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Common Errors

In this issue of careful we have pointed out some of the most common errors that students of English make. All of these errors involve confusion about the meaning and usage of two words or phrases. Mistakes like these are committed by beginners and advanced learners alike. Sometimes even native speakers will slip up with these ones.



When "affect" is accented on the final syllable (a-FECT), it is a verb meaning "have an influence on":

The million-dollar donation from the industrialist did not affect my vote against the Clean Air Act.

A much rarer meaning is indicated when the word is accented on the first syllable (AFF-ect), meaning "emotion". In this case the word is used mostly by psychiatrists and social scientists.

The real problem arises when people confuse the first spelling with the second: "effect". This too can be two different words. The more common one is a noun:

When I left the oven on, the effect was that the kitchen filled with smoke.

When you affect a situation, you have an effect on it.

The less common is a verb meaning"to create":

I'm trying to effect a change in the way we purchase material.

Note that the proper expression is not "take affect" but "take effect" - i.e. become effective.

For Sale/On Sale

If something is for sale, it means that it is available to be purchased:

Pete is going to move to Dseldorf so his house is for sale.

If something is on sale, it means that the price has been reduced:

This coat is on sale. It was $140 but is now being sold for $100.


This is one that native speakers get confused by. Originally these words were pretty much interchangeable, but "hanged" eventually came to be used pretty exclusively to mean "killed or died by hanging". People did not want to use the same word that is associated with capital punishment and suicide in other contexts:

Lady Wrothley saw to it that her ancestors' portraits were properly hung.

Therefore, "hung" is correct except when someone dies from being suspended by a rope around the neck!


This problem arises from a confusion regarding two categories of words relating to number and amount. The number category is used for objects which can be counted, such as cookies. Words like "few" and "many" can be used to quantify these objects.

In future you should eat fewer cookies.

The amount category is used for things that cannot be counted, like milk. These objects are quantified by words such as little, less and much:

Why don't you drink less alcohol?

Remember that you can eat "fewer" cookies but drink "less" milk!

If the thing being measured is being considered in countable units, then use number words. Even a substance which is considered in bulk can also be measured by number of units. For instance, you shouldn't drink too much wine, but you should also avoid drinking too many glasses of wine. Note that here you are counting glasses. They can be numbered.

Exceptions to the less/fewer pattern are references to units of time and money, which are usually treated as amounts: less than an hour, less than five dollars. Only when you are referring to specific coins or bills would you use "fewer":

I have fewer than five state quarters to go to make my collection complete.









注意:固定短语不是“take affect”而是“take effect”,即“生效”的意思。

如果有东西是“for sale”,那么就意味着它可供选购:


如果有东西是“on sale”,那么就意味着价格下调了:










如果被测量的东西被认为数量可数,那么就用数词。即使被认为是散装的物质也同样可以用数量单位来进行测量。例如,你不能喝太多(too much)的葡萄酒,但你也应该避免喝太多杯(too many glasses)的葡萄酒。注意:在这里,你是在计算杯数。而它们是可以计量的。

“less/fewer”的用法是有例外情况的,即在涉及时间和金钱的单位(常常被当作是数量)时:less than an hour(不到1小时)、less than five dollars(不到5美元)。而只有当你是指具体的硬币或者钞票时,你才会用到“fewer”:
