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The Trojan war lasted for ten years, but Troy still hald out1.It seemed impossible to the Greeks to subdue (征服) it by force, and they took Odysseus's advice to resort to2 strategy (计谋). Odysseus had a master carpenter build a huge hollow3 wooden horse. The Greeks pretended to withdraw (撤军), and they sailed away leaving outside Troy the wooden horse and a Greek spy called Sinon, who later persuaded4 the Trojans that the horse was a blessing to Troy from god. Laocoon, the priest(祭司) of Apollo, warned the Trojans the horse involved (与……有关) an evil(邪恶的) Grecian plot. Athena sent two giant serpents (蛇) to strangle5 him in their coils(卷,圈). This event was regarded as an indication (表示) of god's displeasure at Laocoon's comments6 on the horse. The Trojans no longer hesitated to drag the horse inside the city. That night, the Trojans held a great celebration to observe (庆祝) their victory over the Greeks. There were a lot of singing, dancing, eating, drinking and fanfare7. The carnival(狂欢作乐) lasted to late night until people were tired and sleepy. At midnight, the armed men hidden inside the horse, let out by Sinon, opened the city's gate to Greek army who had returned under the cover of night. They set fire to the city, massacred(屠杀) its men, and carried off its women. Troy was completely conquered8. The ten-year war ended with the fall of Troy.

"Trojan horse", or "the wooden horse" means a trap intended to undermine9 an enemy, or subversion(颠覆) from inside.




1.hold out坚持,抵抗

2.resort to采用,诉诸



5.stranglevt. 扼死,勒死


7.fanfaren. 夸耀,鼓吹

8.conquervt. 攻克,征服
