等)大喊大叫, jump ,shake颤抖, quake颤抖, shiver发抖, tremble发抖, freeze(毛骨悚然), blanch(因惧怕等)使(面部)苍白,have cold feet, etc.


to fear sb./ sth怕…,

to scare/ frighten /terrify / dread/ panic sb. into doing sth. 吓唬某人做某事/

to scare/ frighten /terrify / dread/ panic sb. out of (doing) sth吓得某人不敢做某事

to scare/ frighten sb./sth away/off把某人/某物吓走

to scare sb. stiff把某人吓呆

to frighten/scare/ terrify sb. to death / to frighten sb. out of one’s wits把某人吓死

to fear to do sth/ doing sth不敢做/ that担心; to fear for sb./sth对…担忧或关心

to dread doing sth/ /that

3.表“怕”的名词。terror, horror, panic ,fright ,threat,fear,scare,coward,nightmare, dread; apprehension(s); -phobia(恐惧症), etc.

be filled with apprehension(s)充满恐惧


in terror/dread/fear of,

with horror/fright,

in (a) fright,

in (a) panic,

in a fearful state/condition/mess, etc.



as timid as a rabbit(兔子)

as timorous as a hare(野兔)/louse(虱子)


as brave as a lion 勇如雄狮

as bold as a lion/badger虎胆包天


be frightened out of one’s wits

be afraid of one’s own shadow

be frightened as if the soul had left the body

the soul almost left one’s body with fright


make one’s hair stand on end;

make one’s blood run cold

make one’s flesh creep

be terrified with one’s hair standing on end;


free from care

without a single worry

have no worry in the world

free from all anxieties


look upon death as nothing

look death calmly in the face of…

defy death

face death unflinchingly


frighten away thieves by raising a scare

wake a sleeping wolf

beat the grass and startle the snake



①“Nothing in life is to be feared .It is only to be understood.” ―Marie Curie



A burnt child dreads the fire.

Once bitten, twice shy.

③He that fears every bush must never go a-birding. 疑神疑鬼,绝无收获。

④He, who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. 怕吃苦头的,反因怕而吃苦头。


The more wit, the less courage.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

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I am afraid of snakes.

= I am frightened of snakes.

= I am scared of snakes.

=I am terrified of snakes

=I am fearful of snakes.

=I am timid of snakes.

=I fear snakes.

=I dread snakes.

=I am in fear of snakes.

=I am in dread of snakes.

= I have a fear of snakes.

= I have a horror of snakes.

=Snakes make me afraid/frightened.

=Snakes would give me a scare.

=Snakes would give me the horrors.

≈I am terrified at the thought of snakes.

≈I will scare at the sight of snakes.

≈I would shake/quake with fear/fright when I saw snakes.

≈I would be frightened to death if I saw snakes.

≈Seeing snakes, I am as timid as a rabbit/ a hare.


She was afraid that the dog would bite.

=She was frightened that the dog would bite.

=She was scared that the dog would bite.

=She was terrified that the dog would bite.

=She was fearful that the dog would bite.

=She feared that the dog would bite.

=She dreaded that the dog would bite.


= The girl is afraid to stay at home alone.

= The girl is frightened to stay at home alone.

=The girl is scared to stay at home alone.

= The girl is terrified of being alone at home.

=The girl doesn’t dare to stay at home alone.

=The girl daren’t stay at home alone.

= The girl fears to stay at home alone.

= There is much fear of the girl staying at home alone.

=Full of fear, the girl stays at home alone.

= Without anybody else the girl stays at home in terror.

= The girl doesn’t have the courage to stay at home alone.




1 《朗文当代英语辞典(英语版)》.1995年最新版

2 《新英汉词典》

3 黄勇民编著.《英语常用同义形容词辨析词典》.复旦大学出版社

4 王福祯主编, 薄冰主审.《英语常见错误词典》.四川辞书出版社

5 齐振海、徐秀忠主编.《简明汉英成语词典》.中国书籍出版社

6 艾朝阳编著.《英语谚语词典》.湖南大学出版社

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