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due这个词可以作形容词、名词和副词使用,它可以指“应支付的,应归于的,预定的”等含义。在人教版教材第六册 Unit 4 Globe warming 的课文中,就有due的用法:All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. (Page 26) 在这个句子中due与to 连用,构成due to 短语,在句子中充当表语,表示“因为……”。除了这个用法,due还有许多其他的用法。下面将对due的用法进行详细地讲解。

一、 due作形容词使用


1. 适当的;应有的

例如:Your request will be dealt with in due time. 你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。

He was charged with driving without due care or attention. 他被控鲁莽驾驶。(驾驶时没有适当的小心和注意)

2. 应有的,应得到的。可以与for连用,但不可直接放在名词前。

例如:I’m still due 15 days’ leave. 我还应有15天的休假。(此处15 days’ leave作状语)

She is due for a promotion soon. 她应该很快就会晋升了。

3. 预期的,预定应到的;可与to do 或for连用;如果表示具体的时间预定到达的,可与at, in 连用。

例如:When is the baby due? 宝宝什么时候出生?

Rose is due to start school in January. 罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。

4. 应支付的,(票据等)到期的

例如:The payment is due on October 20. 这笔款项应于10月20日支付。

a bill due today 今天到期的票据

5. due to

1) (款项、敬意、注意、感谢等)应归于……的

例如: The money is due to Mr. Hall. 这笔钱应付给霍尔先生。

The wages due to him will be paid tomorrow. 应该给他的工资将于明天支付。

Our thanks are due to teachers. 应向教师表达我们的谢意。

Respect is due to the elder people. 应该尊敬年长者。

2) 因为,由于

例如: His success was due to his hard work. 他的成功是由于努力。

Most of the problems were due to human errors. 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。

The plane was late due to bad weather. 由于天气不好,飞机误点了。

【扩展】要注意due to和近义短语because of, owing to之间的区别。because of平常用得最多,后面可以接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句;但它所构成的短语在句中通常只作状语。due to后面一般接名词或名词性短语,作表语的时候多,但也可以作状语,一般不放在句首。owing to结构作表语和状语都可以,作状语时也可以放在句首,放在句尾时则一般用逗号与前面隔开。

例如:Because of what he said at the meeting , Linda had to make a new arrangement. 因为他在会议上所说,琳达只好重新作了安排。

The Bronte sisters had to be governesses due to their poverty. 因为贫穷,勃朗特姐妹不得不去当家庭教师。

Hong Kong has been detecting all food imported from Japan, owing to the Fukushima nuclear disaster. 因为福岛核灾难,香港对所有从日本进口的食物都进行了检测。

6. in due course 在适当的时候;到一定时候

例如:The business will pay in due course. 那笔生意近期内就会有盈余。

7. with (all) due respect (极不赞成时)恕我直言,恕我冒昧

例如: With all due respect, the figures simply do not support you on this issue. 恕我直言, 这些数字根本不能证明你对此事的看法是对的。

二、 due 作名词使用

1. 应有的权利,应得到的东西。通常使用one’s due 的形式。

例如: He received a large reward, which was his due. 他得到重赏,这也是他应得的。

2. 应缴款,手续费。通常使用复数形式(dues)。

例如:He paid his dues to the club. 他向俱乐部缴纳了会费。

3. give sb. his due公平对待,给某人应得的评价

例如: To give him his due, he is a good teacher. 公正地说,他是个好老师。

She is a slow worker, but to give her her due, she does try very hard. 她做事很慢,但说句公道话, 她确实很尽力。

三、 due作副词使用


例如: Our ship is sailing due south. 我们的船正朝正南方向航行。

The village lies 5 miles due north of York. 这个村庄位于约克正北五英里处。


1. The project had to be abandoned ______ a lack of government funding. Which answer is WRONG?

A. due to B. because of

C. owing to D. because

2. The band’s first album is due ______ later this month.

A. to be released B. to releasing

C. release D. releasing

3. 经过适当考虑,我们决定委任戴维斯先生干这个工作。

After ______ ________, we have decided to appoint Mr. Davis to the job.

4. 他们应得的钱付给他们了吗?

Have they been paid the money ______ ______ ______ _____ them?

keys:1.D;2.A;3.due consideration;4.that is