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新目标英语七年级(下)重、难点讲解(Units 3~4)

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Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?

1. Let’s see the pandas first. (P13) 咱们先看看熊猫吧。

1) 这是以动词let开头的祈使句。 let意为“让”,let’s是let us的缩写形式,意为“让我们”,后接动词原形。以let开头的常用句子结构模式为let somebody do something,意为“让某人做某事”。其否定式为let somebody not do something,意为“让某人不要做某事”。例如:

Let’s play basketball this afternoon. 咱们今天下午打篮球吧。

Let’s not play in the street. 咱们别在大街上玩耍吧。

2) 此句中的first是副词,意为“首先”、“最初”,用作状语,修饰动词或整个句子。例如:

Let’s look at the picture first. 让我们先看看这张画吧。

First,I would like to say a few words about my studies. 首先,我想谈一谈我的学习情况。

first用作序数词时,意为“第一”,其前面应该加定冠词the。 它在句子中可用作主语、宾语、定语或表语。例如:

The first is better than the second. 第一个比第二个更好。

I like the first. 我喜欢第一个。

January is the first month of a year. 一月是一年中的第一个月。

He is the first to come to school today. 今天他是第一个到学校的。

2. ―Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?

―Because they’re very cute. (P14). 因为它们逗人喜爱。

1) why为疑问副词,可用来询问某人做某事的原因。这样的疑问句常用由because引导的原因状语从句来回答。例如:

―Why do you like the film? 你为什么喜欢这部电影?

―Because it is very interesting. 因为它非常有趣。

注意: because是从属连词,不能和并列连词so出现在同一个句子中。试译:因为今天是星期天,所以他不上学。

误: Because it is Sunday today,so he doesn’t go to school.

正: Because it is Sunday today,he doesn’t go to school.

正: It is Sunday today,so he doesn’t go to school.

2) cute与clever比较:

两者都是形容词,都有“聪明的”、“伶俐的”之意。 cute隐含“小巧、漂亮及逗人喜爱”之意。例如:

They have a cute baby. 他们有一个可爱的婴儿。

The dolphins are very cute. 海豚非常逗人喜欢。


The children are clever and hardworking. 这些孩子聪明又勤奋。

A monkey is a clever animal. 猴子是聪明的动物。

3. Because they’re kind of interesting. (P14) 因为它们有些趣味。

kind of是程度状语,表示“多少有一点儿”、“有几分”、“稍微”,通常用来修饰形容词、副词,有时也可以用来修饰动词。例如:

I am kind of tired. 我有点累。

I kind of thought he would come. 我似乎感到他会来的。

I kind of like her. 我有几分喜欢她。

kind作名词用时,意为“种类”。由kind构成的常用词组有: a kind of(一种); all kinds of(各种各样的); this kind of(这种); that kind of(那种)。例如:

It’s a kind of animal with long ears and a short tail. 这是一种长耳朵、短尾巴的动物。

I don’t like this kind of apple. 我不喜欢吃这种苹果。

He has all kinds of books at home. 他家有各种各样的书。

4. What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢别的什么动物?

other与the other比较:


What other things can you see? 你还能看见些别的什么东西吗?

Have you any other books on this subject? 你还有别的这方面的书吗?

the other意为“(两者中的)另一个”,常用来修饰可数名词单数。如果修饰可数名词复数,表示除前面已提到的以外的“全部其余的”。例如:

On the other bank of the river,there is a tall tree. 河对岸有一棵高大的树。

Two of the books are yours; the other books are mine. 这些书中有两本是你的,其余的都是我的。

5. Because they’re friendly and clever. (P16) 因为它们既友善又聪明。


They are all very friendly. 他们都很友好。

He is friendly to everyone. 他对每个人都很友好。

The classmates in our class are friendly with each other. 我们班上的同学相互关系都很好。


误: They are talking friendly.

正: They are talking in a friendly way.

6. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. (P17) 她喜欢和她的朋友们一起玩耍嬉戏,并且喜欢吃草。

play与play with比较:

play with为固定短语,意为“与……一起玩耍”、“用……玩耍”,后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语。例如:

Would you like to play with me? 和我一起玩好吗?

Don’t play with the cat any more. 别再玩那只猫了。

They are playing with snow and ice. 他们在玩雪和冰。


They often play basketball in the afternoon. 下午他们经常打篮球。

Do you like to play football? 你喜欢踢足球吗?


He plays the erhu very beautifully. 他二胡拉得非常好。

I like playing the piano. 我喜欢弹钢琴。

7. She’s very beautiful,but she’s very shy,so please be very quiet. (P17) 她非常漂亮,但也非常害羞,因此请保持安静。

1) shy用作形容词,意为“害羞的”、“胆小的”,在句中用作表语或定语。例如:

Don’t be shy. 别害羞。

The deer is a shy animal. 鹿是一种胆小的动物。

注意:将shy转换为副词时,在词尾加后缀-ly即可,而不是先变y为i后,再加-ly。 例如:

“I beg your pardon,Mr Wang,” said the student shyly. 这位学生羞怯地说,“请原谅,王老师。”

2) so是并列连词,意为“因此”、“所以”,用来连接前后两个具有因果关系的并列分句,前面的分句表示原因,后面的分句表示结果。例如:

It’s raining hard,so we cannot go for a picnic. 雨下得很大,所以我们不能去野餐了。

This is our first lesson,so I don’t know all your names. 这是我们的第一堂课,所以我不知道你们的名字。

8. Isn’t he cute? (P17) 难道他不逗人喜爱吗?


Isn’t it an interesting film? 难道这不是一部有趣的电影吗?

Aren’t they good students? 难道他们不是好学生吗?

如果要回答这种否定疑问句,应该在肯定答语的开头用Yes,在否定答语的开头用No。 但在翻译成汉语时,应将Yes译成“不”,将No译成“是的”。例如:

―Doesn’t he like the book? 难道他不喜欢这本书吗?

―No,he doesn’t. 是的,他不喜欢。

―Aren’t you a doctor? 你不是一个医生吗?

―Yes,I am. 不,我是。

9. He sleeps during the day,but at night he gets up and eats leaves. (P17) 他白天睡觉,但晚上起来吃树叶。

1) sleep通常用作不及物动词,意为“睡”、“睡觉”,用于进行时态时表示“正在睡觉”。例如:

Many animals sleep under the snow. 很多动物睡在雪下面。

Is he still sleeping? 他还在睡觉吗?

He sleeps from nine to five in the next morning. 他从晚上九点睡到第二天早上五点。

注意:“睡得迟”用go to bed late或stay up late表示。 “睡懒觉”、“起得晚”用sleep late表示。

go to bed意为 “就寝”,表示“上床睡觉”这个动作,与get up相对。例如:

We usually go to bed early. 我们通常很早睡觉。

You must go to bed before ten o’clock. 你必须十点钟前上床睡觉。

注意:表示“就寝”时,不说go to the bed,go to my bed或go to that bed。 go to bed中的bed是个抽象概念,不一定非有bed才能睡,既使临时睡在地上,仍然可以说go to bed。

2) during the day相当于in the day time,意为“在白天”。 during是介词,意为“在……期间”。例如:

We’ll be on holiday during August. 我们将在八月份度假。

Do you do morning exercises during the break? 课间休息时你们做早操吗?

3) at night 是习惯用语,意为“在晚上”、“在夜里”。例如:

I watch TV at night. (= I watch TV in the evening.) 我在晚上看电视。

注意:表达“在晚上”时,还可以用in the night,during the night,但at night中的night前面不加冠词或其他修饰语。


1. 用play或play with填空。

1) Please don’t________my chalk.

2) He likes________the piano.

3) May I go out to________tennis?

4) The boy is________his model plane now.

2. 用sleep或go to bed填空。

1) We usually get up at six and________at ten in the evening.

2) Don’t wake up the boy. He is still________.

3) It’s very late. You must________.

4) A child must________nine or ten hours a day.

3. 用other或the other填空。

1) One shoe is here;________is there.

2) Do you have any________questions?

3) We study Chinese,English and________subjects.

4) There are many shops on________side of the street.

4. 用kind of或a kind of填空。

1) This is________new bike.

2) The little girl is________shy.

3) Today it’s________hot.

4) Water is________matter.


1. 1) play with 2) to play/playing 3) play 4) playing with

2. 1) go to bed 2) sleeping 3) go to bed 4) sleep

3. 1) the other 2) other 3) other 4) the other

4. 1) a kind of 2) kind of 3) kind of 4) a kind of

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.

1. ―What do you do? 你是做什么的?

―I am a reporter. (P20) 我是一名记者。

想了解某人的职业时,可用“What + do/does + 主语 + 动词原形?”来提问。回答时可以用“主语 + be ...”或“主语 + 行为动词”句式。例如:

―What does he do? 他是做什么的?

―He works as a doctor. 他是一名医生。

―What do your parents do? 你的父母是做什么的?

―They are teachers. 他们是教师。

注意:不要把“What do you do?”和“How do you do?”相混淆。后者是初次见面时的问候语,意为“你好!”,回答也用“How do you do?”。

2. She wants to be a policewoman. (P20) 她想成为一名警察。


police是集体名词,为警察的总称,其前面常加定冠词the。 例如:

Let’s report the matter to the police. 咱们把这件事报告给警察吧。


误: The police is coming to the scene of the incident.

正: The police are coming to the scene of the incident.

policeman意为“(男)警察”,是可数名词,其复数形式是policemen。 “一个警察”是a policeman。 例如:

If you want to know the way,ask a policeman. 如果你想打听路怎么走,可以去问警察。

There are three policemen in the street. 街上有三个警察。

policewoman意为“女警察”,其复数形式为policewomen。 例如:

My sister is a policewoman. 我姐姐是一名警察。

3. People give me their money or get their money from me. (P21) 人们把他们的钱交给我,或者从我这儿拿走他们的钱。

1) give是及物动词,意为“给”,常用于give somebody something或give something to somebody结构中。例如:

Please give him a glass of milk. 请递给他一杯牛奶。

Can you give your dictionary to me? 你能把你的词典给我吗?

注意:如果give的直接宾语为代词it或them,则只能说give it/them to somebody,不可以说give somebody it/them。 试译:请把它给我,好吗?

误: Would you like to give me it?

正: Would you like to give it to me?

2) money意为“钱”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。试译:我有许多钱。

误: I have many moneys.

正: I have much/a lot of money.

3) get ... from意为“从……中取得(获得)”。例如:

You can get money from your parents. 你能从你父母那儿得到钱。

What can you get from cows? 你从奶牛身上能得到什么呢?

4) I like talking to people. (P21) 我喜欢跟人交谈。

talk to,talk with与talk about比较:

talk to和talk with都可以表示“和……谈话”,后面跟谈话的对象,介词to与with可以相互换用。例如:

He is talking to/with a friend. 他在和一个朋友交谈。

His classmates often talk with/to each other in English. 他的同学们经常用英语互相交谈。

talk about意为“谈论”,后面跟谈话的内容、人或事物。例如:

Talk about the people in the pictures above. (P22) 谈论上面图画里的人物。

Let’s talk about the film. 咱们谈谈这部电影吧。

People are beginning to talk about her. 人们开始议论她。

5. I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. (P21) 我身穿白色制服,协助大夫工作。

wear与put on比较:

wear 意为“穿着”、“戴着”,表示状态,后面可以跟coat,shoes,hat,watch,trousers,flower等名词。例如:

What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号码的鞋?

Many girls wear shirts in summer time. 夏天,很多女孩子穿裙子。


He wears a blue coat. 他(经常)穿蓝上衣。

He is wearing a blue coat. 他(此刻)穿着蓝上衣。

put on意为“穿上”、“戴上”,表示“穿”的动作。例如:

It is very cold today. You’d better put on more clothes. 今天很冷,你最好多穿些衣服。

Kate put on her hat and went out. 凯特戴上帽子出去了。

6. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. (P21) 我有时白天上班,有时晚上上班。

1) sometimes意为“有时”,常位于句首或句末。例如:

Sometimes they go to the park. 有时,他们去公园。

He walks to the school sometimes. 他有时候步行去学校。


He sometimes goes swimming in winter. 冬天他有时去游泳。

He is sometimes late for the meeting. 他有时开会迟到。

2) in the day与in a day比较:

in the day意为“在白天”,与in the daytime同义,两个短语可以互换使用。例如:

He often sleeps in the day. 他经常在白天睡觉。

My elder sister works in the daytime,and at night she goes to night school. 我姐姐白天工作,晚上去上夜校。

in a day意为“(在)一天”。例如:

―How many hours are there in a day? 一天有多少个小时?

―There are 24 hours in a day. 一天有24个小时。

7. I work late. (P21) 我工作到很晚。


Don’t come late for the meeting. 开会不要迟到。

We often go to bed late on Saturday night. 星期六晚上我们经常很晚才睡。


You are ten minutes late today. 今天你迟到了十分钟。

In summer the sun goes down in late evening. 夏天太阳很晚才落。

含late的常用短语有: be late for意为“做某事迟到”,后接名词。例如:

He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。

Don’t be late for work. 上班别迟到。

8. Does she work in a hospital? (P21) 她在一家医院工作吗?

hospital意为“医院”,其前有冠词和没有冠词时,意思是不一样的。 in a hospital意为“在医院”,指地点,in hospital意为“生病住院”,具有抽象化的意义; go to the hospital意为“去那家医院”,go to hospital意为“去看病”。试比较下面几个句子:

Mr Wang is ill. He is in hospital now. 王先生病了,现在在住院。

Mr Wang is a doctor. He is in a hospital now. 王先生是医生,他现在在医院。

You look pale. You’d better go to hospital. 你脸色不好,你最好去医院看看医生。

Your brother is not here. You’d better go to the hospital to look for him. 你弟弟不在这儿,你最好去医院找他。

9. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners. (P21) 人们出去吃饭时我很忙。

1) busy是形容词,意为“忙的”、“繁忙的”,用作表语时,主语一般是表示人的名词或代词。试译:我父亲工作忙。

误: My father’s work is busy.

误: My father is doing busy work.

正: My father is busy.

2) go out意为“出去”、“外出”。例如:

Every morning he goes out to fish. 每天早上他都出去捕鱼。

Let’s go out for a walk. 咱们出去散散步吧。

10. If your answer is “yes”,then we have a job for you as a waiter. (P23) 如果你的回答是“是的”,那么我们可以为你提供一份服务员的工作。

1) have something for somebody 意为“有……给某人”,介词for意为“给……”。例如:

We have some good news for you. 我们有好消息要告诉你。

2) as用作介词时,意为“作为”、“当作”。例如:

He’ll come here as a reporter. 他将作为一位记者到这儿来。

My brother works as a postman. 我兄弟是一位邮递员。

11. Do you like to work evenings and weekends? (P23) 你喜欢晚上和周末工作吗?


I’m always at home evenings. 我晚上总是在家里。

They like to go out for a picnic weekends. 他们每周末都喜欢出去野餐。


1. 用police或policeman 填空。

1) Can you find the________station?

2) The________are looking for the little boy.

3) My brother is a________.

4) There is a black________car near the school.

2. 用talk to/with或talk about填空。

1) What are you________?

2) Whom are they________?

3) Work in pairs and________these pictures.

4) I want to________you about my school.

3. 用 wear 或put on填空。

1) The children________new clothes today.

2) It’s raining. Please________your raincoat.

3)________your jacket,please.

4) He doesn’t________any cap in winter.


1. 1) police 2) police/policemen 3) policeman 4) police

2. 1) talking about 2) talking to/with 3) talk about 4) talk to/with

3. 1) are wearing 2) put on 3) Put on 4) wear