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阅读下面的对话,根据上下文将空缺的内容补充完整。每题2 分,每空限填1个单词。(2012年永州卷)

A:Hello! Is that Mr.Tang speaking?

B:Yes, speaking.

A: 71 is Wang Hua’s father. I’m sorry to tell you that Wang Hua can’t go to school today.

B:What’s 72 with him?

A:He fell off his bike 73 his way home after school yesterday.

B:I’m sorry to 74 that. Is it serious?

A:He got his leg broken. He has to stay in hospital for a few days. May I ask for a week’s leave for him?

B:OK, a week’s leave it doesn’t matter.I hope he’ll be better soon.

A: 75 . Goodbye!



72.询问病情的问句,可用What’s wrong with you?填wrong。

73.考查固定词组搭配on one’s way home,填on。

74.根据英语表达习惯,当听到别人受伤的消息后,应该说I’m sorry to hear that. 答案为sorry。






A: Good morning, sir! 66 ?

B: Yes, please. I’d like a pair of shoes.

A: What color do you want?

B: 67 .

A: Please try this one.

B: Oh, sorry, Can you give me a smaller one?

A: 68 .

B: This one is just right for me. How much is it?

A: 69 .

B: I will take it.

A: I will pack it for you.

B: 70 .

A: You are welcome.(2012年郴州卷)

解析:66.该题属于典型的日常交际类情景对话,主题为商场购物。营业员见到顾客时,要主动询问对方需要什么,答案为Can I help you?/What can I do for you?

67.针对问句,只要回答表示颜色的单词都可以,如Red/Blue/ Yellow等,注意要大写。



70.根据上句I’ll pack it for you.可以判断,此空是顾客表示感谢,答案为Thank you./Thanks.

2. 具体语境类。没有固定的语言表达模式,要求学生在通读对话的基础上,通过理解、分析、判断、推理等,根据上下文确定所要填写的词或句子。读懂对话是顺利解答这类题目的关键。



Zhang Min-the monitor Lin Feng-a student

Z: Hi, Lin Feng, I want to have a class party before we leave the Junior Middle School.

L: That’s cool.

Z: 76 ?

L:Yes,I will.Linda can also come and help. 77 ?

Z: Hmm..., Let’s have it on June 25. We’ll have a five-day holiday and come back to school on that day for our report cards.

L: 78 !What can we do at the party?

Z: 79 .

L: Play party games and have a basketball match? That sounds exciting!

Z: Linda and I can do things for the basketball match. So would you help me with the party games?

L: Sure, 80 . I can’t wait.

解析:76. 这是一位毕业班班长和一个学生之间关于毕业典礼的对话。从下句Yes, I will. Linda can also come and help.判断,此空为班长询问学生能否来帮忙,答案为Will you come?/Will you come and help me?/Will you help me(organize it)?

77. 根据答句Let’s have it on June 25.判断,该空为询问毕业典礼时间,应填When shall/will we have the party?

78. 根据We’ll have a five-day holiday and come back to school on that day for our report cards.判断,学生L认为这一天非常合适。答案可以填Good idea./Ok./All right./That’s good./Great./Wonderful.

79. 该空是上句What can we do at the party?的答语,根据下句的提示Play party games and have a basketball match?答案应填We can play party games and (then) have a basketball match.

80. 该空是would you help me with the party games?的答语,可以填I’d like/love to./That’s no problem./I can do that./I’ll do that./I’m glad to do that.

3. 综合类。将日常交际用语和具体语境综合在一起进行考查。有的题目有固定的问答模式,有的没有,需要根据对话所提供的具体语境来确定答案。



A: Hello, Nice to meet you!

B: 71 ! How long have you been in Zhuzhou?

A: For half a year.

B: 72 ?

A: It is a beautiful city.

B: Why did you come to study here?

A: Because my father got a job here.

B: Oh, 73 ?

A: He is a policeman.

B: Cool, I want to be a policeman, too. 74 ?

A: I want to be a singer.

B: 75 ?

A: Because I like singing very much.

解析:71.设题简单,填Nice to meet you, too!

72. 根据答语It is a beautiful city.可判断,该空应该是问对方对城市的看法如何,可以填What do you think of Zhuzhou?/How do you like Zhuzhou?

73. 针对职业提问,应填What does your father do?/What is your father?

74. 根据上句I want to be a policeman, too.和它的答句 I want to be a singer.判断,应填How about you?/And you?/What do you want to be?

75. 根据末句Because I like singing very much.可知,应该填以Why开头的问句。答案为Why do you want to be a singer?/Why?




1. 认真审题,弄清题目要求。特别注意填词还是填句,填词是每空一词还是每空两词等。

2. 通读对话,了解大意,在此基础上根据上下文之间的逻辑关系,在空格处填入相应的词或句。

3. 再读对话,检查补全后的对话是否语句通顺、意思连贯、语法正确。

做题时准确把握语言环境,把自己置身于语境中来理解双方对话的意图。对话的表达还要符合英美人的习惯,不能出现像 No good.或 I’m Chinese people.等这样的句子。注意空白处的标点,是问号就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。最后,检查单词的正确拼写以及大小写的正确运用,做到书写规范、工整。


1. 打电话


Hello! May I speak to Tom?

Hello! I’d like to speak to Mr. Green.

Is that Mary speaking? Can I leave a message?

I’ll call back later/again. I’ll ring him/her up again.

B: 接电话人常用语

Hello, this is Mary speaking.

Hello, who’s that (speaking)?

Hold on, please! Wait/Just a moment, please.

Sorry, he/she isn’t here right now.

Can I take a message?

Sorry, I can’t hear you. The line is busy.

Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

2. 购物


Can/May I help you? What can I do for you?

How many/much would you like?

What color/size/kind would you like?

What about this one? Here’s your change.


I want/I’d like a pair of shoes.

How much is it/are they?

May I try it on? It’s too big/small.

Would you show me another one?

Sorry, it’s too expensive.

Do you have any other colors/sizes/kinds?

Two and a half kilos/pounds, please.

That’s fine. I’ll take it. Just have a look.

Well,I’ll think about it.

3. 问路


Excuse me. Where’s the post office?

Can you tell me how to get to the post office?

Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park?

Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?

Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the station, please?

How can I get to No. 1 Middle School?


It’s over there. It’s about 500 meters from here.

Go down this street until you see the tall red building.

Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.

You can’t miss it. You can take No.6 bus.

You’d better take a taxi.

Sorry, I don’t know. I’m knew here./ I’m a stranger here.

4. 看病


What’s wrong with you?

What’s the matter with you?

Do you have a fever?

How long have you been like this?

It’s nothing serious.

Take this medicine three times a day.

You’ll be all right/well soon.

Give up smoking and keeping on taking more exercises.

Drink more water.

Let me take up your temperature.


I have a cough/ fever/ headache.

I feel terrible/awful.

I don’t feel well. I’ve got a pain here.

It hurts here. I don’t feel like eating.

I can’t sleep well.

5. 谈论天气


What’s the weather like today?

How’s the weather in Beijing?

What a hot day today!

It’s a nice/ fine/beautiful/terrible day today, isn’t it?


It’s sunny/fine/hot/cold/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy.

It’s getting cool/cold/warm/hot.

6. 约会


Will you be free tomorrow?

Do you have time this afternoon?

How about tomorrow morning?

When/ Where shall we meet?

Could we meet at 4:30?


Yes,I’ll be free then. All right. See you then.

I’m afraid I have no time then.

Sorry, I won’t be free then.

But I’ll be free tomorrow.

7. 职业


A: What do you do? What’s your job?

What are you going to be?

B: I’m a teacher/doctor/worker/farmer/manager.

I’m going to be a computer engineer/ scientist/ singer.


A: Where do you work?

B: I’m teaching English in a high school.






1. 读懂全文。首先,从整体上把握全篇文章的内容,理解画线部分与文章其他部分之间的语法与逻辑关系。特别要弄清楚代词it, they, them, this, that, these, those和other等所指代的词或词组,切忌不阅读全文就直接翻译画线部分的做法。如:

Experts think it was because US banks lent money too easily.(2012年西宁卷)


解析:该句上文为The crisis began several years ago. 因此,it指代的是crisis“金融危机”。

2. 分析画线部分的句子结构。一般来说,画线部分的句子比较复杂,如果不弄清其语法结构,就很难正确、完整地理解原文。在分析画线部分的句子结构时,首先要找出句子的各个成分,主语、谓语、宾语是句子的骨干,同时要注意定语、状语等成分的翻译。如:

1)Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others.(2012年常德卷)


2)We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers.(2012年恩施卷)



3. 注意英汉两种语言的表达差异。英语中的否定转移等语法现象与汉语的表达方式不同。因此,在英译汉时,应多推敲,不可粗心大意,想当然地随意进行翻译。如:

Some little kids don’t think they get enough gifts.(2012年衡阳卷)


解析:当陈述部分是I don’t think,I don’t believe等结构时,翻译汉语时要注意否定转移。

4. 采用转换法。按照汉语的习惯改变句子成分,即词类或词性转换、句子成分转换等。如:

Family rules are made to help your kids behave better.(2012年潍坊卷)



5. 确定词类,辨明词义。英词中一个单词有的可用作多种词类,或含有多种词义,翻译时要考虑其词类,弄懂词义,才能用汉语准确表达出来。如:

I don’t want to go to my parents for suggestions, for they will get worried about me. (2011年黄冈卷)



6. 增词或减词。英译汉时,在文字上往往不能对比地、不加选择地照搬,增词或减词的现象经常发生。如:

1)Miss Green gave her students special homework.(2012年株洲卷)



2)Instead, making a meal is enough.(2012年衡阳卷)




1. 判断句子结构,寻找合适句型。句型好比是句子的骨架,选用合适的句型是做好汉译英至关重要的一步。英语中句子通常分为简单句、并列句和复合句,其中有一些较为固定的常用句型更是中考经常考查的内容,熟悉并学会运用这些句型将有助于大家很快建立句子结构,完成翻译。如:


译文:There are(some)other ways of learning.

解析:该句使用there be句型,动词be用一般现在时。


译文:Firstly, health is the most important of all.

解析:该句使用形容词最高级句型,important为形容词多音节词,即“the most+原级形容词+of all”结构。



译文:Students can learn from each other.

解析:该题考查了两个词组:learn from“向……学习”,each other“互相”。

3. 注意英语习惯,勿受汉语影响。英汉两种语言在用词选句等方面有许多不同之处,这一点同学们要引起足够的重视,千万不要用汉语的习惯硬套英语句型。如:


译文:Because you are too young to understand true love.

解析:句型too...to...意为“太……以致不能……”,动词不定式用肯定式表示否定含义。不能受汉语影响,在to understand true love前加not。

4. 学会一题多译,拓宽解题思路。同一个句子可以有多种译法,我们可以利用同义词或同义句式,探索尽可能多的表达方式。如:


译文:Nature is full of colors.(Nature is colorful./Nature is rich in color.)

解析:翻译“色彩丰富”可以用短语be full of “充满”或be rich in“在……方面很丰富”,也可以使用形容词colorful“色彩丰富的”作表语。

5. 认真检查核对,确保译文无误。翻译完成后,检查很重要。要重点检查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致,因为这是翻译得分的主要内容;检查是否正确使用了to do或doing结构、名词的单复数、单词的拼写和大小写、标点符号等。


1. 结构混乱


误:My grandfather is used to get up early.

正:My grandfather is used to getting up early.

解析:“习惯做某事”应该是be used to doing something,而be used to do something意思是“过去常常做某事”。

2. 句不成句


误:The color and the sea plants color same.

正:The color is the same as the color of the sea plants.


3. 望文生义


误:Lucky is, have a man saved us.

正:Luckily (Fortunately), a man (someone/somebody) saved us.


4. 词序颠倒


误:I have interesting something to tell you.

正:I have something interesting to tell you.

解析:形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,应该放在这些词的后面。

5. 误用词语


误:Most students agreed his suggestion.

正:Most students agreed with him.

解析:“同意某人的意见”,应该用短语agree with somebody。

6. 遗漏谓语


误:Because his family very poor.

正:Because his family was very poor.



1. 到吃晚饭的时候了。

It’s time for supper. / It’s time to have supper.

2. 对我来说,篮球与足球一样(没)有趣。

For me, basketball is (not) as interesting as football.

3. 天气变得越来越暖和。

The weather is getting warmer and warmer.

4. 我认为他不是好学生。

I don’t think he is a good student.

5. 他花了几个月才把这项工作做完。

He spent a few months (in) finishing work.

It took him a few months to finish the work.

6. 直到他离开我们才出发。

We didn’t start until he left.

7. 对我们来说学好英语很重要。

It’s important for us to learn English well.

8. 他很激动,整个晚上都睡不着。

He was too excited to sleep the whole night.

He was so excited that he couldn’t sleep the whole night.

9. 这台机器出了毛病。

There is something wrong with the machine.

10. 晚饭后去散步怎么样?

How(What) about going out for a walk after supper?

11. 他是学生,我也(不)是。

He is a student. So (Neither) am I.

12. 锻炼得越多,身体越强壮。

The more exercise you take, the stronger you are.



This is Red Star Town. My grandfather has lived here all his life. He met my grandmother here and they got married. Red Star Town was called Taping Village before. 1.修建红星镇地铁站的时候,the government started to pull down the wooden houses in this area. Since June 2000,Taping Village has become a history.

My grandfather missed many things about Taping Village. 2. He used to be a doctor and everyone in the village knew him well. Now he is old and he can only sell medicine to people in the hospital. In the past, there were many stone and wooden houses around here. Also,there were big trees in the village. 3.现在到处是高楼。The streets are wide and clean. There are all kinds of shops and 4. you can buy anything you want easily.

My grandfather is glad that 5. life has improved so much,but he really misses everything in the past and feels lonely. Many of his friends moved away because the government let them live in new flats in new towns. Although the village has disappeared, it is still beautiful in his heart.


1.When the Red Star Town underground station was built


3.Now tall buildings are here and there.(There are tall buildings everywhere now.)

