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Two years ago, Taylor Swift's third album, Speak Now, was about to be released and the then 20-year-old country music star had every reason to be confident. Her eponymous1) first album, which debuted in 2006 when she was only 16, had gone multi-platinum2) and established her as a musical force whose songs about love and heartbreak resonated3) with peers and adults alike. Her follow-up, Fearless, released two years later, sold millions of copies and earned four Grammy awards. By the time Speak Now was ready to greet the world, Forbes magazine had listed her as the 12th most powerful celebrity, with annual earnings calculated at $45 million. But on the eve her fans first heard Speak Now, Swift told us she was filled with fear. In the end, she could rest easy. The album sold more than 1 million copies in its first week and went on to win two Grammys and a spot on Rolling Stone's "Women Who Rock: 50 Greatest Albums of All Time" by female recording artists.

So as she prepared for the release of her fourth album, Red, was she anxious again or confident? The first single off the album, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", has already hit No. 1 on Billboard's charts. And just like the last time, there doesn't seem to be too much to worry about. "I'm really proud of the record," Swift says slowly, "but I'm always nervous about everything. There's a great deal of terror that fills my mind before I do anything, really. There's a huge amount of pressure and responsibility because millions of people are going to potentially spend their hard-earned money on the album, and there's a great responsibility for the critics who will write about it, and responsibility for the girl who is going through a breakup and needs a song about what she's feeling, and responsibility for the girl who doesn't feel good about herself and needs a song for that, too, and I worry about saying or doing the wrong thing." Swift pauses for a breath and laughs. "Do you see the rabbit holes4) I go down?"


两年前(编注:本文写于2012年11月) ,泰勒・斯威夫特的第三张专辑《爱的告白》即将时,这位时年20岁的乡村音乐歌手完全有足够的理由满怀信心。2006年,年仅16岁的斯威夫特推出首张同名专辑,创下了多白金销量,一举奠定了她实力派音乐人的地位,其关于恋爱和失恋的歌曲引起了同龄青少年和成年人的情感共鸣。两年后,斯威夫特又推出第二张专辑《放手去爱》,该专辑售出数百万张,并夺得四项格莱美奖。到专辑《爱的告白》即将问世时,斯威夫特已登上《福布斯》杂志评选的最具影响力名人榜,名列第12位,年收入已达4500万美元。但就在《爱的告白》首发前夕,斯威夫特告诉我们,她心里害怕极了。不过到了最后,她又能放心了。该专辑首周销量即破百万,继而又赢得两项格莱美奖,还入选了《滚石》杂志评出的女演唱家系列之“摇滚女星:史上最棒的50张专辑”。








Not long ago, Swift was an adolescent singing her own sad songs in her bedroom. Raised in rural Pennsylvania along with a younger brother by a stockbroker5) father and stay-at-home mother, Swift says she suffered deeply as an outcast at school. She began writing songs at age 12 as a way of making sense of the experience. By 14 she was invested enough in the process that she convinced her family to move to Nashville6), Tenn., where she could immerse7) herself in the songwriting community. Within months of arriving, she was signed as the youngest staff songwriter ever at Sony/ATV Music Publishing8).

Throughout Swift's rise to fame, her mother has been her strongest ally. "I think who you are is really about how you are wired9) and how you respond to situations, and I was really shaped by who I was in school," Swift says. "I was never the person who was sought after or invited to things. My mother's been used to picking up my confidence since I was in middle school and dealing with mean girls. She was never about chasing the in-crowd10) or being cool. She was with us making grape jam in the kitchen and creating imaginary games with us. She was focused on our being happy."

Family and home are still Swift's greatest sources of pleasure. She owns an apartment in Nashville, lovingly decorated with antiques picked up on shopping trips with her mom. And thanks to her mother's influence, Swift is very comfortable in the kitchen, where she is notorious for churning out11) baked goods that she parcels12) out to friends. She's also handy at making herself healthy meals like grilled chicken, brown rice, and green beans. The singer says sticking to a nutritious diet when she's touring is hard, "but I try to eat a lot in the beginning of the day and not so much at the end".