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Mean Girls

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Rachel Crow,一个14岁的非裔美国女孩,凭借在2011年美国音乐选秀节目X—factor中的不俗表现而备受关注。单曲“mean girls”选自Rachel Crow的首张同名专辑。这首歌曲调热烈,节奏顿挫,让人乍一听,很难相信这是一个14岁女孩的音乐作品。然而,整首歌曲却又分明唱出了这个处于青春期的非裔女孩的悲观与乐观、自卑与自信。

“Mean Girls”是Rachel校园生活的部分写照:孤零零一个人端着餐盘走向餐桌,经常被人起各种调侃的绰号,总是处于异样眼光的包围之中……这个非裔女孩的遭遇可能也是很多女孩校园记忆的缩影:她们因为各种各样莫名其妙的原因被“坏女孩”蛮横地贴上“异类”的标签,不幸沦为同龄人眼中的“边缘人”。这个年纪的她们本应该享受无忧无虑的快乐时光,然而却总是要独自忍受“坏女孩”的嘲笑、歧视和排斥,内心无疑会时常被伤痛、自卑和孤独所充斥。

然而,人生不能总是如此压抑,这样强烈的负面情绪必须找到一个发泄的地方。于是,Rachel借用歌声唱出了自己的不满,更唱出了自己的“独立宣言”!随着一句“I won't let it get to me no more”,这个备受冷落欺凌的女孩决心不再蜷缩在自己灰暗的角落里瑟瑟悲戚,而要勇敢面对,奋起反抗。也就在这一刹那,觉醒的自信驱散了所有阴霾,带来了灿烂阳光。我的世界我来主宰!

Do you ever go to lunch with no one by your side

'Cause the moment you arrive they all leave the table

Calling me everything but my name

Need I remind you again just call me Rachel

How would you feel if you running home crying

Lock yourself in your room, don't wanna anyone to see ya

While everyone's having fun outside, and you're telling yourself

*I won't let it get to me no more

I don't wanna feel this way

I can't believe I let it go so far

No no, it's not okay

What do you know about me?

Do you wanna know what I think?

#Mean girls, mean girls

I'm a just comb you outta my curls

Mean girls, mean girls

You no longer run my world#*

(Refrain )

How would you feel every time you go to school

Someone's looking at you weird calling you a loser

All these girls wearing bubble—gum pink

Guess I didn't get the memo

'Cause they're laughing at my blue shirt

Well I hope you feeling good about you treating someone you know like a perfect stranger

'Cause it's easier than standing by my side

(Refrain *)

Who do you think you are

Loud mouth, cafeteria star

Maybe somebody was cruel to you

So you think that's what you're supposed to do

One day, it might be you

When you need a friend, but you no longer cool

When everyone leaves when you walk in the room

I just hope they forgive you

(Refrain *)

(Refrain #)




大家可以试着翻译这首“Mean Girls”,并在11月10日(以邮戳为准)前用稿纸誊写工整,寄往北京市海淀区海淀东三街2号新东方南楼19层《新东方英语·中学生》“英乐天堂歌词秀”收,邮编100080;或者登录http://.cn/dy.asp在线提交译文。为给大家更充裕的参与时间,我们将提前在微博(http:///teens)上公布歌曲及歌词,敬请关注。我们会请专家点评译文,并挑选出最佳译者和优秀译者各一名,获奖名单及专家的参考译文将隔期刊登在“英乐天堂”中。最佳译者将获得《挑战翻译》图书一本,优秀译者将获得“名画系列”精美笔记本一本。快来一试身手吧!