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The Influence of Poetics on the Two ChineseVersions of Sons and Lovers

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Abstract:Under the framework of Rewriting Theory,the author has done a comparative study of the translation differences caused by different poetics between the two Chinese versions of sons and lovers in 1983 and 2012.By givingexamples from the two versions and analyzing the poetics in the 1980s and 2010s,this paper shows poetics constraints influence the translation process

Key words:Sons and Lovers;Chinese translations;Rewriting Theory;poetics

“Poetics is clearly a major instrument for establishing ideas,beliefs,and the content of thinking characteristics of a given society”.(Zhao Wenjing,2006:69) Usually when translators translate the original,they try to portray it in the style of their own culture,in so doing,the translation could be satisfied and welcomed by the new readers.(Lefevere,2004a:26) Poetics plays an important role in deciding the fate of an translation.Translators often try their best to make their translations conform to the dominant poetics.Some examples of translation differences resulting from different poetics in the two Chinese versions of Sons and Lovers in 1983 and 2012 are shown in the following

Example 1

She was horrified,yet rather fascinated.(D.H.Lawrence,2005:58)

Version 1


Version 2


Using this four-character phrase “毛骨悚然” to translate “horrified”,Chen Hongyu prefers the translation strategy of domestication in order to cater to the need of the readers in the 2010s

Example 2

“You’re like an ill-sitting hen.” (D.H.Lawrence,2005:78)

Version 1


Version 2


The meaning of “an ill-sitting hen” carries the similar connotation to “热锅上的蚂蚁”.The translator of version two adopts the strategy of domestication to translate this sentence while the translators of version one translate it literally to keep the foreign flavor

During the ten years’ Great Culture Revolution,China was secluding itself from the outside world.Since the holding of 3rd Session of the 11th Central Committee of CPC in 1978,China began to open up to the outside world.People in the 1980s were eager to know the outside world and taste the exotic flavor of foreign culture.In Chen Liangting and Liu Wenlan’s translation,they have kept the original content and language style as much as possible,and in so doing readers not only could understand the meaning of the original text,but also could experience English culture in translation.In the 21st century,with the rapid development of market economy,culture cause has achieved great progress and changed greatly.Chinese consumer-oriented culture basically formed,popular culture has become the main culture demand of people.In the 2010s,with the further liberalization of literary productivity,the readers’ needs and responses are paid more attention to.Chen Hongyu couple adopts the translation strategy of domestication,which could make the readers feel familiar with and easy to read the text.

“…Translators often try to recast the original in terms of the poetics of their own culture,simply to make it pleasing to the new audience and,in doing so,to ensure that the translation will actually be read.”(Lefevere,2004a:26) Poetics manipulates the translation process.Translators in different times may be influenced by different dominant poetics.The translation strategies they adopt probably are influenced by different poetics.


[1]D.H.Lawrence,Sons and Lovers [M].Xi’an:World Publishing Corporation,2005

[2]Lefevere,Translation,History and Culture:A sourcebook [M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004a

