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1.能够认读地点名词:park, zoo, movie theatre, restaurant, store, gym和动词词组:watch a movie, have supper, fly kites, watch the animals, buy clothes, play badminton.

2.能够运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Do you go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。




熟练运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Do you go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。




Step 1: Warming-up and Revision

1. Greeting.(通过简短的free-talk拉近师生间的距离。)

2. Sing an English song: Walking, Walking.

T: Today I am a tourist guide. We will have a travel today! Let’s have fun together. At first, Let’s sing a song and do actions.(教师创设“一日游”的教学情境带领学生开启本课的学习之旅,用富有节奏感的动作歌曲活跃课堂气氛,让学生迅速进入英语学习的状态。)

3. Review the words:

park, zoo, gym, movie theatre, restaurant, store.

T: Please take out your learning notes. Look at task 1. Write the words on your paper.

① Write the words correctly on the Learning Notes.

② Little teachers write the words on the cards.

③ Read after the little teachers: We go to the ______.

(利用学习单,让学生在课前预习的基础上默写本课复习到的六个地点名词,并且通过小老师的领学让学生初步感受并练习句型We go to the ______.将词汇和句型融为一体,让学生自己体验学习的快乐,也为进一步的学习奠定基础。)

Step 2: Presentation and Practice

New concepts:

I / We go to the____ to____.

Do you go to the _______ to ________ ?

T: There are so many places we want to go. Let’s begin our travel. Here’s our travel line. At first, We go to the____.

Ss: We go to the gym / park / zoo / store /restaurant / movie theatre.


1. We go to the gym.

T: At first, we go to the gym to play. There are many sports. Let’s play cards together. Please take out your little cards. Group-leaders: Choose the cards. Members: Say and do it quickly.

Group-work: play cards.( Review the verb phrases )


2. We go to the park.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the park. We go to the park to fly kites. Let’s play together in the park.

Ss: We go to the park to skip/run/swim.

T: What else can you do in the park ?

Students try to make new sentences with “ We go to the park to ____ .”

(教师在公园游玩的情境设置中自然的引入句型I / We go to the ___to ___.让学生发挥想象并通过充分的操练巩固句型,为进一步学习一般疑问句打好基础。)

3. We go to the zoo.

① T: We go to the zoo to watch the animals. What a big zoo ! What animal do you like ?

Ss: I like ____.

T: I like animals, too. Do you go to the zoo to watch a panda ?

Ss: Yes.

T: We can answer it with “Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.”

② Play a game :

Listen carefully and guess the animals with

the sentences:

Do you go to the zoo to watch a ______ ?

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(Practice with the new sentences: Do you go to the ___ to ____ ?)

(让学生在动物园的情境设置中,自然习得一般疑问句Do you go to the ___to ___?及其回答,并利用动物的叫声,通过句型抢答游戏充分进行问答操练,巩固所学。)

4.We go to the store.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the store. We go to the store to buy clothes. I like shopping. I want to buy a new dress. What do you want to buy ?

Ss: I want to buy a ____.

T: Let’s go shopping in the store. Please make a dialogue in pairs.

Students try to make a dialogue with own words in the store.


5. We go to the movie theatre.

T: I’m tired and hungry now. It’s time for supper. We go to the restaurant to have supper. I’m full now. After lunch, Let’s watch a movie.

Ss: We go the movie theatre to watch a movie.

T: Let’s watch a movie about Li Ming’s family.

Students listen to the tape and read the text.


Step 3: Production

Chant: What do you like to do ?

T: I think we have a wonderful time. Now let’s chant together!

① Listen and try to chant together.

② Make a new chant with own words in groups.

What do you like to do ?

Go to the _____, ________.


Step 4: Summary


Make a travel plan.

Write some sentences about your travel plan.


