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走迷宫 第5期

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What Is a Labyrinth?A labyrinth has only one path that twists2 and turns,meandering (蜿蜒) back and forth with each circuit3.But you won't find tricky4 turns that lead to dead ends,as in some mazes (迷津).In a labyrinth, the single path leads to the center.

If there's no trick to a labyrinth, what's the point? For over four thousand years, labyrinths have been used by cultures around the world.Ancient labyrinths have been found in places such as Greece,Egypt,Ireland, China, and the Americas. In the past, labyrinths have often been used for sacred5 purposes, such as prayer or meditation (默想).People still use labyrinths for those purposes, as well as to help them relax or think through problems.

Make a Seven-Circuit Labyrinth Follow these five steps to create your own seven-circuit labyrinth.

1. Draw this pattern in the center of a sheet of paper.

2. Follow the arrows to complete your labyrinth.

3. Practice a few times to perfectyour labyrinth-drawing skills. Then draw a labyrinth on a large sheet of paper.

4. Cut out thelabyrinth along the outer circle. Trace around the circle on cardboard, then cut out the cardboard circle.

5. Glue the labyrinth on top of the cardboard circle. Add a raised design by gluing cord( 细绳) or string(线) along the lines.

Ways to Use Your Labyrinth Begin at the opening and follow the path to the center with your finger. Reverse (反向,倒转) direction to return along the path. "Walking" along the labyrinth may help you: think through a problem; relax before a sports match; calm down when you're feeling angry; relax before a test; or cheer up when you're feeling sad.

Once you've tried some of these, discover your own ways to enjoy the labyrinth.

什么是迷宫? 一个迷宫只有一条蜿蜒曲折的路,它的每一圈都迂回往复。但是与一些错综复杂的迷津不同,你不会在迷宫里发现把你引向“死胡同”的棘手的转弯。在一个迷宫里,只有一条路通往中心。








使用迷宫的方法 从入口处开始,用手指沿着迷宫的路径到达中心。然后掉转方向顺路返回。“走”迷宫能帮助你:思考问题;在体育比赛前放松;感到愤怒时平静下来;考试前放松;或是难过时振奋精神。



1.labyrinth n.迷宫

2.twist vi. 曲折前进 twist and turn蜿蜒

3.circuit n.环(行)道,圈道


5.sacred adj.宗教(性)的,用于宗教仪式的