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完形突破Passage Five

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My 8-year-old daughter is experimenting with kindness and smiles. She has been making her own colorful smile cards and often takes them to school or wherever we go.

Last Sunday, I took the kid 1 with me. My daughter 2 her pockets with about 20 smile cards. She was 3 to see John, who is an elderly man who gives out samples (货样), and who is so happy and friendly that we can’t help feeling 4 while talking to him. 5 , John wasn’t in on Sunday, so my daughter decided to 6 her smile cards to all the store’s other 7 .

So, after asking my 8 , she went on to give her smile cards to 9 store’s employees. As she gave a card to a young man, he asked her where she found it (unsure what it was). And he smiled at her and thanked her. She came 10 an older gentleman who was busy shopping and looking 11 rude and impaient... and after she put a card into his cart on top of his groceries, she 12 to me that he looked at her 13 as if she was dumping in his cart at that time. I 14 her and told her that when he saw what it was, he might smile and feel happier.

My daughter had just run out of cards 15 she met a woman with two babies in her cart. The babies were fussing (激动) and the woman was looking 16 . But my daughter smiled at her and the woman smiled back. My daughter came to me and said, “Mom, I just 17 something. You don’t need 18 to make someone smile; all you need to do is to make eye 19 and smile into their eyes and they will smile back.”

What a beautiful lesson my daughter 20 me of. It is so easy for us every day to make eye contact with people we pass on our travels and smile.

1. A. shopping B. cooking C. cleaning D. sleeping

2. A. packed B. sent C. equipped D. arranged

3. A. waiting B. trying C. hoping D. preparing

4. A. nervous B. curious C. good D. sorry

5. A. Meanwhile B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise

6. A. give away B. give out C. throw away D. carry out

7. A. managers B. employees C. women D. gentlemen

8. A. idea B. opinion C. permission D. attempt

9. A. handsome B. unhappy C. various D. poor

10. A. around B. along C. across D. at

11. A. rather B. such C. much D. most

12. A. apologized B. explained C. complained D. lied

13. A. sadly B. angrily C. suspiciously D. excitedly

14. A. warned B. praised C. encouraged D. comforted

15. A. when B. while C. then D. after

16. A. satisfied B. tired C. disappointed D. confused

17. A. recognized B. realized C. remembered D. missed

18. A. reasons B. excuses C. jokes D. cards

19. A. sight B. exercise C. contact D. sign

20. A. taught B. demanded C. reminded D. informed