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Starting out

I started doing graffiti[涂鸦] at a really young age; I think I was about 12 or 13. I really liked the idea of drawing on walls it’s a great form of expression, so I started doing small bits of graffiti on the walls around my neighbourhood with a small black spray can[喷雾器]. At first I enjoyed drawing little characters and portraits of myself that conveyed[传达] different emotions. I tried to reflect the emotions people feel during war or through suffering, and I liked to use colour to emphasize[强调] this.

As I got older, I started meeting more graffiti artists who taught me lots of different techniques. We didn’t just doodle[乱画] or tag[加标签于] every wall and park bench we came across. We treated them all like a blank canvas and tried to create something that would make people stop and look at it like it was any other piece of art.

Getting Graffiti Inspiration

I get inspiration for my graffiti from everyday life, people, music and artists. If I see something that I like, something that I hate, or something that interests me, I’ll

graffiti about it. I love the work of Picasso, Ron English注1 and Simon Bisley注2. These artists got me interested in painting and drawing because of their unique styles, so I try to emulate[努力赶上] what they did in a more modern style on the streets for everyone to see. I don’t think art should be confined[限制] to galleries and exhibitions. Art should be everywhere you look and that is what I’m trying to promote. The graffiti artist Mode 2 is, to me, the originator[创作者] of great style and characters.

I love graffiti because it’s open to everybody, not just the elite[精英] scene you don’t have to be rich or educated. Anybody can admire a detailed colourful piece of graffiti. Graffiti is all about expression and it’s free for all to see. I started my website because I wanted to make my work accessible[能接近的] to more people. Not everyone will be able to find my work on the streets, so I wanted a portal[入口,大门] that people could use to see what I’m about and what I’m doing. It was pretty easy to set up and has gone down really well.

Bringing Artists Together

A lot of positive[积极的] things come out of graffiti. I’ve been involved in many projects locally that promote awareness of graffiti in the community. These projects have brought lots of different people and cultures together to create incredible[难以置信的] art. I think a lot more people should be educated about the art form. If people understood what we’re about and what we’re trying to do perhaps they’d appreciate it more. Defining art all depends on the individual. Some people may get involved in the illegal[违法的] stuff and some may not, but that doesn’t mean that you should demonise[使成为魔鬼] the whole art form.

Advice to Aspiring[有抱负的] Artists

Like most forms of art, it’s always important to study the origins of what you do. You can learn a lot from the early pioneers of graffiti as well as the older graffiti artists who are on the streets. If you see a piece of graffiti you like then find out who made it, track them down and speak to them. A lot of older artists take on trainees and teach younger artists their style. This is probably the best way to get into it and improve your skills.

Graffiti and the Law

I’ve had a few run-ins[(尤指与警方、官方机构的)争执] with the law but nothing too serious. This is the problem with the laws around graffiti; it’s so difficult to actually get your art across when there are so many barriers stopping people. There’s so much talent out there and I feel like it’s being held back by the powers that be[掌权者].

In five years’ time I would hope that graffiti is more accessible to young people. It’s quite hard to get involved in it at the moment without breaking the law. I’d like to see workshops being held in community centres and more open walls where artists can create their own worlds. Artists like Banksy are definitely making the art form extremely popular, and I think this will help to get younger people involved.





我的涂鸦灵感来自日常生活、周围的人、音乐以及艺术家。当我看到自己喜欢、憎恶或感兴趣的事物,我就会把它涂鸦下来。我喜欢毕加索、罗恩・英格利希和西蒙・比斯利的作品。这些艺术家风格各异,激发起我对绘画的兴趣,所以我也想以一种更现代的风格赶超他们,在街头向每个人展现。我认为艺术不应该被局限于画廊或展览上,而应该是目之所及,无处不在。这也是我正在努力推广的一点。在我看来,涂鸦艺术家Mode 2就是这样一位创造出绝妙风格和人物的画家。









